View Full Version : Boils...(embarrassing)...

12-27-2007, 05:15 PM
And yes, I am asking FOR A FRIEND! :p

Poor gal has had fairly regular flareups in the same spot.

She finally had it 'removed' a few days ago...she sees the need to keep it open, but no one is talking about stitching it closed.

She would really like to get back to work, but needs this thing to close and heal!

Anyone know if these kinds of incisions are ever stitched?

Thanks. :)

12-27-2007, 05:34 PM
I get them... A LOT.. They need to be left open to let the infection drain. Once it drains, and Heals from the bottom up.. It should be ok. It isn't fun to go through, that is for sure!

12-28-2007, 07:08 AM
Can she cover it with a non-stick bandage against her skin, then gauze on top to absorb, and go on about her business? I don't think she'd want the boogies stitched up inside!

12-28-2007, 08:28 AM
if they're in an a more 'personal' area, she needs to call her doctor back for advice. if it's draining on the bra line or panty line, panty shields or sanitary pads, yes, those are cheap and very good at catching any drainage mess. place the absorbant side against the skin and leave the paperstrip on, you don't want the shield sticking to the clothing and not over the wound. tape the whole thing to the skin with paper tape, so her skin won't get sore when she changes the dressings. at night or at home, an wear an old pair of panties or a tshirt, that she can throw away, it will allow her to keep it open. hope this helps

12-28-2007, 10:12 PM
Drainage is REALLY important - closing it up could invite relapse. Faithfully changing the dressing (wearing gloves) and keeping it open (like with Neosporin ointment, to keep it from crusting over) are the only way to let the infection out. If it remains problematic or the culture comes back resistant, her doctor might put her on oral antibiotics.

Love, Columbine