View Full Version : Off leash walk Dec 7.....LOTS of pics....

12-08-2007, 09:38 PM
It was a really nice day out on Friday so I took all the dogs to the little off leash park at the end of my block. They were starting to have some cabin ever as I've been too lazy to walk them lately. (By they I mean Ramone, the shelties are as lazy as I am most days).

When we first get to the park I make them wait.




Run Mony Run!




Go Clipse Go!



12-08-2007, 09:40 PM
Ramone found a ball buried in the snow. He was very proud of it.


Look Em! I got a ball!!


Everybody down. Wait....


Okay!! (He forgot about his newly found treasure... it's buried in the snow again for some other dog to find.


And the race is on...


Emily waits to cut the boys off...


But Clipse swerves around her no problem...


If this pic doesn't tell you just how much Clipse loves to run then I don't know what will...



Everybody sit.


12-08-2007, 09:41 PM




Strange half sheltie half rottie creature....


Maybe if I flap my ears like Dumbo I can fly and catch Clipse...


Look mom! I'm gonna catch him!!!


Man he got by me again! Clipse is thinking "sucker..."


He went that way?


Now I see him...


C'mon Em we almost got him...


Everybody down.


12-08-2007, 09:43 PM




Nose dive! Clipse how do you make those tight turns?


Hehehe, I'll never tell....


Hey baby... you don't look like you're 11.



Frozen drool anyone??


Just swaying in the breeze...


What do you mean I have to wait here by myself? (This was the first time I attempted leaving him without the shelties there to help train him. It was a HUGE distraction for him and he did awesome!)


Okay Mony!!!!


12-08-2007, 09:43 PM
I see you going that way Clipse!


Almost got him.....


Well I'll get him next time...


Okay mom, I think I'm tired. And I have snowballs in my feet anyways, lets go home.


The end! Hope y'all enjoyed. Sorry for so many, but they just told the story of our walk. :)

12-08-2007, 10:32 PM
YAY! I'm always up late...lucky me! I get to be the 1st nightowl to see your beautiful, awesome pictures! I LOVED them! What FUN everyone had! LOVED the frozen drool pictures and the group sit shot! Wait! I LOVED them all!!! My bet..LONG naps when they got home!!!

critter crazy
12-08-2007, 11:01 PM
WOW!!!! As always Great Pics!!! I am such a sucker For Ramone!! What a gorgeous man he is!!!!! I would so steal him in a hearteat!!! The shelties are just too adorable for words!! And man can they run!!:D

12-08-2007, 11:15 PM
those are great! :D
this is my favorite of Clipse
I can't believe Em is 11 - how old is Clipse?
I'm so glad that Ramone has found a fabulous home with you- he looks grrreat! :D

12-09-2007, 12:15 AM
I loved the story and pictures.
What made me laugh was the Dumbo saying and when i saw the picture it made me laugh for quite awhile. Very cute

12-09-2007, 07:02 AM
You know I've always loved seeing pictures of the girls, but I REALLY enjoyed seeing Ramone! He looks like he had an awesome time. And all those action pictures really show his muscle tone. He looks great:D
I bet you knew I'd love the drool pictures;) We've had a few frozen ones around here lately too LOL!

Thanks so much for sharing these, they made my morning!

12-09-2007, 09:00 AM
Haha it reminds me of the game red light green light that we used to play as kids.


This is my favorite.

Cinder & Smoke
12-09-2007, 10:08 AM
I took all the dogs to the little off leash park at the end of my block.

When we first get to the park I make them wait.



Now, just HOW do you define the term "Little" off-leash dog park??? :confused:

Looks to me like the Kids are romping on MANY ACRES of very well mowed park land ...
Hardy what I'd call "Little"!! :p
WHAT is the purpose of that area?
Looks like it could be the area around a Water Reservoir??

Nice Job on the "Everybody SIT" and "Everybody WAIT" drills!

"WE" have to keep working on "HEY, Guys - STICK kinda 'close', please!"
(Translation: Within sight; unaided by binoculars.)


12-09-2007, 01:11 PM
Wow wish we had a park like that around here! Love the pics, they are all so gorgeous! But I must say I am a sucker for Ramone too :)

12-09-2007, 09:08 PM
Oooh, I could never pick a favorite; they all show a special part of these wonderful doggies, have a grand time. I can jsut hear them: ya HOO!! We can RUN!!

12-09-2007, 09:15 PM
Awww, what a cute trio! =) You always get the best running shots...

Ramone is looking like such a hunky, happy boy. The frozen drool pictures are hilarious! I love that you call him Mony. That is my favorite Billy Idol song. hehe

12-09-2007, 09:24 PM
Awwww, sweeties! It looks like you had masses of fun running at the park and playing in the snow! I like all the photos of the three of you!

12-10-2007, 08:53 AM
those are great! :D
I can't believe Em is 11 - how old is Clipse?

Most days I can't believe Em is 11 either. I've had her since she was 12 weeks old! :eek: :D

Clipse is 7. He will be 8 at the end of Feb. :)

You know I've always loved seeing pictures of the girls,

:eek: Anna! Clipse is a boy! (Don't worry I won't tell him you mistook his long flowing locks to be feminine.... ;) )

Now, just HOW do you define the term "Little" off-leash dog park??? :confused:

Looks to me like the Kids are romping on MANY ACRES of very well mowed park land ...
Hardy what I'd call "Little"!! :p
WHAT is the purpose of that area?
Looks like it could be the area around a Water Reservoir??

Pics can be decieving I guess. I am really bad at guessing distances, but I call the park little because we can walk from one end to the other and back again in 10 minutes. That is why we do the sit and wait and down and wait drills, so that the dogs get more exercise. The park is very long and narrow. It would take less than two minutes to walk across the width of it....

I guess the purpose of it is to act as a sound barrier between the 4 lanes of 80km/h traffic on the other side of the burm (the hill you can see in the left of the pic and the houses that you can't see but are to the right of the pic, (the right of the pic is the very edge of the park that has the little "fence" running alongside it). Other than that I can't really see a use for the park at all.... lol


Ginger's Mom
12-10-2007, 12:32 PM
I always love seeing your pictures. They look like they had a blast. Emily looks great for 11, and, as I have said many times before, Clipse is just too gorgeous. Ramone is definitely enjoying his new life, and seems to fit in very well.

Kelly C
12-10-2007, 12:51 PM
Those pics are great !! What great pups you have!!

12-10-2007, 01:41 PM
They are all so beautiful, and I love seeing them have such fun!
It's wonderful how well-behaved they are too! I hope one day to have my 3 young ones to be that well-behaved too! My childhood dog was absolutely perfect, I swear he knew every word I said to him. That was back when I had no other responsibilites taking up my time. Somewhere around 12 years of age, I'd say! Oh, for those days again!

12-10-2007, 03:06 PM
Those pics are great. Does Ramone ever catch Clipse? It appears that Clipse is just too nimble and quick for Ramone. :)

12-10-2007, 04:25 PM
Those pics are great. Does Ramone ever catch Clipse? It appears that Clipse is just too nimble and quick for Ramone. :)

Flat out in a straight line Ramone is faster than Clipse. But Clipse never runs in a straight line....lol So When Ramone catches up to Clipse, he just cuts the corner real sharp. By the time Ramone turns around Clipse is long gone... lol

12-10-2007, 05:31 PM
What fantastic photos.

Your gang is way too cute for words.

12-10-2007, 06:36 PM
I really enjoyed those. I love the one of the three of them that Alicia reposted. Those pictures are so cute. That last one is funny. :p