View Full Version : ugh

08-11-2002, 09:01 PM
:mad: I am so mad I'm seeing red.

I was out walking Bull and Katie, and we were on our way home when this lil brat (aka a friend of my dad's future step-daughter) on a 4-wheeler about took the dog's head off. :mad:

If I hadn't pulled them back at the last minute! And she tried to do it the lil heffer, she swerved towards the dogs. :eek:

I came home and had a hissy at my dad's friend and all I got was she's a kid she doesn't know better. Excuse me! She's 13 fricken yrs. old that is old enough to know you don't try and hit dogs!!My 12 yr. brother knows better than that and he's "just a kid"! ugh!:mad:

sorry had to vent a little!

08-11-2002, 09:15 PM
I agree, she should have known that was not funny. She had no idea how the dogs (or anyone: dog or human) would react. They could have easily "attacked" the 4-wheeler, causing her to have a crash. If the leashes had gotten into the drive chain and spocket, she would probably have been pitched over the handbars head first.

Try and talk to her about that being not a nice thing to do. She could have caused injury (maybe serious injury) to the dogs, you, and herself. I doubt she had a helmet on, and I doubt she was fully clothed. When we allow our son (he is 13) to ride a motorcycle, wearing a helmet and being fully clothed are requirements.

08-11-2002, 09:26 PM
When we go to Michigan , My uncle up there has a four wheeler and aobout 4 acres of land. Simba HATES that thing. He trys to attack it and my brother always teases him [ My brother is 22 , and he acts as if he's 2 ] He hates lawnmowers, weed whackers, 4 wheelers , stuff like that.. I bet she was just playing around but it isn't a smart thing to play around with. I agree with Fuzzy. You should have a talk with her and tell her what could have happened.

Hehe Fuzzy, it's the other way around with me and my dad.... I wont let him go on that four wheeler without wearing jeans, long sleeved shirt and a helmet. I'm also the one that says "seat belt" when we get in the car. :p

Unfortunatly, my dad can't go on things like that anymore because of his back problems. :(

08-11-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Unfortunatly, my dad can't go on things like that anymore because of his back problems. :(

I am sorry about your dad's back problems. I know about back problems. In my life so far, I have had 3 broken legs, a broken arm, a broken collarbone, a slightly crushed vertebrae, and I was knocked out for a few weeks once. Try to tell the girl to be more careful next time, for the safety of others and herself.

08-12-2002, 12:53 PM
She was wearing a helmet but only had on a t-shirt and shorts. Her mother is suppose to talk to her and hopefully it doesnt happen again cuz I won't be so nice the second time around. ;)

08-12-2002, 02:19 PM
I teach 13 and 14 year olds and trust me...your father's friend's attitude is, unfortunately, all too prevalent. There is absolutely no accountability anymore. I wouldn't blame you for being not so nice next time. Have YOU considered talking to the girl yourself and voicing your displeasure?? Perhaps some reasoning from another adult may make a difference to her. Just a thought. Good luck and tell your father I hope his back is feeling better.

08-12-2002, 03:37 PM
she should have known better than that, how aweful, that's makes me angry too. Is this how we are rasing our children nowadays?

08-12-2002, 03:43 PM
Well I did try to talk to her but all I got was: "You shouldn't have been there" with a lil sneer and it took all my power to NOT strangle her. I've voiced my displeasure to both her and her mother. Hopefully the mother will a) keep her off the 4 wheeler cuz you're not suppose to ride them in town anyways b) give adult supervision for her while she's on the 4 wheeler or c) be prepared to deal with me next time this happens.

Now I'm not that bad of a person but she is pushing me. You can do whatever you want to me but leave my babies out of it.

08-12-2002, 03:45 PM
Thank you lovemymaltese.

08-12-2002, 05:06 PM
Jeesh, what a little brat!!! I would have been soooooo mad!!! :mad: It actually makes me mad thinking about it. What is with A: kids without respect for anything or anyone??? Had I acted that way to anyone when I was that age....watch out!! And B: anyone being mean to an animal! What a little jerk! I would have ripped that girl off the four wheeler and had her apoligize to my dogs! (I know, easy for me to say! :) )

Sorry, got me all riled up! :rolleyes:

But really, you did the right thing. If her parents wont do anything about it, go for it, yell at her. Someone needs to teach her some kind of respect, especially for animals.

08-12-2002, 08:02 PM
no walk for the dogs tonite. Didn't feel safe out and Bull is kinda skittish right now anywayz!:(

08-12-2002, 08:37 PM
New flash!!!!!!

The same girl who tried to hit the dogs last nite tried to hit my Mom and Aunt Erma tonite.:mad: :eek:

So we called the cops on her! She is dangerous and underage! Not that this will stop her but it will slow her down!

08-12-2002, 08:43 PM
If she's old enough to ride a 4-wheeler....... one would think she'd be old enough to handle the responsibilty.....or maybe her parents should be aware that because she is under-age... THEY are responsible for HER actions...Ticket$ and Court apperances can be quite $pendy.:eek:

08-12-2002, 08:58 PM
No legally she is not old enough to drive it. Missouri state laws says you have to be 16 to drive.

Yeah It will be co$ty! ;)

08-12-2002, 09:57 PM
Those 4 wheelers can be a danger with the wrong person at the wheel. Around here several kids drive them in town and some are ok while a few scare me that they will kill themselves or someone else.
Maybe by calling the police - she will get a fine or her parents will for letting her drive underage and that will make her think twice. She must have some deep problems going on to try and hit poor animals or people.

08-13-2002, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by Andie
No legally she is not old enough to drive it. Missouri state laws says you have to be 16 to drive.

Yeah It will be co$ty! ;)

Well...what goes around comes around. That is terrible she is so reckless on that thing...it's amazing she hasn't hurt herself. Or has she?

08-13-2002, 12:40 AM
Is it even legal for her to drive around your neighborhood? Around here, you are not allowed to drive them in city limits I believe--you are supposed to be off-road, like on the dirt roads--not like anyone listens to that though........we have people drive them all the time......

Hope you get her in trouble. I remember being her age, and I know you can be a responsible person even if you are a kid. I like driving a 4-wheeler, but I do it up in the mountains. And I'm slow anyway, I'm a wuss, I'd rather not die on a 4-wheeler lol.