View Full Version : What a way to start ' 08!

01-03-2008, 10:26 AM
My water heater went out, so did my garage door (the door, not the opener), my insurance company has decided to pay only $200 of a $2000 medical test and I have estimated taxes due this month. What did I ever do to Santa anyhow? So, to keep me from going up on a tower and start shooting at people (KIDDING!), I decided to look at the pix that my son took of my fur posse while he was home. I tried posting them and it keeps coming up as an invalid file type because he emailed them to me. Can anyone advise someone who lives in the stone age how to correct this so that I can post the pix? Figure I may as well try while I'm having the new water heater installed. Oh, never mind...the repair man just came upstairs and told me that the new one is too tall, so back to Home Depot to exchange it for another one. I'm just now warming up cuz we had a power outage for nearly 5 hours last night and it went down to 4 degrees. Thank goodness for a fireplace, eh?

01-03-2008, 12:02 PM
Medusa, I'm no help with the e-mail pictures, since I'm in the Stone Age myself, but I can commiserate with you about the rest of the stuff. OUCH! Your troubles sound miserable. Why does everything have to go to hell at once? And on the coldest night of the year?

Hang in there - eventually, everything will get sorted out. And please keep us updated on how you're doing. Is there someone you could call for advice on the insurance mess? At the very least, please call the insurance company and have a polite talk with them. In the past, I have successfully negotiated with my insurance company on payments, etc.

01-03-2008, 12:41 PM
My water heater went out in November, I used home depot also. It was a thousand bucks and I may have to retrofit my pool on the drain when the inspector comes out since there are new rules, which sucks because I have a special fence just around my pool.

01-03-2008, 01:41 PM
First off they need to be gif or jpeg files.
Second, you cant post photos from an email.
Third, put the photo in a file on your hard drive and then upload it.

01-03-2008, 02:59 PM
Yes, it has to be a non corrupted .jpg/jpeg or .gif. You cannot post pictures from email either. Yes, upload it to a site like photobucket [IMG] or to your hard (attachment). If it needs converson, i can do it easy :).

01-03-2008, 05:16 PM
Oh Mary, I can help with the photos also. But as Craftlady said, you need to store them on your 'puter first and THEN do what you always do to upload.

Water heater out, yuck. Hope you got your wear from the old one? Dad ddrains ours every 3 months or so. When the water was still rusty after a draining, I insisted we get a new one; I didn't want to have to deal with the mess.

Power outage on the coldest night? Ugh, there otta be a law, but who can tell Mother Nature anything, yes?