View Full Version : Our trip to San Antonio

12-31-2007, 01:57 PM
This past weekend our family drove down to spend a few days in San Antonio! We had so much fun and have so many fun memories to carry with us now. On our first day we visited the River walk and ate dinner at Rita's On the River. After dinner we visited the Alamo but decided not to go in after seeing that the line stretched well around the block. While wandering around town we bumped into the San Antonio Children's Museum which was so fun!!
The Alamo!
The Riverwalk
Pics from the Museum:
Visiting the Fish
Performing a puppet show
Hosting a Tea Party
Milking a (fake!) cow
Operating a backhoe
more from days 2 and 3...

12-31-2007, 02:06 PM
On the second day we went to Sea World! Normally admission is $49 each but because my husband is military we got all of our tickets for free!!!!
We got to feed the dolphins!!! The handler told us how to gently pat their foreheads and then toss teh fish into their mouths. It was such an awesome experience!!
Visiting some fish.. that's Austin on the right side of the photo
Mommy and the boys watching the fish
Then we rode a few of the smaller rides
Then we fed the Sea Lions and Seals!
Of course you can't go to Sea World without visiting Shamu!
I'll make a new post for the Zoo :D

12-31-2007, 02:14 PM
Yesterday we went to the Zoo! It was kind of small and a lot of the animals were hiding under their heat lamps where we couldn't see them but overall it was a fun day.
Tyler's favorite part was visiting the "Fun Farm" where there were lots of little goats that we could bursh, pet, or feed. Austin thought it was pretty cool too and wasn't a bit scared of them.
Phew that's all! I took hundreds of photos but these are all that I'll bore you with :D

12-31-2007, 02:51 PM
It looks like you guys had so much fun!! You are such a good looking family. :)
I love the dolphins. I swam with dolphins a couple years ago. I will remember it forever!

Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos with us. :)

12-31-2007, 03:18 PM
It looks like you had an awsome trip!
Missy ~ Were you as surprised as I was that the Alamo is surrounded by hotels and fast food places? For some reason, I pictured it sitting out in the middle of a large National Park.

12-31-2007, 04:23 PM
It looks like you had an awsome trip!
Missy ~ Were you as surprised as I was that the Alamo is surrounded by hotels and fast food places? For some reason, I pictured it sitting out in the middle of a large National Park.
My husband and I were both shocked! We were following the signs and kept expecting to step out into a wide open area!

Scooter's Mom
12-31-2007, 05:39 PM
How about the fact that the Alamo we all know and recognize isn't the original Alamo? The original is one of the little squarish buildings next door... :)

I love San Antonio. It's a magical place for me, for many reasons.

When I was married to my ex-husband, there were times we'd drive from Houston to San Antonio for lunch and a little shopping and then drive home the same day. Mi Tierra in Market Square, yummmm. It's also one of George Strait's favorite restaurants.

Loved the photos! Thanks for sharing them with us.