View Full Version : what should we do about our ducks??

12-29-2007, 12:26 AM
Hey everyone. I know some of you have ducks and right now we are kinda having to decide whether we are going to keep our ducks or not. If you read this then I'd appreciate your opinions about what you would do if it were you and your ducks in this situation.

OK, we are moving in about a month (we have to!!) and we are actually building onto my grandparent's house and just making it a lot bigger because my mom doesn't want to move far away from them cause she has to already right now help my grandma w/cooking and washing clothes and things like cleaning the house and keeping the groceries bought for them. So when we move everyone agreed that building onto their house would be the best thing.

Here is the problem--they live right near some woods and their neighbor use to have 20 something goats but they were all killed by coyotes. so when we move it's kinda like we're risking their lives ina way---know what I mean?? My grandpa's friend said she would take all 17 of our ducks. She already has some ducks and she has a nice pond in her yard for them too.....I know they would be taken care of fo r sure and fed---it's just hard cause we love our ducks. i know some of you that have/had ducks understand where I am coming from...

another hard thing is that I would miss my muscovy girl Diego like crazy--she's the daughter of my very first duck who passed away in '06.
but I just don't want to risk carrying her to the new house when we move and some coyotes killing them...and there are so many of those around here you can just here them howling all the time. so what should I do?? I would be able to go see them awhenever I wanted to. but i am going to miss them and especially Diego..... so do you think the right thing would be t o let her have them???? that way I would know they would be safer.. I just couldn't ever forgive myself if I decided to keep them and then something killed them...what would you do?????? :confused:

12-29-2007, 12:34 AM
I'd let the lady with the nice pond who already has ducks take them, especially if she promises to let you visit at least once a week. I would not take the chance with the coyotes around your grandparents' house. Now, if your folks would agree, maybe Diego could stay, but be an indoor duck - diapers for time wandering and a pen in the basement maybe? Dunno about swim time ...

12-29-2007, 11:39 AM
I agree on letting them stay with the other lady, she sounds very nice! :)

It would be risking your ducks life putting them near those coyotes. If you love Diego like Karen said just keep her with you, hopefully it would be ok to keep a duck in the house and yes there are diaper suites you can buy for your pet ducks, or maybe you could build a very strong hutch or somthing right beside the house with a light on at night for Diego, what ever choice you make I'm sure it will be a good one.

critter crazy
12-29-2007, 11:45 AM
I agree wuth the above posts, It would be in the Duks best intrests, to be away frm an area that is home to many coyotes. Ducks unfortunatey, make a quick an esy meal, as they dont realy hae any defenses. I know it sucks but at least they will be alive, happy, and you coul visit them. Good luck with what ever you decide.

12-29-2007, 12:36 PM
Um why don't you build them a nice large pen and coop. You don't let your dogs and cats run free unsupervised, or most people don't. And ducks running free is bad anyway because they can interbreed even with geese and it is bad for the real wild life.

12-30-2007, 01:11 AM
Hey everyone. Thanks for posting--I think that is what we have decided---to let my papa's friend have them..it'll be hard but at least I would know they were safe. and she's very nice so she would let me visit probably anytime...
I just can't risk their lives...

about the diaper thing!! my mom and grandma would never go for that!! LOL! that's asking too much!

Tamandua, we have a fence now but we are just afraid when we moved coyotes might try digging under, or maybe climbing the pen/fence.......

12-30-2007, 06:20 PM
You could put an electric fence wire around the bottom.

Scooter's Mom
12-30-2007, 11:12 PM
I've seen coyotes jump/climb a fence... they got into a llama pen and killed all but one of the llamas about 2 years ago out here close to where I live. It was awful.

Letting the friend have them is a very selfless thing to do. It's a hard decision, and I know it hurts. Thank you for considering the well-being of your pets above your own feelings. That's what responsibility is all about. Good job.

12-30-2007, 11:12 PM
A duck wandered into my husband's business he was tame and disoriented, and we had him in our backyard for nearly a year, our neighbors dog got over in our yard and killed him, I have never forgiven myself for that. Let them be where they are safe.

01-01-2008, 01:15 PM
Thanks I am glad you guys understand and don't feel like I'm just getting rid of them.. I would love to keep them forever..I just don't want to risk their lives and that's what I would be doing...

Until we had ducks I never knew that you could get so extremely close to them...They all have their own personalities...

01-01-2008, 01:17 PM
A duck wandered into my husband's business he was tame and disoriented, and we had him in our backyard for nearly a year, our neighbors dog got over in our yard and killed him, I have never forgiven myself for that. Let them be where they are safe.

I'm so sorry....I know how you feel...a dog killed our very first duck we ever had....(she was Diego's mom)

01-01-2008, 01:45 PM
Genny...good for you! The ducks will be safe and you can visit.

Here's a duck joke to maybe give you a smile:

Q. What happens to ducks that fly upside down?

A. They quack up.



01-06-2008, 10:38 PM
Genny...good for you! The ducks will be safe and you can visit.

Here's a duck joke to maybe give you a smile:

Q. What happens to ducks that fly upside down?

A. They quack up.



lol that's cute ;)