View Full Version : Computers

12-09-2007, 10:30 PM
*sigh* Computer troubles, again.

I have a Dell Inspiron 1300 laptop. Two or three times already it just shut down and said something about over heating or a blocked vent. I was looking over my computer and noticed the fan doesn't seem to be running. Does that mean it's broken, or is there some setting I can go into to check and see that it's not working...or to set it to run again? Any ideas?

12-09-2007, 11:17 PM
YOW. Get the fan replaced - even buy one on your own, they should be pretty straightforward to install.

Your CPU or possibly HD will FRY otherwise, and then it will be REALLY expensive! I know, because this almost happened to me several years ago.

Try to find an aftermarket fan that will work at Radio Shack/The Source if you have one around. Dell parts are stupidly expensive. The manufacturer's part number is #MD538. There are some on eBay.

Here are a couple of links that might help- they're on the Dell Inspiron:


Check here also - the correct fan is there, just so you can get an idea on price: http://www.impactcomputers.com/dellparts-dell-laptops-dell-inspiron-1300-parts-internal-parts-and-assemblies.html

12-09-2007, 11:22 PM
If your laptop is still under warranty don't fiddle with it unless you know exactly what you're doing. Desktop fans are a heck of a lot easier to install than laptop fans.

12-09-2007, 11:25 PM
Yes...if it's under warranty, it's Dell's headache!

12-10-2007, 10:53 AM
It's not, unfortunatly. I'm backing up my computer onto my external harddrive just incase. I'll go look into a new fan today hopefully