View Full Version : Two wonderful updates!!

12-21-2007, 06:23 PM
First here is a link to Dark Blue collars page. He is doing awsome as you will read on his page and when you see the pictures you will be shocked. He looks identical to Sheena right now. He is turning out to be a very stunning dog. And as you will read his owner is very happy with him and is working hard with him.


The second update is Ajax's. He got to go into his first non pet business. A video store. We got permission first and they had no problem with him coming in for some training. I like training there because of the very wide aisles. With Ajax's happy tail problem having wide aisles so he can't knock anything off is a must. He did so well for his first time. He tried to sniff a few shelves but after a couple of corrections he left them alone. He followed me at heel most of the time with only a few times trying to go greet people. But agian with a couple of corrections he ignored people. Several times after that people would walk really close by us and he would look at them only and then focus back on me. We had a couple of free rentals so when we went up to get the movies and stood in line he was a perfect gentleman. He was very patient and even laid down as we waited out turn. I am so proud of him. THe tail is still a problem but he is only 5 months old and given time I think we will get a handle on it. My trainer friend gave me a suggestion on how to stop it. I guess Polar(donated pup) also has a happy tail. lol

So there is Ajax's update. We just had to share. Sorry no pictures this time because we were not sure if they would consent to us bringing him in for training. They said we can come back anything so the next time we go we will take pictures.

12-21-2007, 07:53 PM
Great update on Dark Blue! Good boy Ajax! :D

12-22-2007, 07:49 AM
Oh what a wonderful update on Dark Blue! He's SO handsome!!

And of course our Ajax! Oh what a good boy!

12-22-2007, 08:07 AM
How handsome he is, and 50 pounds! Ilove th eline "he would attemopt to even eat the plate,"lol.

Ajax, good boy with training, we love you fella!

12-22-2007, 07:20 PM
Dark Blue is so handsome! I'm glad he encourages his person to take time for fun!

And Ajax! Way to go at the movie store, sweety! I know your mom is trying to train you about your tail, but I've seen your happy tail on a video and I smile every time I think about it!!

12-23-2007, 12:05 PM
Thanks all. Right now in the head structure department dark blue is my all time favorite(don't tell Ajax). lol. In body structure I love how Ajax is developing. All teh pups are stunning though. I could not be more happy with this litter and how they are developing. I can't wait till they are full grown.