View Full Version : Doing a Transport today!! SAD UPDATE Post #25

12-08-2007, 07:40 AM
I'll be helping move a GSD from the Mercer Ohio county dog pound, and a litter of 12 week old puppies will be joining the transport in Mansfield, OH.

The final run sheet came with a picture of the GSD, I've attached it.
I'll be picking them up at 1:00 today. I have my camera with me, so I'll post pictures later!

12-08-2007, 07:43 AM
Bless you for doing that! By the looks of the cutie that you attached I am sure he will have a new home for the holidays! I am in awe of everyone who gets involved in transports. I know i would be a foster failure and feel pretty sure I'd be a transport failure. (They'd never reach their destination! :p )

12-08-2007, 10:36 AM
I'm with Pam on this one. I'd transport them right to my house. :)

Can't wait to see pics of the puppies. :)

12-08-2007, 11:23 AM
Fingers crossed everything goes smoothly.

12-08-2007, 02:48 PM
everytime i've done a transport, i've enjyoed it. be safe and well, may you find gas @$2.25/gal to refill. hugs joyce

12-08-2007, 03:54 PM
That's great that you can help these guys. What's your destination?
I'll be waiting for more pictures. Looks like the GSD can't wait to be sprung. :) Best of luck with your trip.

12-08-2007, 07:18 PM
Have fun! You're such an angel!

12-08-2007, 10:58 PM
hope you had nice weather for it.
looking forward to pics! :D

12-09-2007, 09:56 AM
OMG.... Holy CRAP were those puppies cute!!! Don't know how I handed all 4 of them over!!
There were 4 puppies all around 12 weeks old. 3 from the same litter, 2 Blank and tan males and a sable female. Then there was a white GSD around the same age. Regel (the picture I already posted) was a sweetheart!!!
He jumped in my blazer, laid down and never made a peep!!
The pups I put in a crate in the back and they played for a little while, then went to sleep. The 2 black and tan males looked pretty sick and their paper work said they had been exposed to kennel cough. :( They also looked to be loosing fur around their eyes. :eek: I made sure to clean up VERY good before letting Sierra and Bud near me. I disinfected the entire car too, doro handles, steering wheel... everything!!!!

I took TONS of pictures but... can't post them right now. (Sorry for the teaser!! :p )
I just wanted to let you all know that the transport went perfect and they made it to their foster homes last night in Buffalo, NY.

The rescue that took them in is Brightstar GSD rescue.
I'll post pictures later tonight or tomorrow.

Joyce, I was VERY lucky, instead of driving the 1 1/2 I was supposed to, the guy bringing them to me drove further than he needed to, so I only ended up driving them for about 45 mins!!

12-09-2007, 10:47 AM
I am so glad everything went well on your trip. I'll be checking back for the pictures. :)

Sorry, but I went ahead & looked up this GSD rescue group. Wow, I could
spend hours at this site just looking at these beauties. :)


12-10-2007, 09:20 AM
Here's the link to the album! I took TONS of pictures!

Here's Regal... he was SUCH a sweetheart!! he was not all GSD, I think he had a little chow in him. His eyes and his tail gives him away!

Enjoying the snow before I handed him off to the next person!

Now for the puppies!
You can see the blank and tan in the front of the crate looks sick, he looked the worst. :(

The only little girl! Sable?? GSD mix??


All 4 ready to get out after our road trip.

The guy that picked them up from me had an x-pen so in they went!

Lori Jordan
12-10-2007, 10:02 AM
Great Pictures,Those puppies sure are adorable.I would of had a hard time handing them over too.

Regal is a stunning dog too.

4 Dog Mother
12-10-2007, 10:06 AM
Oh Angie, you are an angel for doing this. The puppies are so cute! I someday would love to have a white GSD but it probably will never happen. I think I might be a failure too. Amy has done some transports and I don't know how she turned the pups over to others.

Ginger's Mom
12-10-2007, 12:53 PM
Aww, how sweet. It is so great that you and others like you are able to give these pups the new start that they need. That female pup is gorgeous.

critter crazy
12-10-2007, 12:55 PM
Awwww...that is just awsome!! I commend you for doing such an awsome deed! all those dogs are just adorable!!! I dont know how you do it!! I would have turned around and headed for home with all of them!:D

12-10-2007, 01:09 PM
Very cute.

Glad that everything went well with the transfer.

12-10-2007, 01:24 PM
You are such a sweetheart to transport these beautiful babies! They are all just gorgeous! Poor widdle pup that doesn't feel well, so sad looking! Thanks to you though, they will all get feeling better and wonderful, loving homes!!!


12-11-2007, 07:08 AM
Thank you all for the posts!
I love doing it, I love knowing that I'm helping.
I know I can't save them all... but I sure can try! :p

12-11-2007, 07:10 AM
Angie, don't know how you did it - I'd have turned right around & taken all those cuties home! (Come on now, you know you wanted to!) Good on ya!

12-11-2007, 08:05 AM
Angie I've been waiting for these pictures and am so glad to see them this morning!
They're all darling, even the little sick boy. I hope they all find a loving forever home.

Thanks so much for doing this for them!

12-11-2007, 06:22 PM
So cute! How did you ever let them go? I used to transport a few years ago. I miss it. It is a great feeling, isn't it?

12-12-2007, 09:15 AM
I still ask myself how I didn't accidently leave one in my car! ;)
Yes Val, it feels GREAT helping those that need help!

I might be doing another this weekend with 4 adult females.
I just know now how it's going to work out because I don't have room in my car to seperate them if some of them don't get along. :(

Cinder & Smoke
12-12-2007, 05:34 PM
Yes Val, it feels GREAT helping those that need help!

I just know now how it's going to work out because I don't have room in my car
to seperate them if some of them don't get along. :(

*Wing It*!! ;)

Reminds me of a transport a couple years ago - two Sorta-Shepherds who were
advertised as BEST BUDDIES and good, quiet, travelers.
(No crates provided - heck - they forgot to pack their LEASHES, too!)

I took over from the Sunday lead-off driver, who pulled in and started removing the
Mutts from SEPERATE Crates - one in the center and one in the back of her VAN.

"Where's your *Stuff* she asked - they got no Leashes!
And KEEP 'em APART - they tried to KILL each other this morning!"

Oh, GREAT! ... I gotz a 4-door CAR with ONE back seat ...
We gonna draw straws for who rides in the TRUNK?

I mentioned the Transport Sheet mentioned "Best Buddies" & "good travelers" ...

"You must be new ... ya don't believe a WORD of that junk the co-ordinators send out!
Good luck - I gotta run ... here's their papers ... hurry up with that second leash!"

I told 'em both they were gonna Get Along and LIKE IT - or else!
We got underway and 5 minutes later the ***Grrrrin*** started! :eek:
I pulled over and reached back to hold both collars for a firm *SHAKE*
and the loudest KNOCK IT OFF or GET OUT!! they'd ever heard ...

They curled up side-by-side and munched Bisquits for the next hour!

Good Luck, Angie!! :D

12-13-2007, 07:44 AM
Thanks Phred.
I know I could just try to wing it, but with 4 female GSD's, all over 75 pounds riding loose in the back of my blazer. Ehh... I don't think that's a chance I want to take. A LOT can go wrong there.

I'll just have to wait and see if someone picks up the leg I'd be able to do.

12-18-2007, 12:26 PM
I just received the following e-mail from the transport coordinator:

I just wanted to thank everyone for helping with the transport last weekend.
I thought I should let you know the following ASAP.

One of the 4 pups tested + for parvo and kennel cough yesterday and passed away last night. The one that passed away was Trapper (White) pup.

The other three are hanging in there. Rachel is bouncing back and is now eating and drinking. Leon & TinTin so far have not shown any signs and have been very active, eating and drinking like little piggies.
Once again thank you and sorry to have to give you such bad news so close to the holiday's.

I'm so shocked... he by far seemed to be the healthiest of them all.
I'm so sad... and shocked... :(

RIP Trapper. :(

I transported the pups in Serra's crate and disinfected it several times before bringing it in my house. Actually, it's still folded up in the basement, she hasn't even been in it since. Both of my pups are UPD on shots as well.

12-18-2007, 12:38 PM
I am so sorry. Poor little guy. But he is all healthy now at the Rainbow Bridge and I am sure he is forever greatful for all the lovely people such as yourself that tried to help him. Rest in peace sweet little Trapper.

Cinder & Smoke
12-18-2007, 01:11 PM
The 2 black and tan males looked pretty sick and their paper work said they had been exposed to kennel cough. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif They also looked to be loosing fur around their eyes. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif I made sure to clean up VERY good before letting Sierra and Bud near me. I disinfected the entire car too, door handles, steering wheel... everything!!

I thought I should let you know the following ASAP.

One of the 4 pups tested + for parvo and kennel cough yesterday
and passed away last night.

The other three are hanging in there.

RIP Trapper. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif


I transported the pups in Serra's crate
and disinfected it several times before bringing it in my house.
Actually, it's still folded up in the basement, she hasn't even been in it since.
Both of my pups are UPD on shots as well.


What happened to "Truth in Transporting"??

Were these Pups "advertised" as being "In Good Health" and "Vet Checked"??

Coordinators do a great disservice to ALL of us involved in Rescue and Transporting when
they gloss over the true facts and health condition of the animals they're trying to "move".

After hearing a few Tails such as this one ... I find myself thinking of more reasons why
I "can't" help out with a transport.
The health of MY FurKids has got to be considered before I allow "their" Bus and "their DAD"
to be contaminated with possibly deadly vermin that might fester for months before
being discovered and diagnosed.

Here's HOPING that Buddy and Sierra suffer no ill effects, and the other Pups all survive.

/s/ http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif Phred

Ginger's Mom
12-18-2007, 01:21 PM
I am sorry to hear that he was a beautiful pup. Heaven has a little white angel just in time to help with Christmas.

My first thought when I read the e-mail was, oh no, what about the dogs and pups of the people who so selflessly provided their time and energy to transporting these pups. I am glad to hear that none of your pups has had any contact with the crate (and I assume they haven't been in your car either?).
RIP Trapper

12-18-2007, 01:30 PM
Heaven has a little white angel just in time to help with Christmas.

OMG that is so true!! :( LES.

Phred - That’s the chance I take when I offer to do a leg of a transport, especially when I know some of the dogs I offer to move have been pulled from a kill shelter or county pound.
I take the necessary precautions to keep my pups safe while also helping homeless dogs to a better future.
The pups had been pulled the day the transport started, so no one knew much about them. The paper work with the pups stated that they had been exposed to kennel cough.

12-18-2007, 04:07 PM
That's so sad for the white pup. I thought, from the other pictures,
that he seemed alert & everything. The little dog that appears in the
front of the cage seemed like he didn't feel good. Most dogs pass so
quickly through the transport, it might be hard to judge, unless it was
really obvious.

12-19-2007, 11:35 AM
Liz, you're right. To me, he appeared to be the healthiest by FAR!

I'm still in shock!