View Full Version : Scholarships?

12-19-2007, 11:16 PM
Not sure how many of you are in the animal field on this forum, but for those of you who may be vets, vet techs, or have any friends or family who are, do you know of any scholarship programs that I can submit essays or whatnot to? I will be starting classes in March and want to get as much of a head start on financial aid as possible, and since I can't be at the college's scholarship days (I was either working or will be out of the continental US) I still want to do as much as I possibly can. I tried googling but didn't find anything too promising... maybe I'm not using the right search terms?

In any case, I know you guys are dependable and helpful so I appreciate any help or helpful hints!! Thanks guys :)

12-20-2007, 09:45 AM
I don't work in that field, but here are a few ideas:
- contact the proper dept at the college and ask; they must have a database from the scholarship days!
- contact the Vet Association for your state
- ask YOUR vet! and the vet techs who work there, and the office manager! Heck, you pay them enough for the pets' care, why not?? The office managers are the ones who handle work-study programs, sumer internships and so forth. They will have SOME contacts, even if just a stepping stone to the right person.
- be sure to look for scholarships for WOMEN as well; often those are not specific to a field of study.

Best wishes!

12-20-2007, 09:58 AM
Here are links for web sites for associations in the field. Some have scholarship / grant links right on there. Others don't. If nothing else, these may help generate more ideas for you to search. I couldn't remember if you are pre-vet or vet tech, so I put both in here.







12-20-2007, 10:27 AM
Wow, thank you so much!!!

12-20-2007, 10:51 AM
My 15 year old has wanted to be a vet since she was 11 or 12, she has been working toward just getting accepted at UC Davis which is local and renowned to bet the best vet med college around.

She spoke to the woman in charge of accepting students and was told straight a's won't get her in, so she has volunteered probably 150 hours with a local vet, even doing surgery with him and she has volunteered 150 hours with the spca. In addition she is a competetive diver, her dive coach has got 2 other divers scholarshops but said this college may give my daughter 5 or 6,000 a year but no more, we are just hoping that helps her get accepted since she would be on their dive team...sports unfortunately gets you a scholarship, I think its wrong but it is what it is.

There is a brand new vet med college in Los Angeles that is suppose to be geared toward general practice, uc davis makes you specialize, this college in la had its first graduating class this year.

12-20-2007, 11:34 AM
Wow... she is really determined! I really really hope she makes it in, because if anyone deserves it, it would be her for all her hard work. :) I'm sure she'll make it, but wow that college seems tough! I'm not sure I would make it in, as I certainly didn't have perfect grades in High School... but at the same time I just wasn't motivated (parents didn't push me or seem to care, etc). But that's a whole different story -- you seem to be behind her 110% and that's so great, I wish I had that years ago from my parents, maybe I wouldn't have waited so long to apply to this college!

12-20-2007, 11:51 AM
Jessika, It comes from within her I swear, I am behind her all the way and do everything in my power but she is just driven. Its not me, my other daughter will probably drop out of high school, that is where she is headed, every morning its a cuss fest about hating school blah blah blah, it breaks my heart.

My motivated daughter does make me so proud she is respectful to me and is so mature, its just crazy the difference.