View Full Version : Ok, I've made a decision (Groan...) *Update*

12-19-2007, 08:41 AM
Nothing earth shattering but here goes: My senior Pigeon is now 18 and lately she's been nothing short of needy. I don't let my cats sleep w/me except for Puddy because she's in CRF and when she gets sick, she goes downhill fast. She comes into bed w/me, gets her night time noggin noogie, then she either goes to the bottom of the bed or to "her" room. (Ok, Mary, get to the point.) Well, Pidge lately wants more attention from me and she's become less sociable w/the rest of the fur posse except for the love of her life Boo. So I've been letting her sleep on my bed during the day, knowing full well that I was probably creating a monster. Now it's happened. She wants to sleep w/me. Sigh. My health is not the best, I'm on serious pain meds, and I need as much room as I can get in bed to get comfortable and to try to get some sleep, which has always eluded me. Two cats in bed w/me poses a problem. But this cat broke my heart last night when she scratched and scratched at the basement door, wanting out and crying, too. So tonight I'm going to give it a whirl and see how it goes. I sure don't want the rest of the fur posse thinking that they can push the envelope and sleep w/me. Seven cats in bed...uh, no. Not happening. I need my sleep, what little I do get of it. I'm not even sure why I'm posting this. Maybe because things run smoothly around here and I sure don't need it to change. Think I'm doing the right thing?

P.S. Yes, I've had her to my vet very recently just to be sure she isn't sick. She had a complete senior workup done, had her teeth cleaned, etc. He said she had the checkup of a kitten. She's just getting older now.

12-19-2007, 09:22 AM
Good luck, Mary. Like you, I'm a poor sleeper, and when my Mimi was here, she wanted to sleep on my head or across my neck and it just added to my poor sleeping. But I always hated to move her. She was such a little sweetheart. I could have had a king sized bed to myself and she still would have wanted to be right on me. LOL!

12-19-2007, 09:41 AM
I don't know what it's like to sleep in our bed with out a crew. We have 8 at this time. The nightly routine is I have to be in bed first, then my wife. I am only allowed to sleep on my left side as my boy MITS has to snuggle his but against me with his paw on my wife’s pillow. Once he has decided that we are in for the night he goes to check the house. In the mean time his brother PEAKE lays on top of my wife with CHESSIE (Main Coon) lays on her feet. About this time MITS returns and snuggle between us for a while, then moves to my wife’s head and stays there the rest of the night. PRINCESS and/or LENNY will lay on my corner at the foot of the bed. At about 3:00 am LENNY head buts me then chasses PEAKE off my wife and takes PEAKES place. Between 5-5:30 are the chorus starts as it time to feed. MITS, PEAKE, CHESSIE, LENNY, and PRINCESS join us on the bed too make sure that my wife gets up. I am not supposed to feed according to the crew.
So have bed space is a premium but I would not change it. Just enjoy it while you can.

12-19-2007, 09:49 AM
:cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :rolleyes:

12-19-2007, 09:50 AM
It sounds adorable in the telling but that's too much activity for me at night. Several years ago all my cats slept w/me. In the morning, they were all refreshed and my butt was dragging. I'll give it a whirl tonight and see what happens but if I have to jockey for position, Pidge is going back downstairs w/the rest of the fur posse. I love her so much but she's made it all these years w/out sleeping w/me. It would be nice to have her to snuggle up with, though. Think she'll mind if I tuck her under my armpit? LOL

12-19-2007, 11:40 AM
Mary,I sometimes wish that my furkids would all sleep out in the other room too. After I painted, they did for quite a while because I had cooped them in my bedroom for such a long time that they were dying to get out.:) Then Sky and Storm wanted to sleep with me which is fine because they're very good quiet cats and once they settle in they usually don't get up and about until the next morning.

Then Pearl and Sunny started wanting to come in and if I didn't let them in then they'd keep me awake all night by howling and scratching at my door. I used to just prop my door open a little bit with a door stop so they could come and go during the night but Ziggy is still in the playing stage and wants to play and get into everything during the night. Starr's been battling colitis and IBD problems so I also didn't want him to have an accident in my bedroom.

Now things have improved with Starr and Ziggy is starting to calm down a bit so I hope to be able to prop open my door with the door stop again. I'll try it during my holiday vacation break. Right now I have to keep getting up to let cats in and out during the night so I never get a good nights sleep and I'm always so tired in the morning. I hope that things will work out for you and for me too.:)

12-19-2007, 05:02 PM
All our kitties sleep in various rooms each night but one cat, Stinky has always slept with us. It works out well for the most part when she stays at the foot of the bed but lately she has been sleeping right in the crook of my knees when I'm laying on my side. I guess it's warmer but it drives me crazy and I have the worst sleep because I don't want to disturb her but it's pretty uncomfortable for me. I think I'm going to get her furry soft circular bed and put it at the foot of the bed and encourage her to sleep in it. She's actually pretty good about going to her 'area' when we say "down to your bed, off you go..." After staring at us like we are being incredibly rude to ask such a thing, she wanders to the end of the bed and settles in. Lately I've been letting her have her way but I need my sleep so tonight we go back to the old routine. We can all share the bed but we have our sections. :)
Maybe it would help you if you had a bed for her that you could tuck off to the side towards the bottom? That way you could stretch out freely and get a good sleep.

12-19-2007, 05:15 PM
Maybe it would help you if you had a bed for her that you could tuck off to the side towards the bottom?
I thought about doing that but I don't want the fur posse to get in the habit of sleeping w/me again. If one is sick or just had a procedure done, of course, s/he sleeps w/me. Otherwise, I have my bed and they have theirs. I just felt so bad for Pidge when she cried to sleep w/me. Today, though, she seems fine and isn't needy at all so I may rethink this and not give it a try tonight. I'll see how she is at bed time. :)

12-19-2007, 06:18 PM
Whatever you do should be fine.

If you do try having her in with you, keep in mind that one night, espcially the FIRST night, may not be a good indicator of whetherit will work. You won't be used to it, she will be all excited and it won't be routine for either of you.

Other than that, I can't really comment. I can vaguely remember having a bed to myself, about 14 years ago. Now, I have 3 dogs up for the ngiht and 5 cats are up and down all night. I am only vaguely aware of any of it, and it is only if someone the hisses which get me. Even then, I don't fully wake just mumble to knock it off or LEAVE!

12-19-2007, 09:08 PM
Ok, we're off to bed and Pidge ran up the stairs ahead of me so I'm gonna try this thing and see how it goes. I can already tell that Miss Puddy is not thrilled about it. She's standing in the middle of the entry way downstairs. She usually gets in bed and meows at me to get up there. Oh well, if it doesn't work out, Pidge will just have to go back downstairs and get over it. But we're gonna give it a good try. I'll let you know in the morning how it went. (Such drama. LOL)

12-20-2007, 07:34 AM
I'm sure you all were anxious all night wondering what happened. LOL :rolleyes: Anyhow....Pidge just couldn't make up her mind whether or not she wanted to stay w/me in bed. I've just recently had a new hardwood staircase and railings done and haven't had the runner installed yet, so she was up and down the stairs....kerplunk, kerplunk, kerplunk, kerplunk....after 3 trips of kerplunking, I'd had enough. So I took her back downstairs w/the rest of the fur posse. At about 1:00 AM, I heard her scratching at the door but I waited it out, it only lasted about 30 seconds and then it stopped. So I at least appeased my conscience and let Pidge know that I love her as much as I love my Puddy by being willing to let her sleep w/me. But I think she may be getting a little senile, I'm sorry to say, and she just isn't sure what she wants. When I put her back downstairs, I made sure she was lying next to her man Boo but she immediately jumped down, which tells me she just isn't herself. So....that's the end of the drama. I guess. For now. Thanx for listening. :)