View Full Version : Fireworks!

12-29-2007, 10:23 PM
Tiki loves fireworks so I tried to take some pictures yesterday.. None of them turned out very good because it was so dark and I'm still learning to use my camera.. I've never even had a digital camera before.
Anyway. Tiki had a blast. Like always. It might look dangerous but none of these fireworks create any big explosions and she also knows not to pick them up or anything like that. So no need to worry.

I want MORE fireworks mom!!
Hey, maybe she has some!
Come on!

continues in next post.

12-29-2007, 10:27 PM

The Rottweiler belongs to a friend of mine. She didn't like fireworks at first, but as you can see Tiki has had a good influence on her, so now she has started to see the fun in them as well. Her name is Sascha btw and she is about six months old.

Taggart on the other hand wasn't as brave as the girls :( Poor baby.

12-29-2007, 10:45 PM
That looks scary to me.

They may seem like small fireworks and normally everything goes off as it's supposed to, but twice in my life I've personally seen what happens when things don't go right.

First time some friends and I were lighting off very tiny cones (like 2-3 inches tall) that were supposed to just spit up a shower of sparks about 6 inches up. My friend would not get back like the rest of us and seemed to think of them as harmless. However one cone must have been defective because it came out in a quick blast to start and tipped over pointing directly at my friend. Instead of a shower of sparks it shot a stream of sparks right at her. It all happened so quickly that she couldn't get out of the way fast enough. Fortunately she suffered no permenant burn scars but did feel the sting of burning sparks on her legs.

Second time I was with a group of people who were lighting mid sized cones (6-7 inches tall) off from a steel stake pointed out over a lake. They stuck the cones over the stake pointing out towards the lake and light the fuse. People were sitting around a campfire about 5-6 feet away. I sat on a small hill about another 15 feet back. I got laughed at and teased most of the night until something finally went wrong. One of the cones didn't do the shower of sparks pointing over the lake. Instead the thing outright exploded sending firey sparks in every direction. People went flying trying to get out of the way but it happened very quickly. Chairs nearly went in the fire pit in their haste to flee, and one child got stepped on. As I recall two people got minor burns on their arms and one had a bit of singed hair.

In both cases the overall injuries were thankfully minor, but the fact is sometimes fireworks don't do what they are supposed to do and it happens so fast you don't have time to react before the damage is done. Let alone that other injuries can happen from getting out of the way in the meantime.

If those were my dogs I wouldn't let them near fireworks of any kind, even sparklers burn at a temperature of over 1,000 degrees.

