View Full Version : New rescued chicken (graphic pics)

01-08-2008, 12:26 AM
Well I was driving home from my nana's house and see this huge white chicken in the middle of the road. Of course I pulled over. This poor little thing (or should I say big thing) fell out of a chicken truck. She sustained some injuries too. Her beak is grazed, she lost an eye, and she lost a toe, her tail is also scraped. I'm guessing she got these injuries from rolling down the road. These chickens are bred to be eaten so she is huge and fat and can only waddle. She is very sweet though. I held her in my lap on a newspaper and got blood all over me (1 1/2 hour drive) but thats ok. I just couldn't leave her in the middle of the road.

These chickens are bred to grow very very fast. They are the size of the chickens you buy at the store when they are only 6-8 weeks old. This one is so thick and huge. I think she will make it she seems active and was walking around which most of these chickens can't do at her age. She will not live a long life though. Their hearts usually give out on them at a very early age.

01-08-2008, 05:52 AM
Awwww poor thing, God bless you for stopping to pick her up. Will she be staying with you now?

01-08-2008, 06:27 AM
Yes she will live her life out with me. If she gets strong enough to walk around she will live with my ducks. Until then her home is a large dog kennel. I gave her food and water this morning and she had a healthy appetite. It is so funny when I walk up she will cock her head to look at me with her one good eye.

01-08-2008, 07:12 AM
Yes she will live her life out with me. If she gets strong enough to walk around she will live with my ducks. Until then her home is a large dog kennel. I gave her food and water this morning and she had a healthy appetite. It is so funny when I walk up she will cock her head to look at me with her one good eye.

That is awesome that you will be keeping her.

01-08-2008, 08:12 AM
That's great that you are keeping her. She looks very sweet.

01-08-2008, 09:59 AM
Oh, my! How wonderful that you came upon the chicken, because you know what to do for her. Get well soon, white chicken.

01-08-2008, 10:12 AM
How sweet of you to rescue her. Do you think with some room to roam and being put on a diet she could lose some weight and therefore extend her lifespan?

01-08-2008, 12:02 PM
These chickens if fed a very restrictive diet given exercise and room to roam have been known to live up to 2 years. Still very short but they will die at the age of 10 weeks of a heart attack if fed too much.

01-08-2008, 05:27 PM
Oosh, seeing those pictures sent shivers down my spine. I guess I can relate to her, as road rash is very familiar to me. What a lucky girl! Both in the fact that her injuries could have been much worst and that you two crossed paths.
Thanks so much for stopping for this pretty girl and giving her a home to live out the rest of her life in, no matter how long she lives.
Has she received a name yet? :)

01-08-2008, 05:35 PM
she's cute..what have you named her? ;)

01-08-2008, 10:29 PM
How traumatic that must have been for her to fall from a truck but I'm so glad you stopped to save her and that she won't be slaughtered.
I once saved a duck that I used to drive by every day on my way to work. It was all alone (no other ducks) and had an injured wing. The house was a wreck and the yard was full of junk and old cars. I kept hoping that the people who owned him would get him some help but week after week nothing changed. This duck spent all it's time sitting next to one of the tires on a beat up old truck. I found out later when I finally approached them about the duck that they thought he (Fred) did that because he had become 'friends' with his reflection in the hubcap of the wheel because he was lonely. That broke my heart. I loaded up a small dog crate into my truck and drove up their driveway and told them that I had a friend who was 'looking' for a male duck to keep his female duck company and that he would pay 50.00 if they would be 'willing' to part with Fred. They didn't even blink an eye and helped me load him into the carrier. I didn't actually have a friend who was looking for a duck but I had lined up a person who was willing to take him that already had an assortment of ducks and geese that he had rescued. These ducks and geese have a good life with him and their own pond to swim in etc.. I checked in on Fred a few weeks later and he had his very own harem of female ducks and was one happy guy! They had also addressed the injury to his wing and he was on the mend. :)
Have you named your chicken yet? Maybe you could name her 'Road-a' because of where you found her.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-09-2008, 03:30 PM
Aw..... porr chicken.... :( .What a nice thing to do: saving her and keeping her !! :)

01-09-2008, 04:30 PM
Poor girl! I am so glad you found her though, now she actually has a chance. She sounds like a sweetie! Thanks for taking her in! :D

01-09-2008, 05:53 PM
That is a wonderful story! If I came across a chicken, I could rescue it, but I wouldn't have clue what to do next! So she is quite lucky to have you enter her life.

01-12-2008, 01:06 AM
How lucky she was to be found by you! Poor thing is just beat up horribly! Seeing her makes me think twice about supporting places like where she is from. :mad: Good luck to her and I hope she shocks us with a long and happy life.

critter crazy
01-12-2008, 10:10 AM
Wow Great Job Lindsey!!! Poor Girl!! I am sure she will live a great life with you.