View Full Version : The Cheapest Gift You Have Ever Received

12-30-2007, 07:15 PM
I'm not talking about inexpensive, some of the most thoughtful gifts I've ever received, the ones I truly love because the person giving the gift truly thought about me and cared, might have cost a whole $5.

I'm talking about just plain old cheap. :p

I thought of this thread because of the Christmas gift my husband's boss gave us this year. Now, these folks have plenty of money, to say the least. And they gave us a gift bag with the following items in it: a notepad, a pen, a coffee mug and two pieces of gum. It was however, obviously a gift bag they were given by a business. We know this because all the items are imprinted with business names from Bakersfield, California, their hometown, where the visited before the holidays. They, and we, live in Wyoming now. :rolleyes:

Just wondering if any of you have a "cheapskate" story to share. LOL

12-30-2007, 07:26 PM
I'd have to say recycled items. Last year for christmas i recieved purses that had actually been used (smelled like smoke & had stains on inside), trying to be pulled off as new. :rolleyes: The person who gave this to me also did give me other nice gifts, but it was rude she just didnt put it on the side not wrapped & told me it was used or anything.

Scooter's Mom
12-30-2007, 07:34 PM
I have been given some odd gifts over the years.

One year, my ex-husband and I received a cowbell from his grandma. No explanation. Each couple received one.

My ex-mother-in-law gave me a nightgown in a size "medium". She had bought it at a garage sale. I've not been a medium since I was about 10. My mother wore it for years though.

I can't say any of the gifts were "cheapskate" gifts as they were given with love.

12-30-2007, 08:04 PM
I STILL remember a Secret Santa gift I received. A roll of Lifesavers. :rolleyes: And then I had to continue to deal with the giver afterwards!

12-30-2007, 08:19 PM
My dauthers friends mom always give us stuff that I know are gifts with purchase..considering I feed this kid mostly every night it is a bit annoying and they do have money.

12-30-2007, 08:42 PM
One time I was given a set of Knottsbury Farm mini-jellies, which in and of itself was a very nice gift. The catch was that the person told me that she couldn't help herself, she had to TRY all of them first. :eek: So, yea, I'd say the cheapest gift I was ever given was a set of half-eaten jellies. :(

12-30-2007, 08:49 PM
One time I was given a set of Knottsbury Farm mini-jellies, which in and of itself was a very nice gift. The catch was that the person told me that she couldn't help herself, she had to TRY all of them first. :eek: So, yea, I'd say the cheapest gift I was ever given was a set of half-eaten jellies. :(

What the heck is wrong with people...sorry but that is tooo funny :D

12-31-2007, 12:03 AM
One time I was given a set of Knottsbury Farm mini-jellies, which in and of itself was a very nice gift. The catch was that the person told me that she couldn't help herself, she had to TRY all of them first. :eek: So, yea, I'd say the cheapest gift I was ever given was a set of half-eaten jellies. :(

OMG, that's horrible! LMAO ... reminds of Forest Gump, when he gives Jenny the box of chocolates, and says he ate some.

12-31-2007, 12:03 AM
In my family we only do stockings stuffers (however this year we did nothing). About 4 years ago I bought this lovely scented soap for my SIL. Two years later I received the very same soap in my stocking. I could tell because of the scratches on the label. Is that cheap enough????

12-31-2007, 04:02 AM
The worst gift I ever got was a tin of fruit cake... which would have been nice per se, IF it wasn't covered with dead ants. Who knows how long it sat in that persons garage or pantry before I got it hehehee :) .

12-31-2007, 04:21 AM
The worst gift I ever got was a tin of fruit cake... which would have been nice per se, IF it wasn't covered with dead ants. Who knows how long it sat in that persons garage or pantry before I got it hehehee :) .

EWWWWWW!!!! That's nasty!! Did they not look at it before they gave it to you?! Yuck!

12-31-2007, 04:28 AM
My assistant at school is super cheap. She never donates to anything, never shares anything she has. There could be one donut left in the faculty room, and I'll bring it back to the library and split it with her... She will walk in the library, stuffing the last of anything in her mouth, saying "Oh, I just got the last _________ in the faculty room". I've always brought in a bowl of soup I made, cake, cookies... a bunch of us always share what we make, and she'll partake, but she just never shares...

Anyway... the one year for Christmas, she gave me a tube of handcream from Avon that she had had and a pair of these really cheap itchy gloves that she got at the dollar store (tag still on) to put on my hands when using the hand cream. First of all, she knows I'm allergic to scented body and hand creams, and secondly, who gives a pair of gloves from the dollar store and keeps the tag on them??? Another year she gave me a jar she had put popcorn kernels in and a little baggie of seasoning mix to put over them after they are popped. Again, container from the Dollar Store.

She may be my assistant, but she's not poor. She owns every single Longaberger basket ever made, and her husband works for Johns Hopkins Medical Center. She's just cheap and puts no thought to the gift... that's what hurts the most, cause I'll put thought to what I give, even if it's home made.

Killearn Kitties
12-31-2007, 04:39 AM
Forgive me laughing, some of these stories are just hilarious. :D

I can't think of anything like this that has ever happened to me, but I used to work with a girl who received a really nice bottle of bubble bath from her friend most years. Problem was that she didn't have a bath, only a shower, and the friend knew that. They lived next door to each other and were in each other's houses often. How's that for thoughtless?

I also used to know someone who offered a friend a loan of his sister's - not even his own new CD for his birthday! How's that for cheap?

12-31-2007, 06:17 AM
Every year my nanny put a bunch of little hair and body products in a bag. They are pretty cheap but I always think its thoughtful. When you think of it, when does someone not need some nice body wash or shampoo:)

12-31-2007, 07:58 AM
How about a clock that read: I II III IIII V IV VII VIII IIIIV X XI XII.

This was a gift won at a company party. So, my question is, if I use it, can that be my excuse for not making it in on time?! lol

12-31-2007, 09:05 AM
If I recall, the cheapest gift I ever received was a doll thing from my aunt that had been hers for who knows how long??? Not to mention it was really ugly and dirty when I got it. My mom had to clean dirt and dust off it. Who gives someone something like that?? Not to mention, she knows full well I HATE dolls. I guess the reason she didn't want to get me something with animals is because she hates them. I seriously don't like this women very much, and I don't think she likes me either. It's not only because of this gift, by the way, many other thing are rolled into it... :rolleyes: Like the time she called Sassy too skinny, and the time she called me fat, and the time she called me a horrible pet owner because my goldfish, Ecco died after I tried to save him. :mad:

12-31-2007, 01:50 PM
I gave someone a gift card for $100 one year for Christmas, and instead of using it, they "re-gifted" it to me for my birthday. They had spent $15 on it.

I thought that was pretty thoughtless.

12-31-2007, 11:43 PM
How about this one...
DH's mom got married and had very nice flowers on the table. DH's sister gave one of them to us :o
This is also the same woman who had pictures taken of herself and gave them (without a frame mind you) to everyone :rolleyes:

12-31-2007, 11:49 PM
How about this one...
DH's mom got married and had very nice flowers on the table. DH's sister gave one of them to us :o
This is also the same woman who had pictures taken of herself and gave them (without a frame mind you) to everyone :rolleyes:

So your sister in law is cheap and stuck on herself... :D

12-31-2007, 11:59 PM
Ah yes, the act of "re-gifting". Everything I've received so far I've loved and used with the exception of one gift from a coworker years ago. In fact, I'm no longer in touch with her at all since she left the firm. I think the gift was a bath set of some kind and yes, I'm another person who bathes only when and if necessary. I always take shower. So after I unwrapped it and appreciated it, I knew it would be my first recycling project and tried to think of someone would would truly use it. I carefully put on a sticker whom it was from (just in case I forgot the next Christmas and sent it back to the same person... ) Next Christmas it got wrapped up for a friend of mine. The new recipient when on and on how she loved it so I knew it was a good thing to do. Besides the recipient is low income with two children and that is something she would never, ever buy for herself.
I gave someone a gift card for $100 one year for Christmas, and instead of using it, they "re-gifted" it to me for my birthday. They had spent $15 on it. I thought that was pretty thoughtless. Now that sucks....plain and simple.

01-01-2008, 07:55 AM
I still giggle to think of the year my sister in law gave Ashley Staples brand photo paper as her Christmas gift. Thats all she got -- a 50 page pack of 4x6 paper that we never used because it was plain awful paper (at least we knew never to spend our money on the 8x10 value pack ;))

This year she gave both girls a cheap metal frame complete with price tag attached from a local clearance warehouse. I got a tin of spiced hot chocolate (also with the clearance tag still affixed on the bottom of the tin). When was the last time I drank regular hot chocolate let alone spiced? I also got a cheap box of note cards (complete with the same clearance warehouse price tag). I did a pencil portrait of the newest baby for her and hunted high and low for her kids' gifts and she apparently spent 2 minutes thinking of us. Did she suddenly remember Christmas Eve that she didn't get us anything and run out to the clearance store to pick up any old thing?

Ah, but I shouldn't complain., She's also the same woman who I did a huge needlework for. It was gorgeous (in my humble opinion) I designed it for her and it was inspired by her. She gave it back to me a few years later telling me she didn't like it and she thought since she knew I spent a lot of time on it that I might want it back. I gave it to another friend who thought she died and went to heaven -- she always commented on how lovely it was and nearly fell over when I offered it to her.

01-01-2008, 08:09 AM
A "friend" gave me a key chain of a rubber pig and when you squeezed it, poop came out of it's rear end. At first, I thought it was a joke and that she was going to give me the "real" gift. No. That was the gift. To add insult to injury, she said "This just so reminded me of you when I saw it that I couldn't resist it." Nice, huh?

01-01-2008, 10:00 AM
I always get very cheap presents from my nan, Fair enough shes older but she always lets me know what shes brought everyone and it always seems to be alot more than what she spends on me. For example, She spend £30 on one grandchild and over £20 on most others too. Mine I know for a fact only cost £5. It was a bathing set which my mum from about the age of 2 asked everyone nicely not to buy me things like that because I cant tollorate certain products on my skin. Its the thought that counts I know but its quite thoughtless when you think about it.

I also got a present from my friend that she told me was 50p clearance. Guess what I unwrapped? lol the 50p clearence item :rolleyes:

I always try to buy nice gifts, I wouldnt buy someone something that I wouldn't want myself. I always put alot of thought into my gifts so its quite dissapointing when you open a gift knowing there is no thought behind it.

01-01-2008, 10:13 AM
I always put alot of thought into my gifts so its quite dissapointing when you open a gift knowing there is no thought behind it.
That says it all. I shop w/the person in mind but I get gifts that people buy after Xmas and they save it til the next year, then think "Hmmm, who should I give this to?". And it's usually something like a mismatched set of Xmas hand towels or one Xmas oven mitt. My son, on the other hand, gives me fantastic gifts that he's put a lot of thought into. He learned from me. :p

01-01-2008, 11:02 AM
I remembered a couple cheap gifts. I once got a little jar of honey so old it had crystalized, and another year just a small pad of paper with a postage-stamp design on the front, and another year a old-looking jar of jelly. These did not upset me in the least bit. Why?

Because the giver was a dear, dear sweet elderly friend of mine. She had beome diabetic, so couldn't have those sweet things, so passed them along to someone who could enjoy them. The little pad of notepaper I knew she got from the postman, but she wrote a sweet note on the first page. I still have it. She was the sweetest, nicest person, never learned to drive, lived by herself, as her daughters had long-since grown and moved away, and her husband had died when the daughters were small. She was in her late eighties, and pretty fragile. She felt she HAD to give me a present, because I gave her rides to and from church, even though I passed right by her neighborhood on my normal trip.

So yes, she gave me the cheapest gifts I've gotten, but not the most thoughtless by any means. And I still resent that her daughter, who came out when Eva died, decided not to have a funeral service - just because the daughetr didn't know Eva's friends didn't mean we didn't exist, and we would have like a service to remember and celebrate her life.

01-01-2008, 11:22 AM
Karen that is so sad. I am glad she had you and you appreciated her, it sounds like her daughters forgot all about her.

01-01-2008, 12:12 PM
Cheap doesn't always mean thoughtless, true. I received gifts like that, too. When I moved into my house years ago, there was a drought and I so badly wanted to plant flowers. My senior friend lived right on the canal and she brought me an entire pickup truck full of gallon jugs of water so that I could water my flowers. It didn't cost her a penny but it sure was a labor of love. Filling all those jugs was no easy task. I miss her so much.

01-01-2008, 12:48 PM
My ex's mother gave me a bottle of perfume that was so old it had gone rancid.

01-01-2008, 01:30 PM
Well I feel kind of bad posting this because they really didn't have to give me anything for Christmas... but my husbands Uncle gave me a gift certificate for Mary kay.... while on it's own it is a very nice gift... the part I found cheap about it is that it is his daughter who is the Mary Kay rep.... so I kinda felt that they only gave it to me to help her advance and make money lol. To me that seems kinda cheap and cheesy. My MIL received the same gift from them.

01-01-2008, 01:40 PM
sparks - you and your MIL can find another Mary Kay person...try the white pages! (mean, I know!)

01-01-2008, 02:22 PM
Some of these make me laugh, others just make me shake my head in disbelief! I think it's safe to say I never got anythg quite as bad as a couple of these --- like "sampled" jellies or antsy fruitcake!
I guess the cheapest gift was from one of my old bosses - a candy cane, a few stale Hershey kisses & one rock hard envelope of hot chocolate mix stuffed into a dollar store mug. Oh well, at least all us employees got the same thing. :rolleyes:

01-03-2008, 09:45 AM
This didn't happen to me, but my sister once recieved dollar store extra large panty hose during a family gift exchange from our uncle.

Same sister got as a wedding gift from the same uncle a book about dieting.

My sister and her hubby barely weigh 100 lbs. :eek: :rolleyes:

We were rolling with laughter. :D

01-03-2008, 10:02 AM
From a Secret Santa excange with my extended family:

A box of Nice'n'Easy. For Beards and Moustaches. Thanks guys, last time i checked i was a girl :rolleyes:

01-03-2008, 01:02 PM
OMGosh you guys have me rolling !! Sorry Blue_Frog but I about fell out of my chair laughing at yours, LOL.

I am happy to say I cannot remember any cheap gifts of my own but I do have a really good friend whose birthday is Christmas Eve. One year relatives gave her a gift, one for her birthday and one for Christmas morning. When she opened her birthday gift that evening it was a slipper, yes A slipper...guess what she got for Christmas....yep the other slipper. Now that is cheap.

01-03-2008, 01:25 PM
Some of these people sound, not just cheap and thoughtless, but mentally ill as well. How else do you explain one slipper, sampled jelly, beard & moustache dye for a girl, ancient fruitcake, and rancid perfume?

01-03-2008, 02:17 PM
Some of these are hilarious! I have a story similar to Karen's. Years ago I worked in a dental office. We had a little old lady who was a patient there. I'll call her Mrs. K. She always brought gifts in for all of us each year and you could tell they were used items or, perhaps, bought at a thrift store. She was very sweet and we were honored that she liked us enough to even think of giving us gifts. After she died we continued the tradition. Each year we would look around our homes and select something to be put in what we called the *Mrs. K gift polyanna.* We'd bring them in wrapped and we'd each select one, and it was so much fun. :)

Personally the strangest gift I ever received was from my mother-in-law one year. I am not saying it was cheap, and it was not the only thing that she gave me that year, but it was strange. It was an apron! :eek: Maybe she felt I was a sloppy cooker and needed one. :)

Killearn Kitties
01-03-2008, 03:52 PM
Pam, you have just reminded me of a friend of mine who received from her mother-in-law one of those row counters that you put on your knitting needle. This friend did not knit and had no intention of taking it up. It was not the only present she received. In fact, she assumed that her mother-in-law had wrapped it up in the present by mistake and offered it back to her. :D

01-03-2008, 04:19 PM
Some of these are hilarious! I have a story similar to Karen's. Years ago I worked in a dental office. We had a little old lady who was a patient there. I'll call her Mrs. K. She always brought gifts in for all of us each year and you could tell they were used items or, perhaps, bought at a thrift store. She was very sweet and we were honored that she liked us enough to even think of giving us gifts. After she died we continued the tradition. Each year we would look around our homes and select something to be put in what we called the *Mrs. K gift polyanna.* We'd bring them in wrapped and we'd each select one, and it was so much fun. :)

Aww Pam, that is so sweet. :) It probably made everyone happy, even
Mrs. K .

01-03-2008, 04:59 PM
I used to work with a woman who always gave cheap gifts. She didn't have much money, but that was never the point. She was a really good seamstress, but she never used her talents or creativity in her gifts. She always gave broken or used junk as gifts. I kid you not, I've seen this woman dumpster dive for things that she then gives as gifts. One time she found an ugly, broken napkin holder in a dumpster and she gave it to another girl I worked with as a letter holder. One girl I worked with got a broken, dirty watch from her, another a half used bottle of cheap perfume. Honestly I can't remember what I've gotten from her, there have been so many cheap things over the years.

01-03-2008, 06:55 PM
A couple years ago I received Fake flowers from my ex's mom, the next morning my dog Chance got in the house and chewed them up!! He didnt touch anything else in the house but my gift :rolleyes: another lady always used to give me 1 packet of hot choc mix and a piece of candy..

01-03-2008, 07:03 PM
This year for Christmas my brother's new girlfriend gave him two books. A book all about grammar and one about women dominating men.

Not necessarily "cheap" gifts, but they made me laugh nonetheless.

01-03-2008, 08:10 PM
KBlaix...that woman sounds ill, really. I hope she got some help at some point. Sad!

01-03-2008, 08:27 PM
Zippy Kat, I had to read your post about the clock more than once to figure it out! I am dense. Medusa, what a great story about the water bottles. I just had a friend tell me that my Christmas gift was going to be the Chia pet grass planter but it was sold out. (No problem there!) My mom received a beautifully wrapped handkerchief for her birthday. One handkerchief. Yes, it's linen and yes, it's embroidered. I asked if the person who gave it to her had done the embroidery? Nope, it was store bought because there was a gift receipt in the box. What a strange gift.

Another year she gave me a jar she had put popcorn kernels in and a little baggie of seasoning mix to put over them after they are popped. Again, container from the Dollar Store.
I have a question about the popcorn kernels, and yes, I know it's probably dumb. My mom went with a friend to the Amana Colonies in Iowa this fall. She brought back a big container of Amish popcorn kernels and for Christmas gave some to me in a cute jar with a Christmas sticker on the lid. I think the jar might even be a re-gift of its own. Is that a lame gift? It's not the only thing she gave me. I've made the popcorn, it popped into huge puffs and tastes great. My dad loves popcorn, but there was no way he and my mom would have finished all of it, so she gave some to me.

01-03-2008, 10:04 PM
How about nothing at all.... not that I honestly care about gifts or anything, but this Christmas...

My sister-in-law was pregnant and well to put it in a nutshell hasn't had the best relationship with her parents or siblings because she was a bit of a rebel child throughout high school (which she didn't even finish and ended up getting herself knocked up instead). Her and I have had a lot of rough times with each other (she would spy on me, steal letters I'd written to HJ and photocopy them to try to black mail me, go through my stuff, spread nasty rumors about me at school, etc), and while she irritated the crap out of me I told myself I was a better person, people could change, and I needed to forgive and forget...

So this Christmas I put everything behind me, she's been around more since her pregnancy though her and HJ still weren't really on speaking terms. We were Christmas shopping and I said, "You know what I think your sister would appreciate, a day at the spa for Christmas. I know she's going to be getting a bunch of baby stuff, I think she would like something for herself and can just relax."

So HJ went and bought a $150 spa package for her at a really nice spa here in town.

Christmas Eve HJ's brother came up to him and said, "You know, [sister's name] said she wasn't going to get you or Jessie anything for Christmas because you weren't going to get anything for her."

Honestly, that was a slap in the face. ESPECIALLY considering we spent Christmas morning together as a family and watched as everyone else opened presents from her. And when we gave her her gift... she just opened it and looked at it. Didn't even get a thank you.

Now I know Christmas isn't about getting, but about giving, but dear God, she is so heartless... she says she's changed yet pulls crap like that on her brother. And I KNOW HJ loves her, she is just... difficult to deal with. =/

And it just hurt that she would pull something like that on us, on me especially, when I've been trying to hard to be civil and pull them closer together, especially after her baby, MY NEPHEW, was born. =/ It just hurts.

01-03-2008, 10:35 PM
I come from a large family and we all get together every Christmas. There are tons of cousins to buy gifts for so I realize that my aunts don't have a lot of money to spend due to their being so many of us. Now I don't mind the aunts that buy me things like a single pair of socks, because I at least do wear socks on a daily basis. Every single year I have two aunts that insist on buying me horrible costume jewlery. Anyone who has ever met me or even seen a picture of me would know that I would never ever wear girly costume jewlery! Every year I would rather that they didn't spend the $3 on the tacky bracelet for me. I think what's more annoying than anything is how thoughtless the gift is. In the past years I never had much money but I would always put some thought into buying gifts for all of my aunts.

01-03-2008, 11:05 PM
I remember one....

My mother in law had bought my husband a really nice leather coat, and brought it on a visit months before Christmas, just so they would not have to get me anything. Right in front of me.....

I told my husband, after Christmas passed with NO present, card or phone call that I was upset. He told her....

About a month later, I got a package that contained two shirts from my mother in law. BOTH way too big, complete with chub rolls of the "person" previous wearing them, and deodorant stains in the pits :rolleyes: Hows that for thoughtfulness???

A few weeks later, she called hubby to make sure they arrived, and I said yes, but the deodorant stains would not come out :p

Ever since that Christmas, she has gotten me nice gifts. A cat purse, gift cards, and this Christmas, cash ;)

Usually when you point out that you arent happy, they will try harder next year. But it still makes it feel like the presents are only to shut you up.

Point: If you MUST regift, make sure that you WASH the item first :D

01-04-2008, 10:52 AM
One year I received a sterling silver spoon that had clearly gone down the disposal. It was so mangled that you couldn't use it.

But my friend kept saying "it is your pattern"...............yes, she was right - it did match my Grandmother's sterling..........but, what was I to do with it?

I still have it and laugh everytime I see it.

But this particular family has a tradition passed down by their mother of giving used gifts - and they even carefully fold the wrapping paper to use again. So their presents always have folds in the wrapping paper that you can tell wrapped something else before it was given to you along with scotch tape markings from the earlier wrapping.

What about the people that return every gift they receive to the store - after using it for several months?

01-04-2008, 12:07 PM
I have a sister in law who buys us bad gifts. Over the years I've recieved a fitted sheet - not a set of sheets, just the bottom fitted one and used none the less, an old worn out diet book, a child's cowboy hat when I was about 16 years old, a set of three disposable razors, a broken Rotato (one of those cheap plastic potato peelers), and for my birthday one year she sent me a box of cake mix and a package of McDonald's paper cups.

She gave my Dad an empty plastic jug of BBQ sauce that hadn't been washed, she gave my mother several used articles of clothing in size 3X (my mother was by no means that large) and she gave my husband a child's small t-shirt one year.

These are just some of the things I can think of off hand that she's given over the past 30 years and the sad part is she and my brother are very wealthy. I think my brother finally realized what tacky stuff she was giving and he started buying his own gifts to us which are always very nice and thoughtful.

01-04-2008, 12:24 PM
When my son graduated from college, one of my "friends" gave him 4 pencils as a graduation gift. He still talks about that. This woman had been invited to every event at my house, holidays, birthdays, barbeques, you name it. That one offended me. I can usually shrug off things but that got to me.

01-04-2008, 07:11 PM
I'm having a lot of fun reading these funny stories.:) I just can't imagine getting some of these things as gifts.

I guess the worst gifts that I've ever received were from my Christmas party at work. We used to draw names so we at least knew who we were buying for but now we just draw numbers and then we play a game. You're able to steal a gift from others if you want to and if it's stolen again from you then you can maybe steal it back again. If you have it after 3 times of stealing it then it's yours to keep.

Any way, one year I ended up with a garden shovel and weed digger and I don't even have a yard. I did end up regifting these to my parents and they did like them. I did however let them know that it was a regift.

Another year, I ended up with a plastic pencil,eraser holder,school supplies case thing that kids put in their notebooks. It also came with a package of Macadamia Nut Cookies. Another year I ended up with a picture of fruit. Another year I ended up with a helicopter which I gave to my parents so they could later give it to my nephew. I always try to buy something like a gift certificate or something that I know that most people would like or could use.

01-05-2008, 09:43 AM
I can't believe it! An empty bottle of BBQ sauce, jams that have been tasted, shirts with stains.
I am glad I never made this experience in my life.
Company gifts are a different thing however. I got this year a gift that is a very big book (like 20 inches high) of fairytales together with a CD. It is designed in a cheap-oldfashioned way (artificial plastic leather in red and gold) but I can tell it must have been expensive. It's just simply not my style and I don't know anybody whom I wanted to give it as they would think it was my style. I'll try to sell it on ebay- but I have a bad conscience because of course it was meant to impress me very much.
My company this year had pretty big pieces of very good chocolate, wrapped in company style paper. I am sure that gift will not be re-gifted very often ;)

01-05-2008, 11:39 AM
I have never received a cheap (as in cheesy) pre used gift.I did get
a pair of cowboy boots, that I had begged long & hard for, for Christmas.

My little brother took them out in puddles after a hard rain & the soles
fell off. :( Looking back, they were probably a cheaply made pair. :)

Miss Z
01-05-2008, 12:05 PM
I once got a book from a very distant relative who-was-at-my-Christening-but-haven't seem her-since (you know the kind ;) ) that was all about riding for the disabled. :confused: It was most likely from a charity shop or the likes, because it was a bit worn and was published in 1978, so was very dated.

I suppose information must have filtered back to her that I loved horse-riding and she just got the first thing she saw to do with that.

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-06-2008, 06:57 AM
When I was still a kid, I loved to draw on the pavement with white chalks. I always helped my teacher to wash the black board, and that is where I got the chalks from: leftovers :)
One Christmas I got a box with 12 new chalks! Oh my, I was sooooooooo happy with my "cheap" present!!!

01-06-2008, 10:05 AM
When I was still a kid, I loved to draw on the pavement with white chalks. I always helped my teacher to wash the black board, and that is where I got the chalks from: leftovers :)
One Christmas I got a box with 12 new chalks! Oh my, I was sooooooooo happy with my "cheap" present!!!

Oh, that sure brings back memories lut. :) If the Sister gave us a piece
of chalk (broken pieces) it was good for a whole afternoon's playing of
hopscotch or drawing funny faces on the sidewalk. :)

01-06-2008, 08:52 PM
I know exactly which one!!! When I had my second child, a "friend" of mine gave me a baby sleeper. She had a baby boy that was born a couple of months before I found out I was pregnant. I had just started keeping him for her when she went back to work and found out that I was expecting again. I told her that I wouldn't be able to keep him afterall and that she needed to find another sitter. Anyway, she gives me one baby sleeper that is BLUE (I had a girl ... I was still in the hospital after having her) and it had "pulls" on it, and even smelled dirty. I could barely even force myself to thank her! Think it was a direct result of my letting her "down" on babysitting for her newborn? :rolleyes:

01-06-2008, 09:21 PM
I have a cousin that got married. For a shower gift his grandfather and step-grandmother, not the grandparents that we share but the ones on his mother's side, gave them a coffee pot. One problem, they forgot to take out the used coffee grounds.

Daisy and Delilah
01-06-2008, 11:21 PM
Last year at Christmas I got a calendar from my Mother. It was really cute with puppy pictures in it. When I was ready to hang it in my sewing room, I noticed January was filled with my Mother's appointments for the month. Thanks Mom for the used calendar :rolleyes:

I figured she must have accidentally given me her calendar and kept the new one. I later found out that she had missed two appointments in the early part of the month. I was about two weeks into January when I found time to hang it. Ooooooops :eek: