View Full Version : Got a package in the mail yesterday...UPDATE 1/18/08

01-01-2008, 07:52 AM
Very unexpected. About 3 weeks ago, I lost my wallet. Had NO idea where it could be. The first place I look is my car. Then I tear my house apart.

Well, a package arrived and it was from my old landlord. "This arrived for you here so I'm forwarding it along. Regards, Sherrie"

It was my long lost wallet, all beat to hell. Whoever found it sent it to my old address in New Haven. Everything I owned was in that little wallet. Including my bank cards, state card, driver's license (which is since been replaced) and $100 I put aside for food (cats and me, why am I not surprized). I cancelled the bank cards and ordered new ones. But the money is history. :(

Funny thing is my best friend bought me a new change purse for Christmas, a little bigger and more difficult to lose. We'll see.

Age is taking it's toll on my brain. I can't remember squat, I lose things, I forget appointments, it's making me even crazier than I already feel!! UGH! :mad: Not sure if it's due to the meds I'm on or just age *sigh*. :rolleyes:

************************************************** ********

The person who found the wallet, also helped themselves to not only my food money, but the 2 gift cards I received for Christmas and the check I had hidden in case of emergencies, they somehow managed to cash it which caused my rent check of $525 to bounce.

If the rental office doesn't let me use one of the 3 security deposits I gave them, I'm screwed. What I can't figure out is how they managed to forge the check.

Just when I thought everything was going well too.

01-01-2008, 08:26 AM
Oh Donna! First the cell, then the wallet! PLEASE don't misplace a furkid next! :p

Sorry you had this experience. Someone was trying to help, mailing it back to you, that is a nice thought.

I've been through that, I hate pulling out all the bills to notify the companies about lost cards, deal with getting the replacement license, and so forth. {{hugs}}

critter crazy
01-01-2008, 04:06 PM
Well it was nice for someone to send it back to you,. too bad the cash was missing!! I had that happen once, in the army, we were just getting ready to ship out to Honduras, and I misplaced my wallet, whech had everything in it, including a nice chucnk of cash!! 4 yrs later, I got it in the mail!!:eek: But of course, the cash was history!!:rolleyes:

01-01-2008, 04:32 PM
How nice that you at least got it back. Likely the money was long gone before whoever returned it to you did so.

01-02-2008, 08:16 AM
I just remembered this morning that I also had 2 gift cards in there. One from the mall ($35 left on it) and another one from Marshall, which only had about $3 left on it.

My theory is it fell out of my jacket pocket and I didn't notice it. A while back I bought a small kinda purse that you wear around your neck to keep your cellphone, license, etc. in it. Lost that too!!

*sigh* I give up. :p