View Full Version : New Addition in the family!!

08-11-2002, 06:19 PM
Century Gothic orange
hey everyone!! you probably remember me as Breezy's mom, and I would've come back on as that name...but i forgot my password:eek: Well, I have exciting news!! We got a female Alaskan Malamute and we dubbed her Belle. She is such a beautiful mal, and we are figuring she's going to be a big un' because she has gigantic paws, and her brother weighed about 140 lbs, and the breeder said she'll probably be around 100 lbs or so. She is 5 months old and is big, but still has a lot of growing to do. She is going to get about 7 inches taller than she is right now. When I get some pictures of her developed, I'll put them up. I still miss Breezy with all my heart, but I decided that I would like another dog, because afterall, a home isn't a home without a dog. :) And there's nothing better than being able to come home to your dog and have them love you no matter what you did today, or what people say about you, they'll always be there for you. But I do have a couple questions, though. Well, Belle is still pretty shy and nervous/jumpy around things (we've had her since August 7th) and I wanted to make sure that was okay. And, she seems to be afraid of going outside...and doors spook her. Is that normal? Is there something wrong? And, she is scared to come into our kitchen. Again, is that normal? Do I have to be worried? Well, I haven't had a puppy around the house for a while(an actual puppy), so I just wanted to get everyone's opinions and everything. I can't wait to get pictures up, I'm sure you'll all think she is as gorgeous as I think she is!!!

08-11-2002, 06:20 PM
By the way, today is August 11th

08-12-2002, 09:06 AM
CONGRATULATIONS on your new puppy. :)

Figuring Bell is a healthy pup, sounds like
Bell is on the shy side. It's always best to pick
out a puppy that is out-going, loves the world,
and not aggressive, but sometimes this is easier said than
done. :)

Just will be some extra work for you and your family
to build up her confidence through-out her life time.
(unless she had a bad experience and something scared her before you got her)
Lots of patience/repetitious work when working
on her fears. (do not work on all her fears at the same time)
2 different Examples: My Sheba is on the shy side,
and was terrified of man-hole covers in
the sidewalks. She refused to go near one.
So I kept working with her daily, to go a tiny bit
closesr to those nasty man-hole covers, (never forcing her)
It took several weeks, but she came over her fear.
She had other fears too, like the trash
bins in the streets.
My Rocky as a puppy and was terrified of all steps.
So I worked with him slowly with the steps at the kiddy park.
Once he got enough confidence to try that one step,
he was so proud of himself that he could not get enough
of going up and down the kiddy park steps.
Rocky is NOT shy, but as a puppy had a bad experience at the
breeders with steps.

P.S. I just wanted to add, you have only had Bell for a short time.
She is probably just a bit nervous in her new surroundings.

Welcome Bell to Pet Talk :)

08-12-2002, 09:33 AM
When Deisel was a puppy he was terrified of the dark. He would not go outside in the dark, so we had to buy 2 spot lights and put them in the backyard for him. I would have to go out with him and even then unless there was lots of light he would just sit right beside me (almost on my lap) and wouldn't move.

Now as he is older, he isn't afraid of the dark (or anything for that matter). I think it just has something to do with them being a (kid).

If you know that the pup was taken care of and not mistreated in anyway, then I would say its just because of them being a KID!

08-12-2002, 03:23 PM
When I first saw Belle, I knew that I was going to get her. She was a very outgoing pup when I visited her, so I figured that she'd be a little mischief maker. I'm sure that she'll get over her fear, thanks for all your advice!!! :D Belle says thanks too!!

08-12-2002, 03:34 PM
Congratulations on your new pup.

08-13-2002, 01:22 AM
Congrats! CAN'T WAIT to see pics of Belle!! Malamutes are just gorgeous! I have a 12 week old siberian husky, Nebo. You gotta love those sled doggies! :)

Nebo is not afraid of ANYTHING now (attacked a plastic water bottle earlier which scared the crap out of Reggie). When we first got him, he was quite shy.......the first day he just hid under the deck and behind everyone... My friends german shorthair who is also 5 months old doesn't like the kitchen either. She freaks out when she's on it.......I think its because of the surface.....she doesn't like how she slides on the floor. She'll just hurry and run to the rug and sit there. Maybe your pup does't like the kitchen floor either?

08-13-2002, 03:51 AM
Congrats on your new puppy!! Can't wait to see pics ;)

08-13-2002, 06:36 AM
A puppy! Belle sounds like a wonderful addition to your family!
I can't wait to see pictures!