View Full Version : Some random sledding pics and video...

01-04-2008, 06:29 PM
Just some pics from our last few runs. The snow conditions suck, but the sled will slide. Just can't set a snow hook which has led to a few fun moments(insert sarcasm here).

Coming across the lake a few days ago. Not much snow, but it's been plenty cold. The ice is definately safe!

Mac and Ozzy, littermates and occasionally running mates.

First run of 2008.
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v38/Glacier1998/Sled%20dogs/2007/th_January08056.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v38/Glacier1998/Sled%20dogs/2007/?action=view&current=January08056.flv)
Video is of the same team coming across the lake on January 2. The lake is one of the few places where I can safely use the video function! Click on the picture to view video. It opens in a new window.
Running into the sunrise at 10:30 this morning. The rest of the run was brutal; Tehya will not be getting any more lead dog training until I can reliably set a snowhook. She knew durn well that I couldn't get off the sled to correct anything and she took full advantage! I did eventually find a tree and tied the sled off and moved Anvik up front. The sunrise was worth the lousy run---a bad day on the sled is still better than a great day anywhere else!

01-04-2008, 10:00 PM
Gorgeous photos. Sorry Tehya didn't lead quite well but hopefully in time she'll learn. :)

01-04-2008, 10:21 PM
Beautiful pictures. I absolutely love the trees covered in snow. The dogs look happy. :D

Cinder & Smoke
01-04-2008, 10:51 PM
Running into the sunrise at 10:30 this morning.

Tehya will not be getting any more lead dog training until I can reliably set a snowhook.
She knew durn well that I couldn't get off the sled to correct anything
and she took full advantage!

I did eventually find a tree and tied the sled off and moved Anvik up front.

Uhht-Oooooooh ... Naw-Tee Dawg award being passed out! :o

Maybe you should carry a Fly Fishing Pole - one of those super long and super flexible ones ...

Dog acts up ... The Hand of GOD reaches down and gives a *BONK* onna headbone!
You'd have to be careful to carry the pole with the tip DOWN low - be kinda "messy"
if the tip came up and fouled in a passing tree.

Or how about a PAINT-Ball Gun?
Do they make "blanks" for those things - just a ball with a clear liquid?
Bad Dawg - aim - fire - *SPLAT* on the noggin ...
"Ohhh - I guess she meant ME!"


01-05-2008, 02:52 PM
I've been missing these Glacier threads. Happy to see they're back!

01-05-2008, 08:26 PM
... Naw-Tee Dawg award[/i][/b] being passed out! :o...Or how about a PAINT-Ball Gun?
Do they make "blanks" for those things - just a ball with a clear liquid?
Bad Dawg - aim - fire - *SPLAT* on the noggin ...
"Ohhh - I guess she meant ME!"


i've used squirtgun training here, i know that's not practical there, but Phred might be onto something, maybe prepacked snowballs the size of pingpong balls out of one of those guns? my mom would give out dope slaps (never to me :rolleyes: :D ) it's a correcting slap on the back of the head, maybe for tehya?

01-05-2008, 08:40 PM
WOW, that last picture is fantastic! It's so pretty there. Loved the video. I felt like I was on the sled with you. Thanks for sharing. :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-05-2008, 08:57 PM
Mom would give out dope slaps -
it's a correcting slap on the back of the head ...


Izzat what those were!??
I grew up on Dope Slaps!

Other kids said I had a bald spot worn onna back of my head.
I thought for a while my name was "You Dummie!"

/s/ Phred

Ginger's Mom
01-06-2008, 06:36 AM
Great to see your pups again. And, of course, your beautiful views. Teyha may not be lead dog material, but I am sure she loves being included on the runs.

01-06-2008, 01:52 PM
Teyha may not be lead dog material, but I am sure she loves being included on the runs.

She has lead dog potential, great potential actually. She's so smart it's a little scary, but right now she has a serious case of puppy brain too! As she matures and is able to focus more, she'll turn into a great lead dog.

Phred, the public perception of mushing is bad enough already. Mushers used to carry whips and poles, but the practice has been banned in all races and I don't know anyone who still uses them in training. I already spend a great deal of time convincing people that sled dogs aren't forced to run, beaten, that they aren't vicious dogs who will attack them on the trails ect. Tehya will learn to focus eventually!

01-06-2008, 03:00 PM
I loved watching the video. Tehya is a mess, isn't she. Even Daisy seemed to have the drill down to a science. Tehya was out of step and marching to the beat of a different drummer, for sure. She is still quite young, yes? I could watch the video over and over....Thanks for sharing you wonderful photos and videos with us.

We have missed your posts! :D

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2008, 03:12 PM
The public perception of mushing is bad enough already. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif

Mushers used to carry whips and poles,
but the practice has been banned in all races and I don't know anyone who still uses them in training.

I already spend a great deal of time convincing people that sled dogs aren't forced to run, beaten, that they aren't vicious dogs who will attack them on the trails ect.
Tehya will learn to focus eventually!


Hard to believe "the public perception" is negative towards mushing -
but you're in a better position to know than I am.
WHIPS would seem overly extreme to me - I'm shocked to know they were used on dog teams. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif
The POLE seemed like a *phunn* idea to me - I didn't know people actually carried them and
USED them - seems like a LOTTA Bother to get Fido's attention!

I joke about my Mom's "Dope Slaps" that I grew up with - she wasn't a bit timid about
giving out a "Dope Slap" to the back of my head in a grocery store or other public place -
and I'm positive it was a generally accepted "practice" of loving mothers faced with
an unacceptable behavior from their offspring.
I'm in no way suggesting that YOU EVER abuse your FurKids in the name of "training"!

Sorry to have hit a tender nerve.

/s/ Phred

01-06-2008, 03:15 PM
Tehya was out of step and marching to the beat of a different drummer, for sure. She is still quite young, yes?

She's only 16 months old, still just a baby really. That swinging out thing she was doing in the video is part of why I think she's going to be a leader. She wants to see what's going on in front and tries to catch the dogs ahead of her.

01-06-2008, 03:22 PM
The POLE seemed like a *phunn* idea to me - I didn't know people actually carried them and
USED them - seems like a LOTTA Bother to get Fido's attention!

I'm in no way suggesting that YOU EVER abuse your FurKids in the name of "training"!

Sorry to have hit a tender nerve.
/s/ Phred

Public perception is generally very negative, but good mushers don't make the news. The news reports on the idiots, like Ramy Brooks, who snapped during the Iditarod last year and kicked his dogs. They didn't report nearly as much on Lance Mackey who won the I-rod with happy, healthy dogs or John Schandelmier, who runs many big races and finishes well with a team of shelter dogs. John's one of my heros, but he doesn't get much publicity.

Whips were never supposed to be used on the dogs. They were in theory used above their heads to get their attention or on one side to indicate direction. The snap sound was supposed to be part of the training, like an extreme clicker. Unfortunately, they were misused and a lot of dogs suffered.

No worries, I never thought for a second that you were suggesting anything like that!

01-06-2008, 03:27 PM
You have been so good at setting us straight when it comes to using sled dogs for what they love doing.....thanks so much. And Tehya is my favorite puppy here. My two fav doggies are BOB and Bella, but Ms. Tehya is my fav pupster.

Give all your puppies hugs for me. And you husband isn't bad on the eyes, either....hehehehehehe!

More pictures please! :eek: :cool: ;)

01-06-2008, 08:40 PM
Give all your puppies hugs for me. And you husband isn't bad on the eyes, either....hehehehehehe!

More pictures please! :eek: :cool: ;)

LOL, more pics of the dogs or my hubby? ;) :p

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2008, 10:01 PM
LOL, more pics of the dogs or my hubby? ;) :p


Make everyone Happie - pictures of BOTH! And throw in a few Kat Shotz, too.

Speaking of Stuart - WHERE IS the Lad?
How's he like working in the Oil Patch?

What's his schedule for 2008?

HI, Stuart!! - Happy New Year!!

01-06-2008, 10:29 PM
<Speaking of Stuart - WHERE IS the Lad?
How's he like working in the Oil Patch?

What's his schedule for 2008?

He's somewhere in Northern Manitoba. He's not in the patch, but he does like the work. He's on a diamond drill, not an oil drill. It's mining exploration, mostly precious metals. I think the company in this camp is looking for copper and gold. His schedule is six weeks out and two weeks at home. He'll be back mid-February.

Daisy and Delilah
01-06-2008, 10:45 PM
Ahhhhh.....it's wonderful to get away to the Yukon again. Thanks!! Those pictures and video are great. You can't keep Daisy away from an event at your place can you, Tamara? She just fits right in. :)

Cinder & Smoke
01-06-2008, 10:50 PM
He's somewhere in Northern Manitoba.
He's on a diamond drill, not an oil drill.
It's mining exploration, mostly precious metals.
I think the company in this camp is looking for copper and gold.
His schedule is six weeks out and two weeks at home. He'll be back mid-February.


So, he moved "south" for the winter?

But how'd he get over in Manitoba????
How's he get back & forth - that'd be a Loooong drive!

Sure hope he's being CAREFUL!! - Drilling for ANYthing is dangerous work!
Send him a {{{Hug}}}


01-07-2008, 01:11 AM

So, he moved "south" for the winter?

But how'd he get over in Manitoba????
How's he get back & forth - that'd be a Loooong drive!

For now, no idea where he'll be on the next job. They don't often go back to the same camp twice. They drove to Manitoba. Actually they are still driving, won't be at camp until Tuesday night Sometimes they get to fly, but there's no airport near this camp and they have to move the drill this time.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-07-2008, 04:23 AM
Your pics are always breathtaking, Tamara!! All of them would look perfect on a postcard!!

01-07-2008, 11:57 AM
Give all your puppies hugs for me.

Me too, Glacier, me too! (And your cats, too, please.)

01-07-2008, 12:22 PM
;) ;) All is just so Breathtaken & Stunning of Beauty.. The babies are just Adorable...

01-07-2008, 01:23 PM
tamara, phred i never would have used the description of my moms' dope slaps if i had a clue about the poor preception of some mushers. i didn't know that it's seen that way. i am sorry if i caused a problem

01-07-2008, 02:39 PM
Run puppies, run! At least you are able to use the sled a bit. Seems like by this time of year, your pups have been champing at the bit to go running for quite a while. We still don't have any snow, thanks for posting so we can at least enjoy yours! :) Star wooos she can relate to dealing with "puppyhead" problems, LOL!

01-08-2008, 12:33 PM
Seems like by this time of year, your pups have been champing at the bit to go running for quite a while. Star wooos she can relate to dealing with "puppyhead" problems, LOL!

We should have been on snow in mid-November with enough to set a snow hook.

PuppyHead ran in swing yesterday and did great! Except that 15km no longer makes her tired at all! She was mauling Anvik before I even got his harness off! Anvik woos his understanding sympathies to Star! :D

01-09-2008, 12:15 PM
Those are such cool pictures....and beautiful too.

I actually thought of you & your pups the other day. Fenway & I saw our first musher. I had to hold Fenway back because he would have chased them. When the dogs came by us, they all barked. Then they came by us again and they all barked again. It was just cool to see.

But on the way home, I noticed blood in the snow. I guess that's normal, right? These dogs didn't have any boots on.

01-09-2008, 01:20 PM
I have always wanted to be a musher ever since I was a small girl. Your threads always make me feel like I'm right there with you! :D

Practice makes perfect! Tehya will do better next time. :D

01-09-2008, 02:21 PM
But on the way home, I noticed blood in the snow. I guess that's normal, right? These dogs didn't have any boots on.

No, not normal. If the dogs' feet are that soft, they need booties. I never use booties except on Pingo in the fall. She runs on the side of her front paws and sometimes scrapes them up. Doesn't seem to happen once there is snow cover. Most of my dogs have great feet. Hound and GSP crosses tend to need booties much more often than dogs with more husky content.

Could be a trimmed too short or broken nail. That wouldn't hurt the dog but would bleed like crazy. I have a friend who had some fast talking to do in a race once when he crossed the finished line with a blood spattered lead dog. She had broken a nail during the race somehow. Never missed a step, never limped, but there was blood everywhere.

Pingo barks at people on the trail, especially if they have dogs with them. I think it's her way of saying "get out of my way". She's the only one who barks every time!

01-09-2008, 05:06 PM
right now she has a serious case of puppy brain too!
Poor Tehya, getting picked on for doing what she does best: being Tehya! Making us smile, keeping everyone on their toes, being a big puppy, biting Anvik. :D

Thank you for the video and photos. It is SO lovely there; from sitting here inside nice and warm. Sunrise at 10:30??! Not for me, but I enjoy the photos. I had to read ahead and then go see the video, I really didn't know what I was looking at / looking for. Once I understood, I could pick out the roamer, lol. You really do bring us an education with all this lovely scenery as the backdrop! Thank you.

01-10-2008, 05:19 PM
If the dogs' feet are that soft, they need booties.
Glacier, I've never thought about that before. I would have thought that the cold and snow would be harder on their feet than just the trail surface, but from your post I learned that it's the opposite. I wonder if it's like guitar players' fingers - when I stopped playing regularly I noticed that my fingers went soft really fast. When you stop sledding for the season, do the dogs' feet need to get back "in shape" in the fall, so to speak? Or - do they walk and run around enough over the summer that they're okay?

Woooo, precious Tehya and everyone, I've enjoyed looking at your mom's photos over and over!

01-10-2008, 07:25 PM
So gorgeous!!!

Cinder & Smoke
01-12-2008, 02:16 AM
The public perception of mushing is bad enough already. :(

Take Heart, Tamara - not everyone thinks bad thoughts about Mushing ...
This article should make you :) >>>

Dog-sledding, like climate, heating up ...
Racers, tourists follow snow north or join the sport's dry-land aficionados

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22620875/ (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22620875/)


/s/ Phred