View Full Version : Here we go again - Major snow storm - prayers please!

12-13-2007, 06:14 PM
Well, the weather guy just said tomorrow afternoon we will start getting what will be 4 to 7 inches of snow or more. (8 or 9 in some areas) Not usually anything we can't handle but this will be the wet, heavy snow. The kind that likes to stick to power lines and tree branches and cause power outtages.

It will hit lots of areas that are still without power from the ice storm and may cause problems for all of us.

Please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers. I'm keeping everyone in mine as this storm will be a major pain for not only us, but lots of the country for days to come. :(

White Christmas? Bah Humbug!!! I want a sunny warm one!!!

Cinder & Smoke
12-13-2007, 06:36 PM

You guys otta buy a *BIG* Tent - pitch it over town an just watch the snow *slide off*.


12-13-2007, 08:04 PM
Keeping all of you in mind !

The bichon rescue, for which I foster, is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They have a clinic where they house the puppy mill rescues until they can get vetted, acclimated and sent to their foster homes. The whole place has been without water or power since Monday! (They use wells and no power means no pumps.) Most of the staff have neither power nor water at home, either. 21 new puppy mill rescues arrived three days prior to the storm, so they have a lot going on.

Hoping it gets better for all of you.

12-14-2007, 07:48 AM
Boy, that's rough. We had a brief ice storm here in OH last week; my son got caught in it and had to spend the night where he was. He was lucky to be able to find a room close by. The weather warmed up the next morning, though, and the ice melted, thank goodness. But I've been through enough of them to know how dangerous they are not to mention inconvenient. We had a big one years ago on moving day and aside from the fact that we couldn't budge, all the cars and moving trucks froze. What a fun day that was! We'll keep the prayers going that Ma Nature gets over her snit and gives you a break out there.....

12-14-2007, 07:56 AM
I never belive the weather people anymore.
So far this winter there's been 3 times that they "sounded the alarm"
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Then we get nothing... :(

WAHHHH I want snow! STOP teasing me already!

Yesterday we were supposed to have up to 3/4 of an inch of ice.
Sleet fell from the sky for about 3 hours and it amounted to nothing! :mad:

Again... today on the news...

They say we will have 8-10 inches on the ground by Sunday evening.
The Browns play at home this weekend and they expect it to be snowing like crazy through the entire game. :rolleyes:

I'll belive it when I see it!

momoffuzzyfaces... you can send ALL your snow to my house in North East Ohio! I'd love to have it! :D

12-14-2007, 08:03 AM
you can send ALL your snow to my house in North East Ohio! I'd love to have it! :D


12-14-2007, 10:30 AM
momoffuzzyfaces- Good luck! I hope you don't get too much snow. I'm not sure where you live in Kansas, but it sounds like you get a lot of our weather after it passes through. Luckily we haven't gotten any ice so far. Snow isn't as bad a ice.

momoffuzzyfaces... you can send ALL your snow to my house in North East Ohio! I'd love to have it! :D
You can have ALL of mine! Thank goodness we haven't had a major snow yet (we got about 6 feet altogether last year!), but so far we've had about 10". Luckily it's been melting in between snows but it's snowing right now and I want my sunshine back! :)

12-14-2007, 11:43 AM
They say we will have 8-10 inches on the ground by Sunday evening.
The Browns play at home this weekend and they expect it to be snowing like crazy through the entire game. :rolleyes:

I'll belive it when I see it!

momoffuzzyfaces... you can send ALL your snow to my house in North East Ohio! I'd love to have it! :D
Well, now that's what happened: you storm got confused and ended up in Kansas!!! :D

We had a bit of a suprised this morning. When we woke up we had frozen fog on the trees. Seldom ever see that. Strange Strange winter, even for KS. :D

Here are two pics I took this morning. All that white stuff is from the fog.


12-14-2007, 12:06 PM
Oh, MOFF ... more snow is not what you need right now ... (((HUGS))) and prayers. We are supposed to get it on Sunday. It is cold out today but bright and sunny, so I'll take it. Bright and sunny is good.

12-14-2007, 12:15 PM
Wow!! :eek: That first picture is amazing!!

12-14-2007, 12:23 PM
You can have the 10 inches we got last night. Or...the snow from the next storm due tomorrow sometime.

I don't believe meteorologists anymore. I just wait till the next day and look out the window. Doppler radar BAH!!!!!

12-14-2007, 12:33 PM
Wow!! :eek: That first picture is amazing!!
Thanks. That's my favorite one too. It's my cherry tree that's by the front porch. I took it before it got really light because I didn't want a glare.

Looks like hairy spider legs, eh? ;) :D

12-14-2007, 01:37 PM
LOL!! Yeah, it does look like harry spider legs!! :D

12-14-2007, 01:56 PM
Well I hope the weather man is wrong and you don't get a big storm.

I love the way freezing fog looks. We had some last year and I got a couple pictures like the 2nd one you posted, but I totally LOVE that first one! I never thought about getting up close pictures. Thanks for posting those!

12-14-2007, 06:22 PM
The bichon rescue, for which I foster, is based in Tulsa, Oklahoma. They have a clinic where they house the puppy mill rescues until they can get vetted, acclimated and sent to their foster homes. The whole place has been without water or power since Monday! (They use wells and no power means no pumps.) Most of the staff have neither power nor water at home, either. 21 new puppy mill rescues arrived three days prior to the storm, so they have a lot going on.

Wow, that is terrible for the animals & the Clinic staff. :( Prayers for
everyone in this storm's path. Hope you get spared from the worst case

12-14-2007, 07:29 PM
Prayers for all of you out there...

It's supposed to hit here starting tomorrow night. We'll see..

12-15-2007, 12:53 PM
So far, so good.
Been snowing all day but it's a fine almost sleet like, snow. We had rain during the night so now we have ice under the snow!!!

We are still under a heavy snow warning until midnight! :(

I am so ready for spring!!!

12-15-2007, 01:15 PM
I am so ready for spring!!!

We haven't even had the first day of winter yet! LOL

12-27-2007, 01:13 PM
Well ... this time the heartland isn't going to get it but Chicago is - I heard on the radio this morning that we could have a fresh 4 inches of snow by the afternoon rush tomorrow. I've had about enough of winter weather, even though my calendar says winter just started a few days ago. We've been pretty lucky this month in that most of the worst weather has hit on weekends. I hope this snowstorm misses us too.

12-27-2007, 01:21 PM
Well ... this time the heartland isn't going to get it but Chicago is - I heard on the radio this morning that we could have a fresh 4 inches of snow by the afternoon rush tomorrow. I've had about enough of winter weather, even though my calendar says winter just started a few days ago. We've been pretty lucky this month in that most of the worst weather has hit on weekends. I hope this snowstorm misses us too.
We are in for a bit of it too. Our area is in for 3 to 5 inches. (sigh)
I am so sick of winter. It's slippery, it's cold, and it makes me hurt more!!! :(

12-27-2007, 08:44 PM
We lost power for about 25 hours. Luckily we have a fireplace, but it sure gets dark early. One of us had to stay awake the whole time to keep the fireplace going and keep the house warm. I had to go to work, but SO said he was really happy to see the power truck come down the road. Sure hope we don't lose it again this weekend.

12-27-2007, 09:18 PM
All we keep getting here is stoooopid rain. I want snow!!! Although I want it on a weekday, when we don't have vacation, so we get a SNOW DAY!!! :p

I'm worse than the kids!

12-28-2007, 01:01 PM
Once again we were lucky. It warmed up just enough that we just had rain. No snow! I'm so glad!!! It's so hard for me to get dug out when we have much snow!!!

Robin, I hope your power stays on too!!! :(

12-28-2007, 03:18 PM
Whew, MoFF! You didn't need any more snow. I think the snow has stopped for now (crosses fingers that it will hold off until the Friday afternoon rush hour is over).

12-28-2007, 07:20 PM
The commute this morning was awful. I did 40 mpg on the highway going to work. It was white and the road was slick.

But coming home.....nothing. The pavement on the highway for the most part was dry. Now when I got to the country road, that was another story. No plow has been anywhere near our road. But they are talking about 32 degree weather on Sunday, so it'll melt into the normal gooey road it normally is. :rolleyes:

Hope everyone else is dry, safe and has power.