View Full Version : Layla and Jake - big puppy/little puppy!

01-01-2008, 02:34 PM
Here's baby Jake at 8 weeks...
Big puppy Layla, she's 1 1/2 now!
Jake outside,10 weeks old...
Jake just being cute! :cool:
Do you think they'll be friends? ;)
Sorry no Lacey pics, she's a bit touchy with Jake, but we're getting there. ;) Will get some pics up of her soon. :)

01-01-2008, 03:00 PM
Awww, I like the picture of them together. Jake is adorable and Layla is just gorgeous. I hope to see some of Lacey and Jake soon.

01-01-2008, 03:15 PM
Layla and Jake look like they are already good buds and don't worry lacey will come around.

01-01-2008, 04:16 PM
Hey, she'll get used to him. Little brothers do get less annoying with time, you can tell her I said so!

01-01-2008, 06:39 PM
Awwwwwww those pics of them as puppies are sooo adorable! Cuteness overload.:D

01-01-2008, 06:50 PM
Awww, great pics! You're right! Layla's face does look a lot like Keeva's.

How old is Jake now? Sure is a cutie!

01-01-2008, 07:00 PM
omg they are so cute together! :D

01-01-2008, 07:10 PM
Thanks everyone! Lacey likes the puppy, she's just a bit nippy and I can't trust her. She has played with him a bit. They will be fine. I keep telling her Jake won't be a puppy forever. ;)
Ashley, Jake is 2 1/2 months now.

Daisy and Delilah
01-01-2008, 07:23 PM
I'm so glad to see these pics!! They are too cute for words!! Great pictures. Lacey, we hope to see you soon, sweetheart!! :)

01-01-2008, 07:40 PM
Jake just being cute! :cool:

Awww, Jake, how CUTE! **squeal!!**

Don't rush it with Lacey. As he gets bigger, and matures, he will learn to mind his elders! As I recall, Lacey is a bit older than those 2.

Don't know if you remember, MY Lacey is 5. She was the oldest in Basic Manners class and, because she was "so old," :rolleyes: we could not have free puppy play time. The instructor felt she wouldn't enjoy the puppies' attention, and if she snapped at them, it could take weeks to get them over it. So same thing for you, don't insist they be together and be best buds, just let it happen over time.

01-01-2008, 08:17 PM
Daisy and Delilah, Lacey pics will be next. ;)

Sandie, yes Lacey is 7 1/2 years old. The pups are both crated when we aren't home and the puppy is always supervised. It will just take time, Lacey just doesn't want to be bothered sometimes.

01-01-2008, 08:41 PM
Very Cute!!

Dont worry Lacey, Brothers are born with an annoying gene, you need to help train him with your hooman. :p

Ginger's Mom
01-01-2008, 08:46 PM
OMGoodness, he really is way too cute!!! :D I love his little white toes, and that perfect little nose, and those sweet eyes, squeeeee. I cannnot believe Layla is a year and a half already. But, as you know some older dogs do not have the patience with pups. Don't worry Lacey, he will calm down about this time next year. ;)

01-02-2008, 09:43 AM
That Jake looks like a stuffed animal! Glad to see they are getting along.

Anita Cholaine
01-02-2008, 10:07 AM
Awww! Jake is such a cutie! I loove his white paws, they're too cute :D
Layla is gorgeous, as always. And I'm sure Lacey and Jake will be best buddies soon, it is always a bit hard at the begining ;)

01-02-2008, 11:56 AM
AWWW! I have been meaning to ask you for some new pictures ever since you added Jake to your siggie. How adorable! I wonder how big he will get. Do you have any idea?

01-02-2008, 04:34 PM
Thanks guys!
Pam, I'm guessing at least 50 lbs. for Jake. That's what the shelter guessed also. Only time will tell. :D

01-02-2008, 09:30 PM
What a cutie pie! :D

01-02-2008, 09:34 PM
Both of your puppies are so cute! I can't get over Jake. I love his little fluffy face! HE is seriously one of the cutest puppies I've ever seen. I can't believe Layla is over a year old. She grew into a stunning lady! :D Now where is Lacey? :confused: ;)

01-02-2008, 10:07 PM
Pictures of Lacey coming soon Alyssa. ;)

01-03-2008, 10:49 AM
He is sooo cute!

01-03-2008, 11:10 AM
Those 2 are too dang cute together!

Special {{hugs}} to Lacey, he'll settle down ONE day! LOL! :D

01-03-2008, 07:12 PM
Where have I been? I had no idea Jake joined the family! He is too cute, I absolutely love the last one of Jake and Layla.