View Full Version : I waz visitin my frwend Maggie

12-30-2007, 07:16 PM
Hey Guyz, iz me Chopper. I juz wanna show u my frwend Maggie. Her iz wots of fun to wun awound wiff. She is my Oma and Pa's JR. She iz almos 10!!
Mommy sayz dis iz da bestest pikshure of her cauz her doz not wike da camra.
Diz iz what mos her pikshures wook wike, cauz her getz nervus.
Here we iz pozin togeder.
Diz iz my Pa. He was pwaying wiff us on da fwoor.
Oh how doz I wook in my nu puppia?
dats all for now...

12-30-2007, 08:01 PM
Hey Chopper, nice to see you. A new puppia vest / harness, in lime green, can't lose YOU in a crowd now can we?

Maggie looks like she is still full of life for a 10 year old pupper. Hey where were Duke and Champ? Didn't they go for the visit?

I think Maggie posed for some nice photos, and the one with the both of you is very good also. Looks like she is a wire hair, not a smooth coat JR. You have a very nice friend with Maggie!

12-30-2007, 08:10 PM
Dear Chopper,

What is a Puppia? I see you are wearing one; is it for your leash?

Maggie is pretty and I really like the picture of you posing together. Happy Sunday, cutie!

Your Fan,

12-31-2007, 03:57 AM
OMG... how stinkin' cute can one lil' dog be?! Chopper, you are just too adorable for words!! I love that Puppia vest too! I wonder if I can get one for my foster, Zach, even though he's a cat and about 5xs bigger than you are, lol.

Your friend Maggie is just so sweet looking! I'm so glad that you and she get along and like to play together. She's a very pretty JRT.

12-31-2007, 05:49 AM
Mommy wikes bright culors. She sayz I wook good in geen. I tink her juz made it eazier for the big birdz to find me. :eek: A puppia iz wike a harnez, it dozn't makes me so ischy wike the odder kind. My puppia iz an xs so dey mights make one big enuff for kitties. Duke and Champ stayed at home. We waz only gone for a couple hours, it waz my Aunt's birfday. Dey stay home cauz my Nena is 84 and we sometimz getz worried they might axidently knock her down.

I juz wuv Maggie. Her iz my only small frwend even dough her iz about 20 pounds, mommy sayz her needz a diet. Maggie is a bwoken coat, so her haz some small hairs and some wiskery ones. She iz a cutie.

12-31-2007, 11:51 AM
Chopper... how on earth do you keep getting cuter and cuter?!?
I love your new lime green vest!
It's almost as cute as you are! ;)

Glad you had fun playing with Maggie, she's a cutie too!

12-31-2007, 12:17 PM
Dear Chopper,

You are shure lookin' spiffy in your new puppia. We had never heards of dem. Maggie is a kutie. We gots a cuzin who iz a Jack Russell and she is pritty like Maggie. Her name is Diana. It looks like it wuz fun playin' wiff her. We thinks that Champ and Duke were prolly sniffin you like crazee when you gots home. Iffn one of us goze somewhere wiffout the other we always gotz to sniff sniff sniff right away. Our mommy sed to tell your mommy thanks for takin these picshures. She just wuvs you (almost as much as she wuvs us. :p )

Bella and Ripley

12-31-2007, 12:25 PM
Aww Maggie looks like a great friend and she's very pretty! That last picture absolutely kills me, Chopper is freaking adorable! :D

12-31-2007, 06:33 PM
Tanks awot evrybudy. I will tell Maggie all da wunnerful tings you had to say bout her. Oh and tanks for saying how cute I iz :D Mommy sayz I doeznt even have to try.