View Full Version : My neighbor is a few fries short of a happy meal!

critter crazy
12-19-2007, 04:48 PM
I swear this woman has no brains what-so-ever!! she has this dog named Lucky, a shepard/hound mix, who is constantly running loose. He has been picked up by AC numerous times. He is roughlyy 7-8yrs old, and just this summer, after constant nagging from me and co-workers, got him fixed. the only reason she did this was she was hoping he would quit running off. Well Lucky has been missing for 3 days now! my neighbor came Knocking on my door last night, wondering if I had seen her dog. She also wanted to know if I could help her make a missing poster, which I would have gladly done, except she wanted me to use a picture of a dog she found on a greeting card!! WTH??? why would you use a picture of a dog that isnt even yours??? I was completely dumbfounded!!

I truly hope that Lucky is okay, but it is one of those instances where he realy will do better in a new home. I hope someone found him, and took him in. I have helped this dog out so many times! This woman let him run loose since day one, till he got hit by a car, and broke his leg. After that she chained him up all day long on a choke chain! I had to fix the dogs chain so many times, so he wouldnt strangle himself. Not to mention give him water during hot summer days. Then this summer after he got fixed, she let him run loose again! And now he is missing!!

I just found out today that she got a new dog!! A 4 month old Irish setter mix! Gosh some people!!! :(

12-19-2007, 04:51 PM
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: What can I say other than some people just never learn.. Such a Oxxssee Moron..

12-19-2007, 06:20 PM
she is not short of a few fries, she's a....i cannot, this is a family site....geesh

Ginger's Mom
12-19-2007, 06:59 PM
She also wanted to know if I could help her make a missing poster, which I would have gladly done, except she wanted me to use a picture of a dog she found on a greeting card!!
I am sorry but this really made me lolololol. That is the funniest, most bizarre thing I have ever heard. I hope Lucky is well and in a safe place.
She got a new dog!?! Who did she find who would give her a dog? How sad. Good luck little setter pup. :(

critter crazy
12-19-2007, 07:32 PM
I am sorry but this really made me lolololol. That is the funniest, most bizarre thing I have ever heard. I hope Lucky is well and in a safe place.
She got a new dog!?! Who did she find who would give her a dog? How sad. Good luck little setter pup. :(

she found it in the paper for Free!!:rolleyes:

12-19-2007, 07:37 PM
You and the neighbors should all pitch in a buy her a gift card for Christmas -- for dog obedience classes. It teachs the OWNER how to handle things.

Heck, even your ACO may contribute! :D

Poor Irish setter pup.

12-19-2007, 08:05 PM
I have to wonder why Animal Control let her have Lucky back time after time.

I think they should be notified that she has a new puppy!

DEFINITELY get some info to her...that poor setter pup. :( I hope Lucky (perfect name under the circumstances) has a new home.

12-19-2007, 10:33 PM
I have to agree that I hope that some good pet owner found this dog and gave it a GOOD home!

12-19-2007, 10:59 PM
Wow that's not great news!! :(

12-19-2007, 11:41 PM
She gave up "hope" that soon that she wouldn't find Lucky???????? Wow. Some people.

Yet another classic example of someone who doesn't have a dog because of their love and devotion but as an item. :mad:

critter crazy
12-20-2007, 04:21 PM
Today while at work, she saw an ad in the paper for a found dog. The description sounded like her lucky, so she called. The guy on the phone told her that the dog has a short tail, like a Rotti, so what does she do??? she tells the guy she will be over after work to look at the dog! Her dog has a long tail like a shepard!! WTH?? so she thinks someone cut off her dogs tail, she tells us!! OMG!! Could this woman be that daft??? :eek:

Cant wiat to see what she tells us tomarrow at work!:rolleyes:

12-20-2007, 04:36 PM
she is not short of a few fries, she's a....i cannot, this is a family site....geesh

She's not even on the menu. :) That is the funniest thing. How did you
keep from laughing when she gave you a picture of another dog? I think
I would have lost it. :D I hope Lucky found a real home.

critter crazy
12-20-2007, 05:50 PM
She's not even on the menu. :) That is the funniest thing. How did you
keep from laughing when she gave you a picture of another dog? I think
I would have lost it. :D I hope Lucky found a real home.
Believe me, It was the hardest thing to not Laugh!! Course it is very hard not to laugh at her on a daily basis!!:D

12-20-2007, 08:48 PM
What a rarity..I'm at a lose for words.

critter crazy
12-24-2007, 12:24 PM
Oh it just gets better!!!:rolleyes: I was in the kitchen doing dishes,a dn I noticed their new dog outside, he is approx. 4 months old, a mix of some sort. Tehy said he was a Irish setter mix, but looks more like a Retriever mix(yellow, long hair w/ white feet, chest, and some white on face). Anyways, I then notice, that he is alone, and not tied up!! Who lets a 4 month old puppy outside on their own??? Then I notice him heading towards the road! So I grab my shoes, and start to head out, as I dont want him to get hit! Just as I get outside, the daughter comes out,a nd calls the puppy. So I breath a sigh of relief, and head back to my dishes! As i go back to my dishes, i ook out the window, and see the daughter trying to get the puppy inside. The puppy lets her get about 2 feet away, then takes off! this goes on for about 20 mins. the daughter goes back into the house. About 20 mins later she comes back out with a bowl off food. Still no good, puppy wont let her catch him. It took the girl well over an hour, till she finally caught the puppy!! Who in their right mind, lets a puppy out un-supervised, let alone one they cannot catch???:rolleyes:

And, Lucky the missing dog is still missing!:(

12-24-2007, 12:41 PM
I'll bet she never once took a picture of Lucky. That's why she asked you to use the card picture. Time to make the new puppy disappear. If it were me it'd be gone overnight and she'd eventually think it got hit by a car or something.

critter crazy
12-24-2007, 01:09 PM
Believe me, if there is ever a time where I can catch the puppy without them seeing, It will be done. But I fear they would just go out and get another!:rolleyes:

It is such a cute puppy too!