View Full Version : Let that lady out of the little box!

08-12-2002, 07:59 PM
My internal modem was burned in a recent thunderstorm, so I have been forced to resort to an external modem until I get the new part for my computer.

The external modem sits on the floor. When I connect into my office computer, it first answers with an automatic voice "welcome to..." before connecting to the modem there. Every time that woman's voice comes over the modem, Ritz goes over to the modem, lifts it up with her paw and looks under it, then tries to attack!

Mom, let that lady out of that box!

08-12-2002, 08:13 PM
Ritzy, you're so funny!!! :D

Noel does that when I am printing anything! It's really funny! I used to come home and listen to Dr. Laura online...she went crazy trying to figure that out! :)

08-12-2002, 08:23 PM
I forgot you had a new addition to the family...How is Basil getting along? Has Noel made up yet? Noah just looks so regal with his fur all neatly trimmed...what a lovely fur family!

I know what you mean about the printer, too. Ritzy always runs over and pokes her nose in to see what's coming out.

08-12-2002, 09:22 PM
LOL That's too funny!

08-12-2002, 10:04 PM
Sunny and Storm also run over to the printer to see what's coming out. :) When the phone rings Sunny will run over to it and jump up right beside it like he's going to answer it. :) BTW Kelly I also love your new signature pic. :cool:

08-12-2002, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by tuxluvr
I forgot you had a new addition to the family...How is Basil getting along? Has Noel made up yet? Noah just looks so regal with his fur all neatly trimmed...what a lovely fur family!

I know what you mean about the printer, too. Ritzy always runs over and pokes her nose in to see what's coming out.

Noel is coming around slowly. Basil likes to play with her at night...he's too funny...BRAVE too! :) Noel LOVES playing and being a kitten, so does Basil. Noel is always nearby.

Thanks for the compliment on Noah...he loves his new haircut. I'm still trying to convince him to go back and get it done again... :D

08-12-2002, 11:59 PM
My baby Jersey (RB) once ran up to the phone while I was in the shower one morning and answered it!! Hi brother Bruce was a tux but part Siamese with a BIGGGG mouth! He talked 24/7. I came out of the shower and later heard the phone off the hook. I hung it up and immediately got a call. My girlfriend said she called an when the phone was answered all she heard was "MOWWW MOWWW MOWWW!" She said she figured it was the right number since she'd heard Bruce before! LOL
He only did it once but always ran to the phone when it rang.

08-13-2002, 03:48 AM

08-13-2002, 10:04 AM
That is so funny, I have a vivid mental picture in my head. Thanks for sharing!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-13-2002, 11:30 AM
Ritzy is so funny! I don't know how you get any actual work done with her "help." I'd be laughing too hard most of the time to get anything done. ;) :D

08-13-2002, 11:37 AM
That is just too funny!! Last night my husband was logging on to the computer and it made that funny noise and Yum Yum just started looking all around the house for it. :) :D

08-13-2002, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by kitten645
My baby Jersey (RB) once ran up to the phone while I was in the shower one morning and answered it!! Hi brother Bruce was a tux but part Siamese with a BIGGGG mouth! He talked 24/7. I came out of the shower and later heard the phone off the hook. I hung it up and immediately got a call. My girlfriend said she called an when the phone was answered all she heard was "MOWWW MOWWW MOWWW!" She said she figured it was the right number since she'd heard Bruce before! LOL
He only did it once but always ran to the phone when it rang.

I keep waiting for Ritz to do this - she always goes over to the ringing phone - it is a trimline and she "stands" on it, it rings, she meows, it rrings she meows, this goes on until we answer. My spouse caught her trying to lift up the headset....I think of that commercial "Baxter?"