View Full Version : What's your dog afraid of?

08-13-2002, 07:07 PM
Earlier today I started a thread in Cat General about what cats are afraid of. A lot of cats are afraid of vacuums and strangers. I'm just wondering if dogs have the same fears too or different ones. So please tell me, what are your dogs afraid of?

08-13-2002, 07:38 PM
My alpha dog, Eli, is afraid of baths, and water in general. He does not like being near while his water bowl is being filled. He is half collie/half lab so he should like water, or so I have been told.

08-13-2002, 07:44 PM
Winter is afraid of loud noises, which I guess is a common thing in border collies but if she hears a noise that freaks her out she hides which will make starting flyball with her very very interesting.

While Smudgers isn't really afriad of much actually he just gets a little nervous around large groups or strange people but no out right freak outs like his sister.

08-13-2002, 07:56 PM
Sox: Bathes
Tigger: lawnmowers
Jazzy: nothing
Shawna: thunderstorms
George: nothing
Serenity: nothing
Billy: thunderstorms
DeeDee: men
Vonney: nothing...he's fearless! lol
Dudley: a little nervous during storms
Sophie: men, sometimes, being yelled at by anyone
Daisy: nothing...she's so fearless, she eats leashes! lol
Jessie: nothing...she's the small but mighty one!
Max: nothing
Sammy: nothing...he's another fearless one.

None of them like the vaccuum. Tigger tries to eat it.

Aspen and Misty
08-13-2002, 07:59 PM
Teddy- Aticks, windows, windo airconditonars, the computer, thinderstoamrs, anythign above his head
Chewy- my god is that little pup not afried of anythind!
Sadie- Basement, feet, hands, clapping, dogs

08-13-2002, 08:08 PM
Anna & Rosie are both afraid of water and vaccums.. oh, and also, being yelled at. - Rachel

08-13-2002, 08:25 PM
I'm surprised some dogs are afraid of water, I thought that might be a cat thing.:) My cat is also afraid of thunderstorms, aren't a lot of dogs afraid of fireworks too? It's interesting to see that some dogs are fearless.

Vi Co Bi
08-13-2002, 08:25 PM

What about Ginger? She's afraid someone will get something or somewhere before her. (Yea, gal's got some dominance issues; we're working on them.)

What about Sassee? She's afraid of not being able to find a quiet corner to hide in (as a 45-50 lb Beagle barrel, ain't too likely).

08-13-2002, 10:26 PM
Killian -fearless

Shiloh -vacuum cleaner (she's getting better now) and a raised hand (don't know what her life was like before we rescued her, but she sure is terrified if you raise your hand)

08-14-2002, 12:28 AM
Smokey: doesn't care
Reggie: EVERYTHING. fireworks, thunder, balloons, clapping, vacuum cleaner, farts (lol..especially his own), and anything that looks/sounds strange. He did try to attack my mom's new steam cleaner earlier. Both Smokey and Reggie try to kill the paper shredder too.
Nebo: NOTHING. Loves water, attacks everything...really loud noises can possible startle him, but that's about it. He was attacking a water bottle earlier---scared the crap out of Reggie, but it didn't bother him at all!

C.C.'s Mom
08-14-2002, 01:05 AM
Cookie is most afraid of thunderstorms, and we've got many of them. She shakes, her heart beats very fast, her teeth chatter, she smells badly. And she wants to sit on my lap and breath into my face. If I walk around during that time, she'll get very nervous and tries to get me on the sofa with her.

08-14-2002, 06:18 AM
Draker is a fearless puppster :D :D He doesn't like the vacuum cleaner, but I am certain he isn't afraid of it. He's ok with it if I cam cleaning my car outside, but doesn't like it in the house. LOL

Goochina & Goochissimo
08-14-2002, 09:05 AM
What Odie ISN'T afraid of would be a shorter list. He's terrified of fireworks, thunderstorms, loud noises, and intruders. (If you come in the back yard when he thinks you aren't home, he runs yelping and hides -- some guard dog.) He's also scared of vacuums, raised hands (he was a rescue), other dogs (even tiny dogs if they bark at him), cats, strangers/children, and just about everything else that is loud, surprises hiim, confuses him, or isn't part of his daily routine. Can openers, chewey toys, and pillows are on his "safe list", but that is about it. :rolleyes:

Scout is fearless. That pup will buck up to a giant Rottie or pit bull like its nothing. Being deaf, no amount of thunder or booming fireworks or vacuuming phases him -- lol. The only thing that bothers him is when you he's laying in the bedroom at night and someone walks in. He can see/sense that someone is there, but can't always tell who it is and sometimes that freaks him out. But he doesn't cower or hide, he goes into attack mode. :)

08-14-2002, 10:30 AM
Patience, my GSD rescue - loud noises, thunderstorms, popping balloons, clapping, yelling, fireworks, people, 4-wheelers, loud vehicles, any motor vehicle that moves, strangers. I know there's some that I have missed. Pretty much like Odie, anything out of the ordinary is scary.

Dakota, my Husky, doesn't know what being afraid is. Nothing bothers him.

08-14-2002, 12:45 PM
Cody's afraid to go to the vet (nail cut). He gets startled by motorcycles or if someone walks by and he's busy sniffing with his nose to the ground engrossed in the smells of nature :D Imagine a 100 lb dog jumping 10 feet in the air!! :eek: :D It's embarassingly funny! He's used to all appliance sounds.OOO he IS scared of Denver the Pug from next door ever since as a puppy, he nipped Cody's heels!!!!! Now THAT'S a sight to see!! It's humiliating. My wimp. :rolleyes:

08-14-2002, 01:01 PM
Buddy #1. - Raising your voice @ anyone. (if I yell @ Abby outside Buddy will run and hide)
#2. -Fireworks & sometimes thunder
#3. - Jumping from anyplace other than the deck. (we have had to lift him out of the van)- he looks down and it scares him I guess.

Abby #1. - raising your hand up, otherwise I have not noticed anything else. (oh, she might be afraid we will run out of dog food as she eats like a horse)!:D

08-14-2002, 06:16 PM
Angus, he's not afraid of too much, about the only thing that bothers him is plastic bags (Mark's nephew put one on his head when he was a pup, and he's been leary of them ever since).

Roxey, well.....she's afraid of getting yelled at for digging (which she does alot of, I think she was trying to dig a tunnel under our pool yesterday:eek: ). The only other thing she's afraid of is not getting all the attention, she pretty much mauls Huney if she is getting babied and not her!

And Huney, she's afraid of quite alot of things. And thunder and fireworks are at the top of the list, the noise scares her to death, she can even hear something that sounds like fireworks (screamers) on TV and she gets spooked. And she still freaks out over getting brushed, expecially her tail. Oh and feet, not in general-but if you try to get close to her with your foot (she's a rescue and someone must have kicked her before). She is also leary of other people and dogs, but we're going to try taking her to obedience classes and maybe she'll get over that.

08-14-2002, 06:28 PM
Where should I begin with Sara??:rolleyes:
I would say the top three things she is scared of are thunderstorms, flashlights, and fire works.

Dixie Belle
08-14-2002, 09:01 PM
Blue is scared of his vet. Mama hates water. Belle is scared of bees. Prince is scared of my husband. And Missie is scared of Mama.

08-14-2002, 09:02 PM
Bull - Everything
Katie - Slightly less than Bull

The Wimps :D

08-15-2002, 07:20 AM
Tina is afraid of the vacuum cleaner, lightning/thunder and fireworks

08-15-2002, 10:35 AM
Beethoven-- thunderstorm, power blackouts, nail cutting, being yelled at.
Crunchy-- being yelled at...
Nestle-- injections, *Beethoven*

08-15-2002, 03:40 PM
We once tried out an invisable fence, Hannah was scared witless of that. We had to deactivate it.

Tucker is scared of sizable objects that weren't there before. It takes him a while to determine that these aren't going to gobble him up. He has another fear which we cannot figure out. He loves my husband and will sit on his lap and give him kisses, but he will not go outside if my husband is the one to open the door. He will not walk past my husband by the door unless I am with him. We didn't notice this initially because I was always the one who would let the dogs out, but after my husband retired, he started helping out. Well at least he tried. The only thing we can figure out is maybe at Tucker's original home he was kicked outside by the male in the family.

08-15-2002, 04:42 PM
Sadie is not afriad of anything except being yelled at. She is such an eager to please dog that you raise your voice and she immediatly backs off and rolls on her back or trys to get in your face and give kisses. ( even if it is Cincy in trouble :) )

Cincy is mostly afraid of loud noises. She was a little leary of noises as a tiny pup and had gotten over it until the 4th of July. She is getting better, but every now and then something loud will spook her and she runs with her tail tucked. She isn't afraid of being yelled at though, until she knows you are really serious :) ( after the 100th time, oh, you mean don't dig in the yard. I thought you menat in that paticular spot....HMmmmmm.)

08-15-2002, 08:12 PM
Ricky is afraid of thunder, loud noises, water, and not getting enough snacks. Lucy Tu is afraid of helicopters and vacuum cleaners.

08-15-2002, 08:21 PM
Until recently I would have said that Bella wasn't afraid of anything. A few days ago she was barking at the back fence and I came out to investigate. There was a black kitty on the other side of the fence and he was not being intimidated by her at all. At one point he hissed at her and she turned and started to run away--unfortunately straight into me (my knee) as I was walking up to her. OUCH! :) The funny thing is that she lives with two cats, although she has never heard a hiss out of either one of them.