View Full Version : A wildfire rescue story?

01-01-2008, 07:19 PM
What has three legs, four wings, two beaks and two heads?

The bird cage on my mom's patio!

During the October wildfires there were two exotic birds that were hanging around my mom's house. A parakeet and one of the gray birds with the orange dot on the sides of the their heads....My brother could not catch the parakeet but he caught the little gray one.

The funniest thing about it is that it has one leg....

When my brother caught it in a net he thought he pulled off the poor thing's leg!

He freaked out for a second and realized that it was OK, that little sucker is doing fine and really gets excited when I go near the cage and feed him and his cage mate!

I never thought a little bird could live like that, let alone in the wild!

01-01-2008, 07:50 PM
I'm not sure what type of bird it is. I was told a sparrow has to be able to "perch" in order to take flight. (Cat catch, the vet had to PTS) So yeah, it is great this one is doing so well!

01-02-2008, 05:59 AM
... little sucker is doing fine and really gets excited when I go near the cage and feed him and his cage mate!I never thought a little bird could live like that, let alone in the wild!
welcome back richard, i missed you. 1- this proves, ya gotta have friends in life, 2- and which bird is 'wingman' (LOL< very old joke) 3- how excited does the edster(and we need some photos) get during their meals?