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View Full Version : Chicken Pictures!!! I have a newbie!

12-11-2007, 12:16 PM
I took some pics of my chickens, unfortinatly, my favorite Silkie, Jolene has passed on due to a Pit Bull that craved chicken. I do have a little rescue hen. A Buff Orphington/White Leghorn cross(so I believe) that was a breeder for fighting roosters. She is such a sweet hen, I can't imagine her producing mean chicks.

All of em! Rhed, FT and the newbie. Still haven't got a name for her.

My beautiful FT! She's so gorgeous!

The newbie! Any name suggestions? She looks rough now, but will shape up after some proper care. The pictures don't show her real well. She is actually a pretty light buff color.

FT again. I just love her.

Rhed! She sticks out like a sore thumb with the other two around.

critter crazy
12-11-2007, 01:59 PM
Awww....sorry to hear about Jolene!! How sad! But the new girl sure is pretty, and it is so awsome that she is a rescue!! Your birds look great!:D