View Full Version : Sticking Up for the Underdog Local Women Saves Dog & Is going to Trial

12-07-2007, 03:48 PM
Sticking Up for the Underdog

December 6, 2007 : 12:20 PM
Demonstration scheduled next week to support Tammy Grimes at her trial.

By Jennifer Hayes, Best Friends Staff

The trial of Tammy Grimes, Founder of Dogs Deserve Better, is set to begin on Wednesday, December 12. She stands accused of theft and receiving stolen property after she had rescued an elderly dog named Doogie on September 11, 2006 in East Freedom, Pennsylvania. He had been reported to have been unable to stand up for three days, while chained outside. When the local humane society did not act, Grimes removed Doogie from the yard to be seen by a veterinarian. That evening, when she refused to return Doogie to certain death on a chain, she was arrested.

Though offered a plea bargain if she returned Doogie, she instead chose to go to trial. Doogie spent his remaining days being loved and cared for by a foster family until he crossed peacefully approximately six months later.

By taking Tammy Grimes’ case to trial, Terri Nelson-Bunge, State College Representative of Dogs Deserves Better says, “It is our hope that this will set a precedence that dogs are not our property, but part of our family that we are obligated to take care of.” She feels it is hypocritical for Michael Vick to be charged with cruelty to animals and be subject to jail time and fines, yet Blair County officials are attempting to penalize Grimes in much the same way for trying to save a life. It is their organization’s desire that this case can help bring about change for how people should be expected to care for their companion animals.

Grimes has remained strong throughout and now she needs our support once again. Please back her perseverance by attending the demonstration outside the courthouse during her trial. Two prior rallies on her behalf have had significant attendance. While this one is likely to be cold, Nelson-Bunge made the plea, “Don’t let the weather deter you, because it’s very little to ask compared to the weather that chained dogs are forced to endure 24/7.”

How you can help:
• A demonstration is being held at 8:00 AM on December 12, 13 & 14th on the steps of the main entrance of the Blair County Courthouse, located at 423 Allegheny St. in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania. The trial starts at 9:00 AM and attendees are asked to take turns between demonstrating outside and watching the proceedings. Signs will be provided; however, participants are encouraged to make their own posters showing support.
• Please take a moment to write a letter to the judge in this case to endorse Tammy Grimes’ life saving actions. While this is an emotional issue, it is very important that all correspondence be professional and written in a positive way.

Judge Elizabeth Doyle
Blair County Courthouse
423 Allegheny St.
Hollidaysburg, PA 16648-2022

• Donate to Dogs Deserve Better to help them in their efforts to help free chained dogs.