View Full Version : Ajax's first real store outing

12-13-2007, 07:49 PM
Well tonight Ajax went to his first real store outing. It was one of those big warehouse type pet stores called Petcetera. He has been in small pet stores and did well. But this is his first big store where I was able to work with him while pushing a cart around too. He walked great at my side going to the store. Was reall curious about the automatic doors. He kept trying to sniff them but they would always slid away from him. He finally just gave up. He checked out the cart sniffing all around it and after he was done ignored it. I have been walking him with the stroller so he was used to walking with me while I pushed something. So this was no different. We walked around the store with me correcting him every time he attempted to smell a shelf and praising him when he ignored the shelves of food and stayed with me. He checked out some metal ladders and some other strange objects with no reaction other then curiosity. Several of the staff came over to pet him when they saw his Service Dog In Training bandana on. He just loved up to them soaking up all the attention and sneaking as many kisses as he could. lol They could not believe how calm and well mannered he was for only 5 months old. Well I answered questions he quietly sat at my side for a few minutes. Then he decided that if I was just going to stand there then he could relax. So he flopped down and stretched out on his side. Everyone laughed and commented that he sure knew how to relax and not be the least bit stressed in a new place. We stayed there are 15 minutes walking around. Then we went to the check out since i bought him a dollar treat for being so good. He stayed in a sit while we paid and then got some attention from some customers.

All in all he did great. The only problem I forsee so far is his tail. It is fine when he is walking with me and focused on me. It will be in a relax down position. But as soon as anyone makes a move to pet him or love on him that tail wags so hard that his whole hind end swings back and forth. My mom says it reminds her of her rotti that she used to own. She would wag her bum she would say since she didn't have a tail. Well Ajax has a tail and if he doesn't learn to control it then it could clear shelves. lol So we need to work on that. He just loves people so much that he has to show it with his tail. lol

12-13-2007, 07:57 PM
Love the tail story! Best to keep him away from the Christmas tree (if you have one) as the whole bottom ro of branches and anything on them is at risk, he hee.

So glad he is doing well with all the training and new things.

12-13-2007, 08:10 PM
He has cleared the bottom of the tree many times with that tail. Luckily though all that we have down there is unbreakable stuff since it is also toddler hieght. lol

12-13-2007, 09:58 PM
Curious...how do you train the tail thing? Not that I have to worry about it, Zoee doesn't have a tail. lol :)

12-13-2007, 10:44 PM
That is the sweetest, cutest tale/tail ever! I'm so impressed with Ajax and needless to say..proud too! What a good boy! He deserves all those hugs and kisses!

12-13-2007, 10:50 PM
Thanks. I have no idea yet how to teach him to stop wagging it. I will be asking a few groups I am on for some suggestions. He just gets so happy. He is the happiest dog I have ever had. Even when he gets in trouble he is happy. lol I am not kidding. He will sit there with a huge grin as you lecture him with his tail sweeping the floor back and forth. He does learn that he is in trouble but he is still happy even when in trouble. lol. How do you get such a happy puppy to be serious?

12-13-2007, 10:58 PM
Count your blessings!! :D

12-14-2007, 12:09 PM
All in all he did great. The only problem I forsee so far is his tail. It is fine when he is walking with me and focused on me. It will be in a relax down position. But as soon as anyone makes a move to pet him or love on him that tail wags so hard that his whole hind end swings back and forth. My mom says it reminds her of her rotti that she used to own. She would wag her bum she would say since she didn't have a tail. Well Ajax has a tail and if he doesn't learn to control it then it could clear shelves. lol So we need to work on that. He just loves people so much that he has to show it with his tail. lol

Excellent job, Ajax! The story about your tail gave me a big SMILE!! :D Could you please have someone in your family love on you for me today?

12-14-2007, 12:19 PM
Ahh... Ajax has a wiggley but! :D
How cute!

Great job to both of you!