View Full Version : Uploading pictures site

01-06-2008, 04:56 AM
Hey i dont have a site to upload my pictures on. Whats a good one?? :confused:

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-06-2008, 07:00 AM
I use "Photobucket"! It is free :)


01-06-2008, 08:29 AM
Yup, I use phobobucket as well.

Hint: set up sub folders. I include the date I am posting the pics on PT for tracking purposes. Otherwise, you will have a HUGE album (mess!) in no time!

So, if I were posting pics today, I would make a subalbum titled Jan6 2008 cats. (I have dogs and cats, so I leave myself some CLUE as to what the heck the pics are!) Then, make sure you are IN that album before up upload your photos. Using sub albums will make your life a LOT easier in the future!

Then when youw ant to put the pics on here, you click on the bottom link, it is IMG. You will see a yellow box pop up, which says COPIED. Move here to your post and paste int hat link. Ta daa!

Good luck!

01-06-2008, 08:52 PM
Freedom, I have a question. Do you have a free account with photobucket?
Because if I try to move a picture to a sub folder this is the warning I get:
WARNING: Moving files will cause your direct links, slideshows and remixes to break.
And that's true. I had posted some pics then moved them and you could no longer see them on PT any longer. So I had to move them back to the main folder.

01-06-2008, 08:55 PM
I like PhotoBucket an ImageShack (http://www.imageshack.us/). ImageShack is pretty cool. i like it more than PhotoBucket cuz theres no limit to how much you can upload.

01-06-2008, 08:56 PM
Freedom, I have a question. Do you have a free account with photobucket?
Because if I try to move a picture to a sub folder this is the warning I get:
WARNING: Moving files will cause your direct links, slideshows and remixes to break.
And that's true. I had posted some pics then moved them and you could no longer see them on PT any longer. So I had to move them back to the main folder.
It's because when you move them to a different folder it changes the URL to the image or video :P

Anyway, Google has 1GB free image hosting called Picasa. I just tried it out for the first time last night, it's pretty neat. You have to download a program to use it but the program is an image organizing program and you can upload pics straight from the program (which I love).

http://picasa.google.com/ -- get the program

http://picasaweb.google.com/home -- I *think* this is the gallery's home page

http://picasaweb.google.com/xoxo.jessika -- my gallery

EDIT: Actually I do not believe you *have* to have the program to use it, but it makes it a lot easier if you do.

01-06-2008, 09:02 PM
Ohhh, ok. So if I upload it to the sub folder then it would work. It's only moving it that makes the link no longer valid. Ok, I get it. Yeah, I wish I'd known that sooner. Because now I have a mess like Freedom mentioned. LOL But its okay. I'll just start making sub folders from now on.
Thank you Jessika! :)

01-07-2008, 02:02 AM
Ohhh, ok. So if I upload it to the sub folder then it would work. It's only moving it that makes the link no longer valid. Ok, I get it. Yeah, I wish I'd known that sooner. Because now I have a mess like Freedom mentioned. LOL But its okay. I'll just start making sub folders from now on.
Thank you Jessika! :)
Yeah no problem! :)

Just to clarify to those that may not understand what I said in the other post...

Let's say you upload your picture image.jpg to a main folder, so the url would be something like:


If you created a new folder, avatars, within the main folder and moved image.jpg to avatars, the new URL would now be:


I know that isn't the "technical" url structure but the concept is the same! :D

01-07-2008, 07:52 AM
Freedom, I have a question. Do you have a free account with photobucket?
Because if I try to move a picture to a sub folder this is the warning I get:
WARNING: Moving files will cause your direct links, slideshows and remixes to break.
And that's true. I had posted some pics then moved them and you could no longer see them on PT any longer. So I had to move them back to the main folder.

Yup, I have the free account. You can either upload the photos directly into the subalbum OR move them to the subalbum. But the have to be where you want them BEFORE you post the link in a thread. Setting up a subfolder and moving the photo will break the link. As will renaming the subfolder (I have a few typos, drive me nuts but I can't repair them now, Sigh.)

I set up a new subalbum labelled 2008. I don't PLAN to put any pics in it. I will have subalbums in THAT sub album for everything for this year. I keep wondering if there is a limit to the size of my photobucket?

I haven't deleted anything yet, and it all just keeps growing and being stored!

01-07-2008, 09:14 AM
Look in "account options" and you can see how much available space you have. I have 133 images and have only used 1% of my space. :)

01-25-2008, 10:29 PM
Thanks for the info guys! I'll probably set up an account tomorrow or something! :)

01-26-2008, 11:20 AM