View Full Version : Let the 'WALKIES' begin!!!

01-04-2008, 06:53 PM
Paddington's uncle Dan and his daughter (my niece) sent him a christmas present that just arrived today. A beautiful extra large harness and leash so I can get him out there for walks so he can start shedding those pounds!
Attached are some pics of Paddy sporting his new gear. It's raining like crazy today but as soon as it clears up, we're heading out!

01-04-2008, 06:59 PM
That's a nice looking harness.

Mind if I ask the brand name and where they purchased it?

Laura's Babies
01-04-2008, 07:11 PM
That is a fine looking harness! Looks so much more secure than most I have seen. Paddy looks so handsome in it too..

01-04-2008, 07:25 PM
It sure looks great on him.:) Hopefully he'll enjoy his walkies.:)

01-04-2008, 08:54 PM
I was really impressed by how secure the harness looks as well! So many of them are not cat proof but this one seems well designed and comfortable. It's called a Freedom Harness and the brand name is GOOBY and there is a website on the packaging the harness came in. It's:
Gooby Fashion (http://www.GOOBYfashion.com)
I checked out the site and I think this harness might actually be for a dog but it fits him perfectly as none of the other cat harnesses we've tried were big enough for him.
My brother bought it in Arizona. :)

01-05-2008, 08:28 AM
What a beautiful harness! Paddington doesn't look very happy, though. He'll get used to it eventually. If not, try a kitty stroller.

After trying a harness on MooShoo (I'd end up dragging him rather than him cooperating), I got him his own wheels. We're both happy.

Here is "The Moomobile"...


Moo wants a CD player installed, but I said no. :D

01-05-2008, 09:40 AM
He Looks An Awful Lot Like Juke Joint Joseph, But I Can Tell You That Jjj3 Would Never Sit So Calmly With A Harness Around Him, He Would Be Raising A Meeww Hoo Hooo That You Could Hear A Block Away.
Paddington Must Be A Patient Cat, And A Good Natured One To Put Up With That Around His Noble Form.

01-05-2008, 01:40 PM
Moosmom- that is an impressive set of wheels! But Paddy has to get walkin' instead of rollin' to lose some weight so hopefully he will not protest once we're out there. I'll let you know how it goes if this wild weather ever quits. We had gusts up to 90km per hour last night and our cats were really frightened. I was too at certain times! I kept getting up and going into their rooms to reassure them. Paddy was pacing around and 'meowling' quite a bit so he required extra hugs to calm him down.

Catmandu- Paddy is pretty mellow and let's us handle him anyway we need to except as we recently found out, he does not appreciate being gently pushed out of the bathroom! LOL Everytime we try to escort him out (my hubby doesn't like cats in the bathroom) Paddy lets out a very angry meow and gives us a look that absolutely says "I beg your pardon!!! Do not man handle me in this fashion, I will leave when I am good and ready!!! GEEZ!!!!" But he was very accepting of the harness even though in the pics he does look a bit cheezed off! LOL

01-05-2008, 01:50 PM
Hi Paddington! I must say that harness looks very good on you, it makes you even more handsome than you already are. At first it might feel kind of strange but I'm sure you'll enjoy your walkies with Meowmie and it will be an activity you'll come to look forward to. There's so much to see outside and with Meowmie at the harness you'll be perfectly safe all the time.