View Full Version : Scotland

12-31-2007, 09:04 PM
Anyone every traveled there? What did you think? Is it a good place to travel to on your own? I really want to go there, and I can't seem to find anyone who can go with me. What sort of things are there to do, and how do you get around?? I'm thinking of going next summer if I get accepted into school

12-31-2007, 09:20 PM
I have been to Glasgow in January - I took an overnight train up there from London, and was met by my dear old boss. It was a cool grey day, just a little rain, but there was plenty to see and do indoors as well. It was a very nice visit, but then, I did have "native" guides! And his wife even let me try a bite of her haggis at dinner, too.

The British rail system is a bit unpredictable, schedule-wise, but will get you there reliably, as long as you aren't on too strict a timetable.

12-31-2007, 09:43 PM
Well, I'd go with you in a heartbeat, if I could. My father's family is all from Scotland, he has traced our family tree back to the early 1500's. I'd love to see all the places my family lived, and possibly even meet some of them.

If you go, do let us know all about it, please.

12-31-2007, 10:17 PM
I've never been, but Alan and I are thinking about spending some time there on our (distant) honeymoon. He has lots of family there and says it's just beautiful!

12-31-2007, 11:12 PM
I've been many times. You can do Edinburgh in a day. I really recommend going to other spots as well. Sterling has a beautiful castle. I didn't care for Glasgow much but it's an interesting city to tour. I've not been to Roslyn but would love to go for all the mysterious reasons..LOL...Davinci's code, freemasons etc. While the rail system isn't 100% reliable, it's the only way to go. We made the mistake of renting a car once and even though my boyfriend was Irish and used to the whole other side of the road thing, I white knuckeled it the entire trip. Just remember its ALWAYS cold. I tried to convince a friend of mine of that fact and she said Oh it can't be that bad ...it's June. I happily did an "I-told-you-so" dance in my parka while she froze in her sweatshirt! LOL The Scots are lovely people and I've enjoyed it immensly. I would like to see Loch Ness and the Shetland islands sometime.

Suki Wingy
01-01-2008, 03:04 AM
Ooh, I'd love to go with you! Only problem is I can't afford it right now. I've checked though and occasionally you can find flights from chicago to for about $300 but I don't know about other places.

01-01-2008, 08:12 AM
How I would love to go w/you, especially to Edinburgh! I have to renew my passport, though, and I doubt it's in my budget. Please update us on your adventures. :)

01-01-2008, 08:22 AM

I have traveled alone quite a bit, but in tour groups. I use COSMOS, and I took one tour of England, Wales and Scotland. I believe they have tours of Scotland only. The scenery is fabulous, the history is fascinating, and people were welcoming. I was there in 1990, so I'd have to pull my travel journal off the shelf in the other room to remember exactly what we saw. I just remember it was fantastic! I was staying with relativeds in London, so I signed up for a tour which left from there.

01-01-2008, 10:27 AM
I lived in Edinburgh for 3 years. I can't tell you much about it since I was 6 months old when we moved there. :p I do remember the Sweet Shop where I got candy. And I do remember walking around in the snow eating ice cream -- and wishing it were hot chocolate. We lived on Red Robin Lane. Not sure which house.

I hope you go. You won't regret traveling.

01-01-2008, 12:09 PM
I think it is one of the places where you can travel safely on your own. Ask Killearn Kitties- she lives close to Glasgow :)

Edwina's Secretary
01-01-2008, 01:23 PM
I've traveled there...once many years ago on a tour and last year to visit a very good friend! I would go again at the drop of a hat....(is the room ready Karen? ;) )

01-01-2008, 03:10 PM
Thanks everyone. I'll have to do more research. I'd really like to go there...not so much alone though..so, who is coming with me?? :rolleyes: lol kidding.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-02-2008, 04:42 AM
We went there......... on our HONEYMOON !!! So I didn't see much of it... ;)

LOL, it was a wonderful trip!! We had to break it off very suddenly, because Bernard's mom, who was sick, fell into a coma. She said "ahh, there you are!", and then she fell into her coma again. She died 3 weeks later.

We went back 2 years later :) . Scotland is so beautyful!! We drove to Edinburgh, then Inverness, where we said HI to Nessie :) . We also went to Fort William, The Isle of Sky, and the highest dangerous cliffs I've ever seen ( :eek: ). Normally Sky is covered or surrounded by mist, but we were lucky and happy to have bright sunny weather there :) .
We didn't go to hotels, but used "bed & breakfast". We loved the contact with the Scottish people!!!

01-02-2008, 06:18 PM
I am so envious, i was born in scotland and all my relatives are there or here visiting, it seems, i have a cousin here from Inverurie where i come from right now, I have never been back though, i hear it is similar to NZ in lots of ways,scenery etc,more so the countryside etc, apart from the freezing weather in the winter lol.

I really hope you do take the trip, do it while you are young and I am sure you won't have any regrets, I think you would be reasonably safe on your own there too, but i do hope you can go with a companion, much more fun eh? :)

Killearn Kitties
01-03-2008, 05:38 AM
Why not have a look at the Tourist Board's site as a starting point? You might pick up some ideas of things you would like to do, or places you might like to go. Visit Scotland (http://www.visitscotland.com/) I see there are also lots of little flags along the top, including a Canadian one. That takes you to a related site which probably has travel and tours specifically from Canada.

If you decided against an organised tour, yes travelling on your own is fairly easy particularly across the central belt, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling, and also between major cities.

If you have any specific queries, I'd be delighted to try and help.

Ginger's Mom
01-03-2008, 04:09 PM
It was back in 1980 or "81 that some friends and I went to England and drove up to Scotland. It is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Gorgeous country, warm and welcoming people, and interesting places to visit. Aah, yes, I have very fond memories of Scotland. We stayed at B&B's there (but real ones, not like the resorts they have here). If you can go, I say do it, you will not be sorry.

01-03-2008, 08:04 PM
I never been there but i have a Scottish Terrier does that count? LOL.

Anyways you should look at websites and traveling sites, take your time to learn a bit of history too.

01-03-2008, 09:00 PM
I'm another one who wants to travel to the UK so badly but finances just won't permit it.

I was speaking to a coworker some time ago who travels back and forth regularly to visit family. She said to use Zoom Airlines as they are the cheapest. Now that was 3 years ago so I hope the same is true today. Also I'm not sure what cities in the Maritimes they fly out of.