View Full Version : Well, my son is gone again

01-02-2008, 03:33 PM
And I'm depressed and sad. Again. It's so quiet here, not enough laughter. This house was filled w/laughter while he was here; it created such a good vibe. Now it's quiet again. I met my girlfriends for breakfast after he left, thinking that it would take my mind off him not being here and it helped for a little while. But I've been bawling like a baby for a couple of hours now. What in the world is wrong w/me? I'm not the needy type. I've lost so many people in the last several years either through death or distance separation. I'm so lonely right now. He was home more this month than he's ever been but it's just not natural to only see your son two or three times a year. I feel like time is slipping away from me.

01-02-2008, 03:38 PM
Awwww, sending you hugs. Turn on some music, maybe that'll help.

01-02-2008, 05:32 PM
Huge hugs.... :( its never fun to miss someone. Hopefully tomorrow will be brighter for you. :)

01-02-2008, 05:35 PM
Well, that cute li'l baby face sure helps! :)

01-02-2008, 06:03 PM
Mary i can empathise with you i really can, i felt a bit the same way when my son and his partner amber came down for xmas, it was so short and then away they went, and it was so quiet again,and of course my 15 yr old is busy doing her thing these days,i think it is that empty nest syndrome, although mine is not quite empty yet, it is starting to feel a bit that way,sending you a GIANT hug, and know you are not alone, cheer up my dear and remember life is good., take care, and i am sure your'e son will be back again soon,filling the house with warmth and laughter. :)

01-02-2008, 08:30 PM
I know what you mean. My mom and my 6-year-old nephew were here for 10 days and they just left New Year's eve. It feels sooooooo quiet without a little kid in the house! And I keep finding little toys of his that make me feel sad. :(

I hope you feel better soon!