View Full Version : R I P Tatiana

12-28-2007, 03:10 PM
I feel so sorry for the San Francisco tiger.

I believe that she was taunted and teased, and maybe even assisted getting out. Don't know if the 2 surviving brothers will tell the truth, or if we will ever know, but it is what I believe.

I ony hope the ones injured weren't just innocent bystanders.

The tiger, and the Zoo, will suffer, because of someone else's misdeed. The tiger is dead, and the Zoo will not only have to aquire another tiger, but will have to reenforce the holding area before they can do it. The animals need to be better protected from the spectators who can't behave themselves.

Ginger's Mom
12-28-2007, 04:12 PM
I agree, I feel so bad for her. She was a beautiful girl, and it was such a tragic end for everyone. :(

I feel so conflicted about zoos. I know that it can't be good for the animals it is not right, I know that there are going to be people who go there and taunt them and that the animals will only suffer for what we humans are doing. At the same time, I also know that it is the only way many people will get to see a real example of some of the finest most beautiful creatures in the world. It shouldn't be this way. *sigh* I don't know if that is a good enough reason to put these magnificent creatures in this position. I have gone to zoos (usually get there about once every ten years or so), and spend most of my time at the tiger preserves, because they are my favorite animals. But...I don't know I am so conflicted about it.

Anyway, yes, RIP Tatiana, out of everyone involved, zoo keepers, builders, perhaps even the victims themselves, you were the most innocent.

12-28-2007, 04:42 PM
Multiple human errrors led to a tragedy for the tiger & the young man's
family. The animal was the only innocent in the whole mess. Right now
the news story are playing the "friends of the man tried to save their
friend" theme instead of talking about what the men were doing hanging
around after the Zoo was closing? There was also something about the
man's shoe being found inside the Tiger fence.

12-28-2007, 04:52 PM
I feel so sorry for the San Francisco tiger.

I believe that she was taunted and teased, and maybe even assisted getting out. Don't know if the 2 surviving brothers will tell the truth, or if we will ever know, but it is what I believe.

I ony hope the ones injured weren't just innocent bystanders.

The tiger, and the Zoo, will suffer, because of someone else's misdeed. The tiger is dead, and the Zoo will not only have to aquire another tiger, but will have to reenforce the holding area before they can do it. The animals need to be better protected from the spectators who can't behave themselves.


12-29-2007, 10:57 AM
I also agree with freedom R.I.P. Tatianna i also found a picture of this beautifull animal i do hope that the 2 surviving brother DO tell the TRUTH.


12-29-2007, 03:17 PM
Honestly, I feel bad for Tatiana the most out of everyone. I can't say if I was a cop there and she threatened me I wouldn't have shot her, but I'm afraid either way she would have been killed. I don't want to say they all deserved what they got but what if they were taunting her? If she got the chance do you not think she would have attacked? She did get the chance. I don't get why people have to mess with animals, especially wild and potentially dangerous animals. I've seen someone dangle their leg over the fence in Florida where there was a huge alligator. Seriously, why do people feel the need to be so stupid? If you taunt a 300 pound cat what do you expect it to do? Who would be the first to be blamed if the alligator ripped his leg off. But sadly, taunting animals at zoo's is not against the law. I believe she was taunted as well since the survivors are being hostile to the investigators and police.

One thing the zoo shouldn't have done is lie about the size of the fence. This probably got them into more trouble. They said it was 20 ft, then 18 ft, and really it was 12 ft.

I don't know what happened that night, and I really don't want to know. It's really unfortunate for everyone involved. Especially the kid who got killed. I don't think he totally deserved that but what do you expect when you mess with something like a tiger?

12-30-2007, 07:10 PM
They taunted her tossing things in the enclosure. The enclosure was way to short and no water in the moat. Most recent info is the zoo knew that Tatiana had been "playing with the wall" and could get her paw up onto the edge. They did nothing. She was taunted and the extra adrenalin got her all the way out.

Tatiana was also unfairly raised and the Denver zoo is at fault in part. She was raised with no human contact. It is in humane to raise an animal to be wild when it is going to be living with people.

She did pass others by to get to all three men that were there together. She sought them out. I feel she just wanted to teach them a lesson and not kill but never being socialized to people she treated them as another tiger. The one that died was due to a claw to the throat a tiger killing on purpose goes for the throat or neck but with their teeth.

Tigers can live happily in captivity and even zoos if handled and raised right and the enclosure protect both them and the public. Tatiana was raised and handled all wrong. Most tigers live good lives that's why you don't hear about all the others on the news. Supposedly about 10,000 kept in the US. Even one or two incidents a year isn't even a whole percentage point. Horses kill more people percentage wise.

Someone had a Busch garden tiger show on youtube but I can't find it now. People and tigers interacting and tigers seemed to be having a blast.

http://www.spectacularoregon.com/specialsights/images/safari/tiger.jpg http://img.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2007/05_02/tigerDM2805_468x525.jpg

12-30-2007, 07:15 PM
I found this sanctuary for 'big cats' the other day while searching for something else.

I really admire the work they do.


12-30-2007, 07:40 PM
:mad: Humans just plain make me angry at times. This is one of those times. Tatiana had already shown that she needed to be well contained when she attacked her provider last year. The zoo really messed up and it cost Tatiana and the young man their lives. Big cats need lots of room and freedom to be big cats. They are not meant to be in an enclosure the size of the one she was in. The stupid zoo should have had cameras to watch for tormentors at the enclosure as well as a higher wall. I understand financial issues, but if you can't afford it, don't go there. I raise and release many wild animals that are orphaned or injured. No matter how small the animal it can be potentially dangerous. Some of the worst damage to my person was from a frightened grey squirrel that was not even an adult yet. I let my guard down and it cost me. Wild animals remember when you torment them and they will retaliate eventually if it continues. Tatiana was taking care of business as any tiger will do if the opportunity presents itself. I truly feel for the families of those young men. I wonder if the truth will ever be known. Humans really need to be trained a little better in our rolls as caretakers of this earth and it's inhabitants, whether human, animal, or plant. Of course all the training in the world will not help if a person is just plain cruel!!! RIP Beautiful Girl! I for one will always remember you.

12-31-2007, 12:32 PM
It always amazes me that people do dumb things to wild animals then get riled up when the animal acts like what it is, a wild animal. It's always the animal that gets the worst of the situation.

Any one who teases an animal deserves what they get, be it bitten or mauled! Animals just defend themselves the only way they can. :(

12-31-2007, 04:20 PM
It always amazes me that people do dumb things to wild animals then get riled up when the animal acts like what it is, a wild animal. It's always the animal that gets the worst of the situation.

Any one who teases an animal deserves what they get, be it bitten or mauled! Animals just defend themselves the only way they can. :(

Testosterone and beer are a very bad mix. :rolleyes: It's like how some
men decide to stand next to a bull & wave a cape in it's face. :) It's a
macho thing. :rolleyes:

Lady's Human
12-31-2007, 04:46 PM
Liz, stupidity knows no gender boundaries. Stupid is stupid.

12-31-2007, 06:04 PM
Liz, stupidity knows no gender boundaries. Stupid is stupid.

Hey, stupid is as stupid does but, if you check the crime stats, most
crime & mayhem is committed by male teens & early twenties.

Lady's Human
12-31-2007, 06:09 PM
And if I made a similar remark about certain issues and estrogen I'd be flamed.

Sexist comments are sexist comments.

12-31-2007, 06:16 PM
The zoo was at fault here, the boy in fact may have done something stupid but the wall was way below what is mandated and that tiger has a history for gods sake a young man is dead.

12-31-2007, 06:43 PM
Anyone hear of a TRANQUILIZER GUN??? Such a sad tragedy and all at human hands and stupidity.

Those people had no damn business being in their space. That kid got what he deserved. :mad: :mad:

12-31-2007, 06:53 PM
Its hard to charge someone who is dead. I am sure the SF zoo will be penalized, they have a history of problems.

Lady's Human
12-31-2007, 07:10 PM
From the LA Times:

Police Chief Fong said the first report that a tiger was loose and might have injured people came in to fire dispatch at 5:07 p.m. Tuesday and that police were dispatched a minute later. She said police found Sousa outside the tiger enclosure and then located the tiger a few hundred yards away at the Terrace Cafe. She said officers saw the tiger sitting by an injured person and then saw the animal begin to attack that person.

And a tranq gun would have helped the human victim how? Tranquilizers take time to work, and the dosage needs to be fairly accurate.

The story also goes on to say that they were reluctant to shoot the tiger because of the proximity of the victim, but had no choice when the tiger charged them.

12-31-2007, 09:13 PM
I think the police officers did what they had to do, here is an interesting article about this zoo and I especially agree with the last paragraph.


01-01-2008, 10:31 AM
I hope no one thinks I meant to say that the Boy should be dead but if he was taunting the tiger he is at fault to. As we always say about pitbulls animals are not born vicious. The tiger obviously did not just decide to jump over the fence and kill someone because it felt like it. They said they found stones in the pen. They must have got the tiger mad enough, and all she was doing was defending herself. Caseysmom, I agree with you that the fence should have been higher, but then again what those boys did(if they did it and there is not a doubt in my mind) was just as wrong.

01-01-2008, 11:17 AM
I read and I think its in the article I posted but I am not positive but I did read that Tatiana was up on the fence and angry for some time and a mother reported it to the zoo a while back and they did nothing. I am not saying the boys are faultless but it seems like there were a lot of things leading up to this. No I don't think the boy should be dead and I think Tatiana should have been protected better too.

01-01-2008, 01:39 PM
Testosterone and beer are a very bad mix. :rolleyes:

What a sexist statement!

What about the last name of Spears and sex? ;)

If the wall was a typical gunite (sprayed concrete) texture, there is no reason a sharp clawed cat could not climb it.

The cat should have taken them all out and left to live.

01-01-2008, 06:11 PM
The cat should have taken them all out and left to live.

Well, I agree with you on that. LH and now you calling it "sexist "
statements will just have to accept the facts of the statistical data.

Most violent crimes involve young males & alcohol. (or drugs).

Example: From thoday's news

Men shoot themselves in tattoo attempt

Posted: Jan 1, 2008 03:09 PM EST

CHAPARRAL, N.M. (AP) - Getting a tattoo can be a painful proposition, but usually it's just the needle you have to worry about. Two men trying to trace a loaded .357-caliber Magnum as a pattern for a tattoo accidentally shot themselves, the Otero County Sheriff's Department said Monday.

Robert Glasser and Joey Acosta, both 22, were treated at a hospital in El Paso, Texas, after the shooting Thursday evening in nearby Chaparral.

Authorities said Glasser was struck in the hand when the gun accidentally went off, and Acosta was hit in the left arm. Their injuries were not life-threatening, authorities said.

(Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

01-01-2008, 06:24 PM

Where's the mention of alcohol? ;)

I have yet to see a police report that mentions testosterone as the cause of a crime.

Eileen Wurnos? :eek:

01-01-2008, 06:26 PM
I have to side with the guys on this one women do there fair share of dumb things too.

01-01-2008, 07:12 PM
I have to side with the guys on this one women do there fair share of dumb things too.

Is that why they call women the 'fairer' sex? :confused:

01-03-2008, 12:24 PM
This story gets sadder and sadder a witness came forward and said she saw the boys taunting the tiger and the boy that was killed was not doing any of the taunting and looked at the lady apologetically. So he paid the price for his stupid friends behavior, now they have hired Mark Geragos to sue the zoo. They found slingshots on the two boys and an empty vodka bottle in there car.


01-04-2008, 02:17 PM
It's so horrible to think that poor Tatiana's last thoughts and feelings were that of rage because of some stupid drunk boys.

Rest easy now Tatiana.

You are now finally free.

01-04-2008, 10:20 PM

I have no words... :mad: :mad:

RIP Tatiana. RIP. :( :(

01-05-2008, 03:46 PM
I especially hold Geragos in contempt.

And everyone knows that those losers will get a financial payoff for their stupidity.You gotta love it! :mad: