View Full Version : What crazy things do your dogs eat??

critter crazy
12-06-2007, 09:22 PM
Well tonight I was preparing my breakfast to take to work in the morning. Which consists of peeling a Large grapefruit. Well while I was doing this, I dropped a piece on the ground. Well Brutus ran over and gobbled it up!! Then sat and begged for more!!:eek:

I have never seen a dog eat a grapefruit before!! Heck I know tons of people who wont even eat them!!;)

So what crazy things have your dogs eaten??

12-06-2007, 09:34 PM
My dogs have never tried a grapefruit, as I don't like them so we don't have any. However its very likely that Keva would eat it. She eats pickles! Honestly I've never found anything she won't eat. It doesn't even have to be edible most of the time! Her favorite "snack" is horse poop *gags*...people ride horses on the road we walk on so I have to watch out so she won't get any. :rolleyes: When I take her to work (grooming salon) she tries to eat the dog fur and the clipped nails! She's a little um odd...:o

Nebo loves food and will eat almost any kind except chips (unless they are cheese flavored, cheese is is favorite food). Syd will eat most food too. There have been some vegetables they've spit out, I can't remember which ones, they all like lettuce and carrots though.

12-06-2007, 10:10 PM
The only people food I've given Zoee is carrots and peanut butter.
However, she sits under the place where Bruce eats and then cleans the floor for him, because he must be a sloppy eater. So I think it's safe to say she'd eat about anything. :)

12-06-2007, 10:17 PM
Dasher loves watermellon. And today, he snatched a piece of shrimp that had fallen to the floor before I could clean it up. He's always on patrol in the kitchen.

finn's mom
12-06-2007, 11:18 PM
Freckles is very picky and will hardly eat anything unless it's her dog food. I'm sure she'd eat cooked meat readily, but don't know about raw. Finn is not picky at all, and Dudley is even less so. I put a ten pound pumpkin, uncut, in the backyard, and within a minute, Finn had it busted open and they were all eating the innards. ;) It was great messy fun.

Finn and Dudley will both eat grapefruit, peel and all. Finn has eaten avocados (although I get conflicting stories on whether they are safe) before too. He eats cranberries like candy if I have them. And, loves to nosh on papaya. :) He's a healthier eater than I!

Oh and the occasional mishap, too...like latex gloves, a disposable razor once, a tube of ointment, flip flops, etc. :) It's been an exciting four years!

Daisy and Delilah
12-07-2007, 07:16 AM
Delilah doesn't like fruit at all but Daisy loves any kind. If I give them a piece of any fruit, Daisy eats hers and grabs Delilah's when she drops it.
Delilah's middle name is "Peanuts" and I know why. She had that name when I got her but you can bring out a can of nuts and she goes berserk. Delilah will also eat celery and cauliflower and Daisy walks the other way.

Delilah is a plant stripper so I have to really watch her. Anything green and she's trying to chew it. :confused:

12-07-2007, 07:19 AM
Grapefruit... who would have thought! :p
Yikes Finn.. .lets just stick with eating food.. ok? :D
Keva eats Pickles? LOL! That's too funny!

Both of mine are picky. They've both spit out every piece of fruit and veggy I've ever offered to them. I mix in a little leftovers from our dinner in their food a few times a week and if a veggie happens to get in their bowl, they'll spit it out. :rolleyes: Once I mixed mashed sweet potaotes in their bowls and neither of them would touch the food. I had to throw it out and mix up new bowls of food. :o
One of them once stole a plate of Chocolate chip cookies off the counter and took the plate into the living room. They ate the cookies, but spit out the chocolate chips!! So by the time I came home, I had chocolate chips, covered in dog slobber, smooshed into my carpeting!! :mad:

One thing I'll never forget is watching Kimmy's Chipper GULP down watermelon rines at a bark park meeting!! :eek:

Edit: Seeing Anna's post reminded me of Sierra's rabbit eating habit. :o

12-07-2007, 07:23 AM
I don't know if this would necessarily be crazy, but Huney and Roxey will catch mice and eat them :eek:
Roxey also like the colored peppers, not green ones...just the colored ones.

Oh yeah, Huney likes to eat those big fat green tomato worms...ewwwww!!!

12-07-2007, 04:51 PM
Both of mine eat everything, even broccoli. Bugs are a real delicacy in the minds of my dogs. Especially anything that puts up a fight and bites back first.

There is one thing I forgot; Autumn won't eat liver, not raw not cooked.

12-07-2007, 08:13 PM
I havent had any of our three ever turn down ANYTHING.
Lets see.. They all rush to my side when I get out potatoes.. and start peeling them. They always want some peels. Lettuce, carrots, zucchini, even a piece of onion, RAW! I kind of expect that from B and Z, as they're rescues so food is their centers of attentions, but when Eli scooped up that onion piece.. I was shocked. He used to be picky.. he always takes whatever he gets and walking into the living room, on the carpet, lays down and slowly eats it. Guess he doesnt like the hardwood in the kitchen.

I've -- sadly -- seen Bluv go for the #2 in the backyard... I always get after her for that though.. SO GROSS. Bugs are a hot commodity in our house as well.

And last but not least.. Kleenex! TP will suffice but Kleenexes are top choice.

12-08-2007, 12:41 AM
Yup - some Pet Talkers thought I was crazy when I asked if their dog wanted my watermelon rind at the dog park. Many had never even heard of dogs liking them ... and it was about 50/50. Some dogs feigned interest until the realized what it was then left it on the floor, others just wolfed them down like they were meat! A good example pair - Cinder and Smokey. Smokey scarfed his down, Cinder just gave hers a cursory nibble and set it down.

12-08-2007, 07:58 AM
even a piece of onion, RAW!

Just as an F.Y.I. - onions are not good for dogs.
I'm sure a little piece is not going to hurt a med/large sized dog, but just wanted to let you know about the dangers.

Cinder & Smoke
12-08-2007, 09:38 AM
When I asked if their dog wanted my watermelon rind at the dog park.

Smokey scarfed his down,
Cinder just gave hers a cursory nibble and set it down.


Smokey's attitude has always been: "Eat IT first, before it eats me; THEN ask questions."

Smoke was the first to endorse Cucumber Skins ... I'd been throwing them in the garbage every
time I sliced one for a salad. Clipp & Clopp thought I was choppin CARROTS - an approved Yummie;
so they were always underfoot. "HERE, I said - Have a Green Carrot!"

Smoke dashed out under the dining room table and spent a minute mouthing the C Skin and
then finally munching it into mush before he gulped it down and ran back for a second try.
Cinder mouthed hers a bit and *PA-Tooie'd* it onto the floor.
Smoke grabbed it and *gulped* it down, then begged for more.
After Smoke inhaled another 4 or 5 skins; Cinder reached out with her paw to ask for another ...
A minute of mouthing and gnawing and she swallowed it ... OK, gimmie more!

I don't think there's ANYthing that I'll eat that they won't.
(NOTE: The reverse is NOT true - I'll pass on Bugs and Horse Poop!)

12-08-2007, 10:14 AM
Just as an F.Y.I. - onions are not good for dogs.
I'm sure a little piece is not going to hurt a med/large sized dog, but just wanted to let you know about the dangers.

It fell of the counter while I was cutting it. Eli was so quick to get it, I was shocked. I dont feed them onions.. thanks tho.

12-08-2007, 11:21 AM
Mine will eat anything and everything.

Bella is a carrot and orange freak! She loves them and literally squeals with excitement when she sees it.

Jackie is starting to get used to the strange food, she doesn't seem to like many fruit or vegetables, but eats them just so the others wont. It is pretty funny to watch her gag down a piece of cucumber just to spite the others!

12-08-2007, 04:12 PM
Maggie loves fruit. Watermelon,cantalope & oranges.Smokey would
rather have Ritz crackers. :)

finn's mom
12-09-2007, 08:54 PM
Well, let's add an almost full bag of cough drops to Finn's repertoire. I left my kitchen cabinet open a couple days ago, and not only did he eat a bag of chips, but he also ate an entire bag of flour tortillas. The dog has an iron stomach. The only thing that has ever really upset his stomach is cheap dog food. :rolleyes:

critter crazy
12-09-2007, 08:56 PM
God I am so glad I started this thread!!! I am glad I am not alone!!:D

12-10-2007, 09:03 AM
alex will (and has eaten ) almost anything, olives get a roll around in the mouth, then patooie! peanut is more selective, but in watching her brofur, she'll try more. watermelon rinds are treats in summer.

08-10-2012, 08:37 PM
YEAH!!! It's a GROSS PHOTO!!! I KNOW!!!.....I found this on the floor in the indoor patio yesterday. It SURPRISED ME at first glance! I thought it was a SNAKE! One of the dogs pooped this out. WHO EVER it was, is LUCKY it didn't get STUCK in their intestines! I investigated it further! WITH PLASTIC GLOVES!!! GROSS!!! And....amazing at the same time. It was a kitchen Dish Rag! I'm assuming my cat Chance, the cat I've caught on video and posted on YouTube, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGAoU13AXD8, bringing things to the living room at night, brought this and dropped it on the floor, where one of the dogs picked it up and ATE IT!!! EWWW! I JUST watch a video from the show 20/20 on what strange things dog eat! This IS NOT THE WORST thing! It CAN be VERY DANGEROUS for them. I'm thinking its my HYPER Border Collie, Ginger. I've found things she must have thrown up or pooped out in the past. Like, socks, kitchen towels, chew up toys...ALWAYS something interesting at my house. LOL!https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/599830_3568654579427_2034714687_n.jpg