View Full Version : Plant for Betta tank?

01-07-2008, 12:35 PM
I want to get Jerry a plant for his tank but I'm not sure which plant to get. I know some are toxic so thats why I'm weary just going out and choosing one because it's pretty of whatever.
But Bamboo seems to be fairly popular these days. Is that a good one to get for a Betta? I've been seeing it at Petsmart so I assume it's ok to use. But what are some other ones?
He's in a just under 2 gallon tank (It's a jar actually..) and I don't want something thats going to take up half his tank because I want him to have some swimming room.

Thanks! :)

01-07-2008, 04:10 PM
Oh man. I wish I could remember the name of them but my son bought these little "root bulbs" from Wal-Mart in the pet area that you just stick in your tank and they will grow. His is a real thin leafy plant, it grows up to the surface and spreads out. I think he started out with three and one of them did not grow but they were really cheap like a dollar or two, versus some of the plants already grown being closer to $5. If I remember the name or can can get a picture of them I will post it here.

01-07-2008, 04:34 PM
Here are a couple pictures of it I just took. It took less than a week for them to start growing and they grow pretty quickly. This is just one plant the other is on the other side of the tank. He is in a 2 gallon, just so you know.
Oh and Metallica came by to say Hi and he likes his plant very much ;)

01-07-2008, 05:28 PM
Some aquatic plants can be pretty hard to keep. Most people do java moss with their bettas. My favorite is anacharis, which is a very easy keeper and has round leaves that won't hurt the bettas fins. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=780

Water sprite is also very very easy and spreads like wildfire. The roots grow right in open water without the need for deep substrate. http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=822

I think the plant in the post above mine is a sword of sorts.

01-07-2008, 08:20 PM
Oh wow thanks! They all look like good plants. I will try to find those root bulb things tomorrow. I'll look into all of those you posted!

01-07-2008, 11:51 PM
The most hardy plant is a java fern. I have one in my 5 gallon with 2 dwarf puffers and it looks great and is doing really well. I got those bulbs from walmart and they never grew. :(

01-08-2008, 08:00 AM
Java fern is a great plant....very hardy. My betta boys love theirs

01-08-2008, 06:42 PM
you also have to be careful that where ever you get them that the tank are clean and if they have fish with them that they are not sick. ;)

I had java moss and java fern and they were both hardy, pretty plants. =)