View Full Version : Annie does not like football games!

01-02-2008, 10:48 AM
Yesterday I invited some friends over to watch the Rose Bowl game. They are not cat people and even Rascal's ever friendly disposition couldn't win them over.

Annie and Emma usually hide when company arrives so I didn't think much of Annie's absence. But when my company left and I was getting ready for bed I heard "something" in my closet. I opened the door and Annie shot out of there like a cannon.

I have no idea how long she was cooped up in there - but she was a good girl - must have taken a long nap - there were no unpleasant surprises for me.

Maybe she just doesn't like USC!:D

Edwina's Secretary
01-02-2008, 10:51 AM
Annie is a orange kitty. Therefore, an Illini fan. She just did not want to see them get so soundly defeated!

ps.s was she wearing a little blue ribbon too?

01-02-2008, 11:09 AM
I rather expected that she would have misbehaved. Ours can be very nice and in the background- but when No-cat-people come, they are rather obvious and walk on the dinner table etc.
Annie is a very good girl :)

01-02-2008, 12:17 PM
Annie, I don't blame you for not wanting to watch football, it's much nicer to have have your mom for yourself and not have visitors, isn't it! :D

Fister... speaking from my new cave.

01-02-2008, 03:08 PM
Michael says that its not the Football per se that gets Pets upset, its the odd way that thier Humans react to waht after all is a group of grown men playing a kids game.
Pet Angels love Golf, which after all is played in beautiful green places , and the people ae so civilized about things, and the clubhouses serve the best food that they have ever tasted.
Baseballs a hit too as tadium foods vert tasty, and Basketball is approved of as the shoes sound like mice making an escape.
The Lucky Found Cats are Phoenix Suns Fans as they love the South Western Grill concession food.
But Combat Sports leave them cold, they hate seeing people get hurt.

01-02-2008, 05:19 PM
I'm with you, Annie! I'm not a football fan either. The game always puts me to sleep!!! Maybe that's what happened to you?

I'll never understand why, after a player is tackled and down, all the other members of the other team all have to pile on top of him. Are they trying to elimanate the other team by squashing them? :confused: :D

01-02-2008, 06:35 PM
Oh Annie, you are such a good girl for not leaving any "surprises" for your Meowmie. It must of felt very safe inside your little cave but how did you get caught in there in the first place?? Perhaps you were just venturing around and somehow the door got closed on you. Nevertheless, I would be in there with you. The only reason I would watch football is for the guys butts when they bend over...**slaps hand over mouth** Did I just admit that??? :o

I'm very glad you were found and that things have returned to normal around there (whatever normal is). Max has recently discovered the comfort of my clothes closet....in particular, lying on my shoes. I'll never figure that one out. How can that be comfortable??

01-02-2008, 06:41 PM
I hope you didn't get too scared, Annie! I am sure you got lots of reassuring cuddles! ;)

Originally posted by slick:
things have returned to normal around there (whatever normal is)

I read something I love: "NORMAL is a setting on a washing machine."

Edwina's Secretary
01-02-2008, 06:59 PM
....in particular, lying on my shoes. I'll never figure that one out. How can that be comfortable??

Silly Auntie Slick...I love to sleep on shoes...

Perhaps it is an acquired taste....


01-02-2008, 11:00 PM
Annie is a orange kitty. Therefore, an Illini fan. She just did not want to see them get so soundly defeated!

ps.s was she wearing a little blue ribbon too?

Ha Ha! I never put together Orange and Illinois..........thanks for clearing that up for me - now I understand why Annie hid all day in her cave.........and why she is pouting today.

Although she did decide to sit behind me on my chair as I ate dinner - hoping something would appear that she would like to eat.

01-08-2008, 02:03 AM
Hmmm, The Edster, being of the male persuasion, opens an eye and thinks-
Dude, Football?

I'm going back to sleep on your lap.

I think it's in the chromosomes.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-13-2008, 09:34 PM
They are not cat people

Sorry for the late response on this - just getting caught up after a few weeks away from PT - but I can't believe no one noticed this statement. Gini has "friends" that are NOT cat people? What's wrong with that picture? :confused: ;) :D

Oh, and yes, I agree, she was just hiding from embarrassment at the thorough trouncing Illini got. :o :(