View Full Version : Grooming day and assorted pics

12-22-2007, 09:55 PM
So we have a visitor at our house, and I'm pretty sure you've all seen her before. Anyhow, she came freshly bathed and Lucky also got a bath today so the creative side of me couldn't help but groom them down!

First, Lucky:

And then Lily:
(not a good stack, but she wouldn't stop moving!!)


And then a cute little pic of Ivy and Giselle:

Aaaand proof that I can't take action shots for anything!

And one more!

Or maybe one more:

Okay, done! :)

12-23-2007, 05:33 AM
Nice pics of all the pups,they're all adorable! :D

12-23-2007, 08:04 AM
Nice pics, just look at Ivy sitting so nicely on the contact. I take it she will be doing stopping contacts like two on and two off? With Kizmit I've made the scary decision to do running contacts :eek: due to the length of his body and his natural stride...it's going to be scary.

12-23-2007, 09:08 PM
Yep, 2o2o's for us. Ivy is too crazy to do running contacts and we don't have a full height a-frame for consistent practice. :)

12-23-2007, 11:35 PM
I'm sure Kiz is as equally crazy :D We're actually doing the beginning stages of the running contact on the ground. My friend whose the head at agility instructor is trying out a new way of teaching contacts that seems to be having great results. We went to a seminar on it on wednesday night and it seems like something that Kiz will pick up easily and will enjoy learning.

12-24-2007, 12:35 PM
*comes over and steals Lucky* Ah what the heck, I'll take Lily too. Look at those happy eyes.
Action shots are overrated, so long as there's a cute doggy its a great picture.