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View Full Version : Thursday - #245 Wake up Richard

01-03-2008, 10:01 AM
Richard, are you gonna do this job or not? All of us are covering for you - but it just isn't the same.

I think it is time to take the Christmas tree down. It is looking pretty sad now that Mario has been swinging from the branches. Bless his little heart.

Coffee is ready - tea is brewing - fresh scones are coming out of the oven..........Wake up Richard!!

Killearn Kitties
01-03-2008, 10:11 AM
My new year's resolution? Be a better bartender! :D
Well, there's one resolution broken already. ;)

Coffee and scones, Gini? How lovely. We have wispy-looking rain outside that has been looking suspiciously white. Some hot coffee is just what I need.

Happy New Year, everybody! :D

Cinder & Smoke
01-03-2008, 11:25 AM
What's a "scone" ??

"Wake up, Richard" ?? ... Heck, it's only Noon:15 here --- makes it a mere 9:15 in Wacky-Land ...
Why so early a wake-up? --- He's getting his (well needed :p) Beauty Sleep! :D

And bye-the-bye; WHAT's our boy (aka The BarKeep) "doing" for Phunn & Profit these days?
Last I noticed the closing of the loan shark offices gig was over ... What's next ??

/s/ Phred

Killearn Kitties
01-03-2008, 11:40 AM
What's a "scone" ??
Here's a link to some photos of scones on Google images. scones (http://images.google.co.uk/images?hl=en&q=scone&gbv=2)

Someone gave us a lovely little book of classic cocktails for Christmas, written by a famous mixologist. Our Richard could do that with his eyes closed!

01-03-2008, 12:01 PM
Good gracious, Phred - never had a scone? Your education is sorely lacking!

And Gini, I'll have you know your title for this thread has "Wake up Little Susie" running through my head. Pfffft!

It is currently 9 degrees here outside, with a windchill factor making it feel like -6 F. So warm scones and I'll make a big pot of hot chai for anyone who wants some.

01-03-2008, 01:06 PM
Hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows for me. We've warmed up to 20!
They say we will make it to 40 but I don't believe that!!!!

01-03-2008, 01:19 PM
My thermometer fell down when I wiped the windows, so I have no clue what the temperture is - but it's COLD! Looks like KK sent her weather over here - then, I hear it's coming from the East!

A hot coffee with hot milk, two spoons of sugar, a splash of Grand Marnier in it, and a Scone sounds just perfect! :)

Phred, don't let them get to you - I only found out about Scones when John bought one in a 7Eleven a few years back - they're yummy!

01-03-2008, 03:25 PM
RICHARD, A big mug of coffee and a couple of scones for me too! Need help with the bartending chores? I can fill in when you get pooped!

01-03-2008, 06:34 PM
Oh, I'd love coffee! Boy, did I get to Thursdays at just the right time.

01-03-2008, 06:55 PM
I could not resist in having some fresh scones. YUMMY!
I will pretend they are diet scones. ;)

01-04-2008, 09:47 AM
;) Oh Yummy Yummy let me have a Scone Please.. Also some Hot Coco with Mellows.. Mario please dont stick your toes in my Hot Coco & Stop Throwing the Mellows.. :p Just because Christmas is over Dont mean Santa is not still watching you on if your good or not.. :D

01-04-2008, 11:34 AM
I'll have some virtual coffee and scones. Going in for dental implant surgery in a bit, so nothing real to eat or drink right now, but, as our Governator would say - I'll be back!

01-05-2008, 03:39 PM
Not one week into the year and I gots my arse in a sling!

Let me apologize for missing out on the first Thursday of the year!

Work will not die......as soon as I decide to take some time off....

Hokay.....Yesterday was a beautiful sunset.
It was phosphorescent orange and it reminded me of a Tequila Sunrise.....so-

Thank you for the tea, scones and the Slap To The Occipital Protuberance, Ms. G!


Top of the afternoon to you and a cuppa tea!



Everyone knows evil and ugly never rest!

PHUN? PROFIT? You don't wanna know! :eek:

Scone? DONE!


-6? I only saw numbers like that on the number line back in Cath school!

Stay warm!


Hot choco with marshmallows..... DO.......

MARIO!!!!!! Bring that bag back here!!!


Welcome.....Do you know what a Texas thermometer is?

It's a piece of string hung on the eave of your house..

If it's dry, it's sunny.
If it moves side to side, it's windy.
It it's wet it's rainy and if it's frozen it means it's probably snowing! :rolleyes:

Coffee, milk, two sugars and a GM splash!



LOL, Come on over....I need someone to snap towels at!
One coffe and scones?

CM, anytime is the right time!



Diet scones? No prob!



Scone and hot choco sans monkey toes!



Best of luck....Coffee! and be backI feel your pain!


01-05-2008, 05:59 PM
RICHARD, I'm here to be your towel-snapping target!! LOL! First I'll have some scones and coffee then I'll assume my duties as a towel target.

01-05-2008, 07:18 PM
I'll take a big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows, and a scone too. It has been a long time since I had hot chocolate.

Glad to see you, Richard.

Willie :)

01-08-2008, 01:28 AM
RICHARD, I'm here to be your towel-snapping target!! LOL! First I'll have some scones and coffee then I'll assume my duties as a towel target.

It won't be a terrible towel.... :(

That sucks when your team gets sacked...


Hot choco and scones...Done!


01-08-2008, 05:09 AM
It won't be a terrible towel.... :(

That sucks when your team gets sacked...


Hot choco and scones...Done!

Thanks, RICHARD! We were SO close, too!

01-08-2008, 08:22 AM
I was a Buckeye - born in Ohio - so I was rooting for my team - darn darn darn they just didn't make it did they? Can you imagine? A Waterford football?

01-08-2008, 10:18 AM
Good morning everyone! We had snow overnight but it's turning to rain right now and clearing off all the roads. It's days like this I wish I could stay in my flannel nightgown and cozy robe and hang around Thursdays all day. However, the bank is calling my name the my mortgage payment is due. Nutz!!!

I'm hungry this morning. Any chance of getting some scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toast??? Yeah that's what I love about Thursdays. We can eat all the stuff we are not supposed to and it won't do any harm. :) Oh yes, and a Spanish Coffee to go please.

Have a good week everyone. I'll try and check back later today.

01-08-2008, 10:30 AM
Oh geeze, runs around looking for the eggs - MARIO YOU CAN PRACTICE JUGGLING LATER - GIVE ME THOSE EGGS!!

Starts to peel potatoes for hash browns - who brought home the bacon this week?

Hang in there Slick - breakfast will be ready in a minute.

01-08-2008, 10:48 AM
DH was talking about Tequila Sunrises. I was kind of skeptical but I guess I will try one! :D

Sorry about the loss, Ohio fans. :p :D Although I am not a sports fan, I do have a bit of a soft spot reserved for Louisiana. One thing I don't understand... which school are they referring to when they say "LSU"? 'cause as far as I know there's LSU in Shreveport, LSU in Baton Rouge, and LSU in Alexandria

01-08-2008, 11:09 AM
I have some blueberry muffins!!! I'll share!!!
(yes, Mario, I know you love blueberries. Have a muffin)

I'd love some tea with honey too. I went to the dr yesterday and have another ear infection! (sigh) :(