View Full Version : More X-Mas PICCIES!

12-14-2007, 08:39 PM
ok, I took these a while back already, then I got them onto the computer that week, then I went to do something with them but my computer was being crazy slow..turnes out were were under attack by some horrid virus that kept mutating faster then we could delete the bloody thing! now we are FINALLY rid of it, so I can post these pics!

normally I only allow Misty and Happy is the candle pics as they are trained wellenugh that I know they wont move and get hurt..or ya know..set the house on fire lol but Leckky inistsed on being in the pics and she is so lazy she doesnt move anyway lol



just my BC babes





the orangie pooches


and the little ones! Ripley and Perky

the duo pics by the way are the pairs in my house. when they are all free to do as they please you will ALWAYS find Leck with Rusty, Misty with Happy and Perky with Ripley lol

12-14-2007, 08:45 PM
Cute pictures! I love seeing your guys! What guts you have having your dogs by candles. But I have been told I am a worry wart. ;)

12-14-2007, 08:56 PM
lol I am a worrier...in fact I am terrified of fire! this is why I am very careful about the dogs I use. unless I can trust them to stay where I put them 200%, then they are locked up or tied up away the the candle. Happy and Misty I KNOW will stay wherever I put them no matter what happens(this is why most of my posed pics are of them). I was worried about lett Lecky in the pics, but honestly? she is the laziest Toller on earth lol, she looks funny in the sitting pic because I had to walk over and lift her into the sit lol, in the laying down one I had to walk over to her and lift her head cuz she was like "imm just gonna take a nap right here....." lol

12-14-2007, 09:29 PM
they are so cute!