View Full Version : Belle is feeling pretty sorry for herself right now

12-11-2007, 12:51 PM
Well we are going away on Friday so the dogs will be staying at the kennel.... When I called to reserve their stay the lady says "Ok we just need updated shot records for Belle" WHAT? lol I was certain that they didn't need to be updated until the end of January... and I was right as far as Rabies lol but the shelter gave her her bordatella and her distemper back in october.... :eek: I had no idea... I just assumed they were all given to her at the same time lol... so we had to rush around this week to get her into the vet before she goes to the Kennel...

Well our poor Poo Poo Baloo has some car sick troubles... she always throws up in the car and I didn't even think to give her her carsickness meds... even though we aren't convinced yet that they work lol.

Brian took her to the vet himself while I stayed home with Hannah... he said she was GREAT at the vets office but threw up twice on the way there... once on the way home and had the runs all over the blanket on the way home. Poor girl is NOT feeling so hot right now.

I knew somethign was wrong as soon as I saw him getting her out of the car because she was very mopey. Beezer was thrilled to see her come home but I think he knew she wasn't feeling great cause he would just approach her slowly and sniff and lick at her mouth and she just stood there with her head hung and ears drooping.

So now she is fast asleep on the couch...curled up in a little ball with her head tucked under her back leg... every once in a while I hear a big *SIGH*

So our little Poo Poo is feeling pretty sorry for herself. Poor girl.

Ginger's Mom
12-11-2007, 01:06 PM
Aww, poor Belle. I do feel for you, sweetie. Ginger gets car sick, too (although she has gotten much better since I put a bed in the car for her). {{{gentle hugs}}}

12-11-2007, 06:13 PM
Poor girl. I hope she's feeling better now. I used to get carsick all the time when I was a kid and still do sometimes now. I hope you can find something that will work for her.

12-11-2007, 06:15 PM
yeah she is pretty much back to normal now... once her daddy came home she was all excited to see him and seemed to forget that she is "not feeling well" lol

12-11-2007, 07:42 PM
Knowing it is car sickness helps you, at least. Don't you feel SO badly for them, even so? So glad to hear she has recovered!

12-11-2007, 09:29 PM
Knowing it is car sickness helps you, at least. Don't you feel SO badly for them, even so? So glad to hear she has recovered!

I do feel bad for her :( but I also know she is milking it for all it's worth lol.... she will be mopey and act like it's the worst day of her life and then something will happen and she gets all excited and starts playing with Beezer... then she remembers she is supposed to "sick" then she looks at us and starts moping lol. Silly girl.

12-12-2007, 12:38 AM
Poor Belle! :( Gretta gets car sick everytime we take her to the vet also! The Benadryl does seem to help some though.


12-12-2007, 08:16 AM
Ohhh the poor thing! :(
I feel your pain, Buddy still gets car sick too.
Glad she's feeling better!

12-14-2007, 10:39 PM
Glad everyone is feeling ok again after the vet visit.

I'm rather surprised your vet doesn't send out vaccination reminder cards. All the area vets around here do that, it's an automatic program in the computer that prints out monthly based on due dates.

12-14-2007, 11:19 PM
Bella and Ripley both have gotten sick in the car at times. Bella seems to have pretty much gotten over it if the ride isn't too long (1 hour in the car is her limit). Ripley still has trouble but he too has improved just a little. I put a big old comforter on the seat and pile towels on top of that. It makes clean-up easier. :o