View Full Version : how much weight have you gained over the xmas period...

12-26-2007, 01:21 PM
For those of us who are still trying hard to loose weight or watch our weight , thought this might be a good place to confess our sins.

I have gained 1kg, thats about 2.2 pounds, not too bad considering i have been kinda over eating since my birthday, which is like ten days, all together, however i am happy to report i am back on track today, and intend to loose that 1 kg this week, i really felt the extra around my middle in my clothes and it is uncomfortable.

Disappointed that i did not make it to my goal for my 50th birthday, but at least i maintained my weight loss this year, i still intend to keep trying, maybe for my 51st i will reach my goal, who really knows eh.

Anyhow hope you all managed to sail through the xmas period with not too much of a gain, and some of you may have even lost, i have done that once before many years ago lol.

Good luck everyone with your new years goals. :)

12-26-2007, 02:59 PM
Not sure, and I refuse to weigh myself till I burn some of it off...especially since I recently lost some weight, it would be depressing if I gained some :rolleyes:

12-26-2007, 03:59 PM
copied from thread, Weight Watchers... new problem today is that I'm still craving all that oooey-gooey food. It's hard to go back to the usual daily diet after a two-day binge.

Well... I was down 20 pounds (80 to go!) but I put two back on between Christmas Eve and day. It was a lot of carbs, too - fettuccine Alfredo after church on Monday, roast pork and bread dumplings yesterday. Today I'm not hungry at all, though.

12-26-2007, 06:36 PM
Way too much, I'm sure! Quite a few of my students gave me treats & sweets, that I have been munching on this whole week! Not too mention plenty of stuff that I made myself. I officially started my diet today, I'm trying to lose 15 pounds by April. :) Hubby and I are going to do it together.

12-26-2007, 07:08 PM
I think about 7 :o and I wont be dieting until the 8th of January when I fly home.