View Full Version : Using "Accent " (salt substitute) to deter dogs?

12-14-2007, 02:37 PM
Someone on our local craigslist asked how to stop dogs eating cat poops from the litter box.

Several people replied that if you sprinkle a bit of Accent salt substitute on the cat's food, the poops smell like rotten meat to the dogs and they won't touch it.

Has anyone ever heard of this? Or done this?

This IS a problem here, and I am always open to solutions!

12-14-2007, 04:42 PM
Keeping dogs from eating their own poop is easier than keeping them
from cat poop. The only thing you can do is keep the boxes where the
cats can get to them but, not the dogs. It's gross to dwell on all the
things dogs love to eat. :D

12-14-2007, 04:54 PM
I recently asked my sister (who's a vet tech) this question. Zoee was eating Taz's everyday for a while, but has stopped now :confused: . And she said there is stuff you can get to sprinkle on the cats food. But I don't think it was Accent. I think it was something you had to buy at the vets or maybe a pet store. I'm glad she stopped though because I didn't want to mess with Taz's food since I just got him eating again this year.