View Full Version : Christmas Concert

12-20-2007, 10:54 AM
Went to my daughters Christmas Concert yesterday afternoon. It was an hour long performance and the gym was packed with people. All the kids did a fabulous job, including my daughter of course. lol She actually had lines this time instead of just singing in teh Choir like the last two years.

The funny thing was this year they did an animal type theme. About a dog that wanted to sing in Santa's Choir and at first Santa would not let him and the dog had to convince him. So through the entire show the person playing the dog was either barking(pretty realistically too) and howling. When the show first started and the people around me heard the dog person barking they looked at Sheena and then asked me if she would be bothered by any of this. Well here is Sheena. Does she look bothered?


I told them no. She is defiantely too well trained for that. She ignored all the barking, howling, meowing(from the people playing cats) and baaing for the sheep people. Even when all teh animals were running around she just laid quietly. People were telling me how they could never expect their dogs to keep still let alone lay relaxed during something like this. I was so proud of her. Here she is as we were waiting for most of the people to file out so we could go.


Several adults asked to pet her and each time a child would tell them no and why. I didn't have to say anything. These kids have been around Sheena for 3 years now. They know all the rules and proudly make sure no adult breaks them. lol One adult, as we were waiting outside of my daughters classroom actually reached out and pet Sheena, without even asking and even with her big bold vest on, Just as I went to open my mouth to say something his son came out of the classroom, grabbed his hand and told him to stop. He then told him why and the man apologized and left looking embarassed. Children are such good helpers when it comes to teaching adults certian things. lol

Of course I have to include a picture of Ronan. This was his first concert and he actually slept through most of it. THis is Ronan in his car seat when we first got there.


So all in all yesterday was a pretty good day.

12-20-2007, 11:16 AM
Sheena, sweetie, you made Mommie so PROUD! Good girl.

Loved reading about the theme of the concert, cool!

12-20-2007, 11:19 AM
You are so calm, Sheena! I have to confess, I too would have tried to pet you. I'd have asked first, though. Please ask your people to give you pets for me.

12-20-2007, 11:45 AM
Wow!! That's great that the kids were the ones telling the adults not to pet her! That's so wonderful!

Sheena, you are such a good girl!!
Ronan looks like he enjoyed the concert, he's SUCH a cutie!!

12-20-2007, 11:56 AM
What a good girl Sheena. You got to be proud from all angles that night, you cutie little Ronan, your daughter in her play and Sheena shining like the star she is.