View Full Version : Who's afraid of the big bad............ hockey tape??

12-29-2007, 01:58 PM
Last night while my bf and I were eating dinner Ramone started acting really weird. He was staring at something growling really low, hackles up, body crouched leaning back, ready to run. My bf told him to knock it off thinking he was growling at a noise outside, but I could see that he was clearly afraid of something, so I told my bf to be quiet as I tried to figure out what it was.

I slowly moved around the table so I could see what Ramone was looking at. All I could see on the ground was a roll of hockey tape, so I went over and picked it up. Well you would have thought it was a grenade the way Ramone took off once I touched it. He flew back into the couch and cowered in a down. I held it out to him, telling him it was just hockey tape, and he kinda came near, stretching his head out as far as his neck would allow, but the closer he got, the more scared he seemed. I then turned and showed Emily (my female sheltie) the tape as she was puzzled by what was going on and probably thought there was food involved. She sniffed the tape and dismissed it.

I then took a small piece of the meatloaf we had for dinner and held it together with the tape. Ramone wanted no part of it. So I put the tape in one hand the meat in the other asked him for a sit and then gave it to him. Then I put the tape away in the closet. It was the strangest thing ever. In the 3 months I've had this dog fear is one thing I've never ever seen him display. Ever. Just wondering if anyone has any insight? Should I have done something differently? I was just floored that a roll of hockey tape would cause such an intense reaction in him.

12-29-2007, 02:09 PM
Does the tape have a distinctive odor to it?

12-29-2007, 02:30 PM
Does the tape have a distinctive odor to it?

I dunno... it smells like hockey tape. I guess to a dog it might?