View Full Version : Nintendo Wii isn't exactly safe!!

critter crazy
01-01-2008, 04:14 PM
LOL!!! Last night we went to hubbys aunt and uncles house for dinner, and to celebrate the new year! We brought along our Wii, and well it was the hit of the party!! 4 adults acting like kids, all night long!:D we left shortly after 12:30, as the kids were beat. After getting the kids to bed, hubby decides he isnt ready to go to bed, so we stay up and play more Wii. Well we finally get to bed around 4am!:eek: I woke up this morning, with my Achilles tendon swollen up!! I hurt so bad to walk, and basicaly spent the day resting!! The only thing I did yesterday, was play Wii (how sad is that?):D So the lesson here kids, is the Nintendo Wii, isnt as safe as they lead you to believe!!:p

01-01-2008, 04:40 PM
I Love Love Love our Wii!!!!! :D :D It is definately a work out! My husband and I can't wait to get Wii Fit so that we can "exercise" on it :D

I hope that your ankle heals quickly!

01-01-2008, 05:17 PM
aww you just gotta be in shape!
The first night we got our Wii my dad and I both played the same amount, with my sister playing a little less.
Next morning, my sister was complaining 24/7 about how sore she was.
My dad couldn't drag himself out of bed until I made him get up.
Me? I felt great!

Who's the fit one in our family?


01-01-2008, 05:48 PM
The Wii helped keep the party going here too...until 4:30am!!! I should have got out the video camera. I think boxing id the funniest to watch for sure!

01-01-2008, 05:51 PM
Haha that's funny! I've heard a few funny stories now about the Wii. I really want one, they look like so much fun and they are good excercise as well:)

01-01-2008, 08:46 PM
my little brother got a Wii for christmas,We told him he could get one after christmas because it was a big sell out item over here and hard to find anywhere but we managed and suprised him on christmas day!

I think its one of the best game consoles made, Its very addictive and you really do need that wrist strap.. :o I love Wii Sports :D

finn's mom
01-01-2008, 09:16 PM
I got to play the Wii for the first time when I visited my family in South Carolina for Christmas, and I was sore for a couple days afterwards. I'm really thinking I'd like to get one, though, as it was a great workout! :D

01-01-2008, 10:38 PM
I want one but will wait for renovations in my house to be done - it sounds like fun though.

I guess you need to play more wii to get in shape and then maybe it won't be painful the next day but really take care of your achilles that could be a serious injury. I guess the lesson is if you haven't been exercising much ease into playing wii!!

01-02-2008, 11:32 AM
My friend said she was up with friends until 3am New Years playing it too!
I've never played it. :(
Sure sounds like fun!

01-02-2008, 04:39 PM
I got a Wii this Christmas from my mom. Every time I play it, the next day my shoulder and arm would hurt so bad! But it's hard not to love it cause it's so much fun!

01-03-2008, 03:18 AM
Ive played it, its pretty fun. One of my friends has a wii and all of my friends come over to play it. One time we had a basic party :-). Well, i understand now why they make Wii Helments! Me and my friend, Will, was faceing off in a game of wii tennis and he tripped a nd fell and i went along with him. Well, next morning everyone was sore except me. Wacked out, isnt it? Im the one who barely exercises, 3/4 of my friends ride skateboards or play a sport :p.

01-04-2008, 12:14 PM
Hey how much does a Wii cost? I really wanna buy one but I dont even know how much one cost. Im sure they are pretty expensive.

01-04-2008, 12:35 PM
$250 for the system and $50 or less for the games. :D It's the least expensive of the new systems that are out and, in my opinion, the most fun as well!

01-04-2008, 12:38 PM
Of course- that is if you can FIND one. They are a wee (heh :rolleyes: ) bit hard to find right now

01-04-2008, 12:44 PM
Of course- that is if you can FIND one. They are a wee (heh :rolleyes: ) bit hard to find right now

Ive been looking online and checked the prices at the malls near me and the cheapest I saw so far was 389.00! The rest come with 5 games but are about 500 or more... I hope I could find one for 200 to 250 though!

01-04-2008, 12:48 PM
If you can find the consoles in stock at walmart/target/best buy they WILL be $250. People selling them for more than that are trying to turn a fast profit. We paid a pretty penny at walmart.com last year for our bundle but if you itemize it it still came out to $250 for the console and $50 per game.

01-04-2008, 01:02 PM
Ok thanks maybe if I have time tomorrow I will check those stores out.