View Full Version : Jake

01-02-2008, 04:13 PM
See Cat General for the other post about Jake.

I know this isn't the right place to post this, but I'm going to tell a Jake story. My son has seizures and one summer probably 4 years ago, he was outdoors riding his scooter and ended up getting too hot and having a seizure. He was a few houses up from where we live laying on the sidewalk with Jake the dog laying right there beside him like he was protecting him. Another time I was sick and laying on the couch - Jake was right beside the couch watching over me to make sure I was OK. I've known for quite awhile that he should probably be somewhere where he can get a lot of attention, but what I've wrote about above has made the decision very hard to make.

01-03-2008, 08:39 AM
See Cat General for the other post about Jake. what I've wrote about above has made the decision very hard to make.
Can you link to what post you're talking about? The only post I could find was THIS POST (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=133239). Is Jake in danger? Is he still being attacked?

Ginger's Mom
01-03-2008, 11:54 AM
Can you link to what post you're talking about? The only post I could find was THIS POST (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=133239). Is Jake in danger? Is he still being attacked?
She is referring to this post in Cat General under the title Mollie June

Other news, I gave my dog Jake to an agency who puts dogs and cats up for adoption. I was going to be gone for 10 days over Christmas and thought instead of taking him to the vet for boarding, that was a good time to give him away. I'm gone so much and he sometimes doesn't get the attention he needs or wants. I feel bad and/or guilty though. Jake was a birthday present for my son when he turned 13. Now he hasn't lived at home for 3 years, but I still had Jake. He is a good dog - very loyal. Hi sonly bad point is he likes to jump on people. I think that comes from not getting attention though. It's so hard to give up animals, isn't it? Sometimes, I wonder why we have them to begin with, because it breaks your heart when something happens to them.

01-03-2008, 01:50 PM
Oh. Thanks Ginger's mom. Poor guy must be wondering what's going on. :( I hope everything works out in Jake's best interest... Paws crossed & prayers said that he gets for a good truly furever home. Hopefully someone out there is looking for an older dog & not just Christmas puppies.

01-03-2008, 03:14 PM
Oh sorry everyone - I posted the message abt. Jake on both Cat General & Dog General. Part of te reason I made the decision to give him away is because I didn't want him to be attacked anymore. Did I mention that the neighbor dogs have came right up on my porch and attacked Jake?
Jake is in good hands - the people that have him are really animal lovers and will find a very good home for him. That doesn't mean that i haven't thought about going to get him though (several times). Thank you all for praying about him.

01-03-2008, 03:17 PM
Yes I wopnder if he isn't wondering why I'm not coming to pick him up.