View Full Version : Sage

Miss Meow
08-10-2002, 11:48 PM
I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face, after reading your story. I don't know what's touched me so much, but I'm so glad you found a loving home away from the abuse you suffered.

Imagine if every single person was kind to themselves, other people, animals and the environment.

Have a happy COTD and a lovely life beautiful, wise Sage.

08-11-2002, 04:07 AM
Sweet Sage , I almost got a heartattack seeing your picture pop up as cat of the day ... ! You look so much like my dear Sydney , who passed away 3 weeks ago ...!
I am so happy for you that you have found such good humans !! They must love yous omuch to drive so far to get you . You must be a very special kitty !!!
Be even more happy today , dear Sage , as our cat of the day !!!

08-11-2002, 05:35 AM
Sage, I am very glad to hear that you found a wonderful home, and that your family loves you. You are a wonderful cat, and I don't see why anyone would want to abuse you. You are such a pretty kitty!! I love those eyes!!! Congradulations on Pet of the Day!!

08-11-2002, 08:39 AM
Sage, you are very beautiful and loving and delightful. It is a pleasure to look at you and to celebrate your specialness today. May you get lots of snugglies today as we celebrate YOU as our Cat of the Day!!!

08-11-2002, 09:19 AM
Beautiful Sage, I am so glad that your family found you and adopted you. I'm so sorry that you were in an abusive situation before but thank goodness now you have a wonderful forever home with a wonderful forever family. I love that photo of you, so regal. Congratulations dear, sweet Sage Our Very Best Cat of the Day.
Jackie, Miss Daisy and Perry

08-11-2002, 10:22 AM
How could ANYONE ever abuse an animal? It just breaks my heart. My hat is off to your humans for rescuing you and giving you the loving home with good care that you deserve.

And look where you are Sage - on the front page as our dear CAT OF THE DAY!

08-11-2002, 10:39 AM
Oh Sweet Sage Baby! Look at your beautiful, trusting eyes and pretty fur! I love your colorful bandana you wore for your photo! You are a precious little angel. My heart aches to think you had to go through even the slightest abuse. I am soooo glad there seem to be more good people in the world than bad, and that some WONDERFUL humans drove so far to be your parents! You only deserve the BEST, little one. I'm glad you still have trust in the good! You sound so fun to be around too! I'm very pleased to have met you this morning, and happy your precious face appears on a site that is the opposite of the unspeakable cruelty in this world. Enjoy Your Day Baby!!! Hugs and Kisses to you!!!! ;) :) ;)

08-11-2002, 10:49 AM
God bless you for your kindness to this very beautiful and loving kitty. It defies understanding how someone can harm God's special creatures which He placed in our care. We lost our 16 year-old Morris (Moe) to renal failure in May and the same illness took our six year-old Pookie just ten days ago. We love them and will miss them forever. They brought immeasurable joy and happiness into our lives with their friendship and faithfulness. Again, bless you for your kindness. Sage is gorgeous!

08-11-2002, 11:20 AM
I'm so happy someone rescued you from your rough start in life. You have a great day as today's Cat of the Day and may you enjoy many happy years together with your new family!:)

08-11-2002, 11:36 AM
Your story reminds me of my dog, Dixie. She was abused as a puppy and still shows some psychological scars even though she is now eight. But she loves to be hugged. She will actually grab my forearm gently to let me know she wants to be hugged! When she's had enough, she will let go! I'm so glad you were able to rescue Sage and give her all the love she needs. She is a beautiful cat.

08-11-2002, 11:54 AM
It is so heartwarming that there are people willing to go the extra mile (in your case many, many extra miles) to help an animal in need. Special people like you deserve a special cat like Sage. Many years of happiness to you all.:)

Lennie B.
08-11-2002, 12:23 PM
As I read your story, dear Sage, I was torn between rage towards the depraved people who abused you, and gratitude to the very special people who made room for you in their hearts and in their home. May you continue to enrich each others' lives for many years to come! ;)

08-11-2002, 01:11 PM
i like cats amd the are cute when they are little.I like cat but we dont have a cat because everyone in my family is alrgec.I love cats a lot.If i want to see a cat i can og to my friend house.:D :eek: **==

Cougie Wechsler
08-11-2002, 06:55 PM
Oh Sage, I can only echo what others have said about you! I am so happy that you now know the love of a family and will never have to remember your rough start in life! God Bless you sweetie.

08-13-2002, 03:58 AM
Originally posted by lailamara
It is so heartwarming that there are people willing to go the extra mile (in your case many, many extra miles) to help an animal in need. Special people like you deserve a special cat like Sage. Many years of happiness to you all.:)
This is so right!!!

08-18-2002, 11:44 AM
I was away from the computer last week and while reviewing Cat of the Day honorees, I just had to say hello to you, pretty Sage. Your story gives those of us who have had the opportunity of rescuing furrbabies like you a warm feeling of joy that you found the purrfect family to provide a loving home for you.

Bless you, sweet Sage...be happy, little one, and God bless your family for caring sooooo much! We need more of like them!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride