View Full Version : Laura! Welcome Hoooomme!!!!!

01-04-2008, 06:02 PM
I was thinking earlier, "Isn't Laura supposed to be back soon?"

Looking forward to hearing about your Christmas on the river! Once all the cats unglue themselves from you, of course! :)

I hope Boo is still doing well!

01-04-2008, 06:05 PM
Welcome home Laura!!!:D I see that you've been posting again on PT. You've been missed around here.:)

Laura's Babies
01-04-2008, 07:08 PM
Thanks Catty for the welcome home. It is SO nice to be back home, especially this time!

Ewwwww! I don't know if you want to hear about THAT trip or not!!!This was the most eventful trip I have ever had out there in all my years out there. I'll try to keep it brief and not a book length story...

1st morning back... Engine room alarm goes off (not unusual at all)... EVERYBODY on the boat runs to the engine room. (Very odd)
I go about my business in the galley and I smell smoke, look up and the boat is fast filling up with smoke.. OK! Now I am scared! I run to my room. get my life vest, grab a few things and wait for the general alarm... It never rang..PHEW! A oil line broke, squirting hot oil all over the hot engines, making a HUDGE mess and a lot of smoke.

Just days before Christmas, our big main refrigerator goes ka put! Line up a refrigeration man in the next town to come fix it, get there and he is a no show!

They sent us below New Orleans and due to delay after delay after delay, we were down there forever.. Traffic delays, tug delays and fog delays. We are all but out of groceries before we got back up to Baton Rouge. I sent in my grocery order for Vicksburg, 36 house away by boat and we are on our way..

Christmas eve I just have gone to bed when the general alarm goes off, warning of a collision... the Captain is on watch and in my 7 years with this man, he has NEVER rang the general alarm, he is to good a steersman to ever get in any trouble like this so I KNOW it is bad when HE rings that alarm... I carefully get out of bed, get my shoes and life jacket on and head out to make sure everyone off watch is up.

To make a long story short, WE GOT HIT! Another boat hit the head of our tow, busting half of it a loose. That other boat (and his tow that he didn't loose) skidded down our tow, damanging barges and busting the rigging that held it together. One lone barge of his floated right on downriver, grain flowing out of it as it went. SO, Christmas eve and Christmas day, my poor guys were out on tow all night and day, trying to hold everything together until help could arrive to help us. I got to give it to my Captain, he immediately shoved it all into the bank to keep us from loosing anything and I give it to the entire crew for being out there for 36+ hours on this major hoilday, working their butts off without the first complaint! THEN, we get under way and make it to Vicksburg where "they" are waiting for us! We got invaded by lawyers, the coast Guard and claims people. I fed so many people that day that I lost count.

Not to end the trip without something else, our darn ice machine went out so when we got off, it was still out..

I told my Captain on the way home I have been out there about 12 years now and NEVER have I experienced anything like this and all of it in ONE trip! Needless to say, this was one of the times I was so GLAD to see home!!! We were all tired and ready to get off of there!

01-05-2008, 08:57 AM
Hey Girl!!!

I thought about you the other day when I was looking at pictures of them on a river boat. I hope you had a wonderful holiday. I'm sure your furbabies missed you very much!

Happy New Year!


Donna and crew

01-05-2008, 09:37 AM
Its Always Scary When Things Go Wrong But If Everything Went Smoothly All The Time What What We Talk About To Our Grand Children When We Get Old??
We Are So Glad That Noone Was Hurt, And We Hope The Pet Nagels Helped You Cook, And Just Did Not Sit Waiting For Thier 6 Meals A Day!!!!
And How Is Big Boo Doing, And How Did She Cope While You Were Gone???

01-05-2008, 11:24 AM

Yes, we all want to hear how Boo is doing!

Oh my, such a trip!! Well, having been out there for 12 years with little eventful happening, it all came crashing in at the same time. At least it sounds like no one was hurt on any of these things, so that is terrific news!

I can well imagine you just wanted to get home and snuggle some with all the kitties!

01-05-2008, 12:31 PM
Wow! What a Christmas story. But thankfully even with all of those events -everyone was alright.

Now relax and enjoy your time back home! You were missed as always.

Laura's Babies
01-05-2008, 01:13 PM
Boo has shown me she is SO glad I am home! She can't stay out of my lap and just sits and stares at Samantha when she is already in there until she leaves. I decided last night to pull out my sofa bed so the rest could get in some sleep time with me since Boo don't like sharing her bed with anyone else. Well, want to guess WHO came up here and slept with me all night anyway? :rolleyes:

Oh, I left the bedroom door open while I was gone and just put up a baby gate to keep Amy out of Boo's territory. That went very good so the door will stay open now 24/7. (I had put that tp the test before I left and was already comfortable with doing it)

They are all so glad I am home. I went and took a bath and I had Giz, Samantha and Amy in there with me the whole time.. wished I'd had my camera. I asked them if they were going to laugh at me when I stood up and they saw me naked.... (Remember that thing going around the internet "The cat that saw you naked"? That is what I thought about watching them stare at me...)

01-05-2008, 01:16 PM
Welcome home, Laura! Your little furkids must be thrilled to have you back. Wow, sounds like you had quite a trip this time around! It's a relief to know that nobody was hurt but it must have been a bit unnerving there a few times. As always, it's great to have you back. Wishing you all the best that 2008 has to offer!

Felicia's Mom
01-05-2008, 03:11 PM
Glad to see you back Laura!

01-05-2008, 04:00 PM
Welcome home! What an experience that must have been; so glad everything ended all right with no injuries. Not the best way to spend a holiday, though. :(

You must be thrilled to be back with your babies. They must miss you terribly!

Get lots of snuggling in...you deserve it! :)

01-05-2008, 04:25 PM
Welcome home, Laura! So good to see you back safe and sound, particularly after that hair-raising experience! I'm so glad everything turned out all right and no one was hurt.

Hi to Amy from Elmer!