View Full Version : Thursday - #241 - Richard needs tips

12-06-2007, 11:07 AM
Well, there are probably a lot of tips that Richard needs - but this time I mean money - hard cold cash...............I think Richard and his brother are in the clinker for trying to escape the toll booth gremlin.

So the large jar on the end of the bar is for your spare change or whatever you can afford - guess we will need to bail them out.

I have a pot of coffee brewing - tea kettle on to make some tea - and I would love some help making breakfast.

Aw, Mario and little orange kitty - thanks.................

12-06-2007, 12:00 PM
I'll empty out my penny drawer here at work to toss in. Let's see, it's a whopping $1.40 he needs right? Shouldn't take us too terribly long to raise it. Certainly by this weekend. Then they can be out of the pokey in time for whatever games are on. I'll give you a hand with breakfast Gini, * clap clap clap * :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
12-06-2007, 12:24 PM
A few days in the clink will be no problem to Richard - he has been in the L&F ...

The girls have emptied their piggy banks and given me a few pennies for the fund. I have a lovely collection of quarters from lots of the states that Richard gave me, but I really like it, and I'd rather hang on to it. :p

You OK in there for a few more days, Richard?

12-06-2007, 12:35 PM
Gee I hope the Edster can fend for himself if Richard is in the clink!!! Can Edster use a can opener? ;)

I'm out of change. I mailed Christmas packages today. Here is a dime from the cats though. They say it's a tip for all the catnip tea they've had this year. :D

Hot chocolate for me with lots of marshmallows. It's freezing rain outside and the weatherman keeps saying we are in for a major winter ice storm on Sunday. Gosh, I'm praying he is wrong!!! :(

12-06-2007, 12:39 PM
See Richard in just a blink of the eye - we already have .15 cents in the jar for you. Just a couple more days and I bet we can break .50 cents.........:D :D

12-06-2007, 01:25 PM
clink clink clink clink. not there's $1.50 :)

12-06-2007, 01:47 PM
klunk, klunk, klunk, klunk, klunk, klunk
There you go Richard...some Real Canadian Toonies and Loonies. That should help a bit. Now there is $7.50 in the jar.

So I wonder what Richard looks like in stipes??? I wouldn't worry about the Edster. He'll just make his way over to "Grandma's" place and settle in front of the fire.

Oh breakfast, I could use a nice plate of scrambled eggs, hash browns and bacon.

Momo, please keep yourself warm. Don't want you getting that nasty cold back again.

**hi everyone** I'll be back later in the day.

12-06-2007, 01:54 PM
Here's another quarter I think we have more than enuff now :cool:

12-06-2007, 01:59 PM
Be careful about those scrambled eggs Slick (speaking of loonie toonie hee hee), we wouldn't want them to wiggle, and we will leave the "shrooms" out of the eggs - they squeek ~ right Gini ;) oh HI RED!!! By the way, when I left for work this morning it was 25 degrees and we had 3 inches of snow.

12-06-2007, 08:03 PM
High 50's and raining here. Mitzi and I are staying in. Homemade curry burgers in the pan, tucking in to watch Ugly Betty and Grey's Anatomy tonight. I've been gifted by the girls on MakeupAlley.com - I feel SO blessed right now - warm and dry. MMMMMMMMMM

12-06-2007, 08:20 PM
deposits Honest Abe Illinois state quarter into piggybank
Here ya go, this will get us to an even eight bucks
Is there any coffee left?

12-06-2007, 08:23 PM
Oh Red, thanks for reminding me. Gotta be home by 8pm tonight. Not sure what I'm having for dinner but I don't care. My housecleaner was in today so I get to go home to a sparkling house.
After we got hit with the big snowstorm last weekend, the snow is all gone, the temps have dropped and our weather now is bright and sunny but oh so cold. Brrrrr!

I'll take a Spanish Coffee and do the same as Red....snuggle in the couch and watch some great TV.

Thanks for the breakie Gini, and Laurie, those eggs did jiggle!!!! :D

12-07-2007, 12:40 AM
Awww Richard - just look at that - in the blink (or is it clink) of an eye, we already have $8.00 whole dollars.....................well it is Christmas and everyone is feeling very generous.

I want to give the proper credit to ZippieKat for her comment about mushy rooms..........she is the one who said she didn't like them because they squeek when you eat them.:D

I think I would like a lemon drop - just a good fresh tasting drink to lull me to sleep. (or knock me out - not sure which).

12-07-2007, 12:24 PM
You all may need to come dig me out soon. Word is we are still in for a major ice storm starting tomorrow and continuing through Tuesday. :eek:

Please keep paws and fingers crossed and add a few prayers that our power stays on or I will be one frozen gal!!! :(

I need some more hot chocolate with lots of "mallow" now!!! ;) :)

12-07-2007, 01:23 PM
Oh Momo, please stay indoors and wrap up. Maybe flop another furry on the bed to keep warm, eh? I'm sure by now there must be a big vat of hot chocolate on the stove. Here I brought you some mini-mallows. No Mario, you can't stuff them up your nose!!!!:eek:

Just a little ooops for you to laugh at. It's phunny how PT creeps into every part of our lives. I sent out an email last week and used the word "phun" instead of "fun". I got a reply back that perhaps I should use spell-check. :D Thank goodness the email went to someone with a good sense of humour. I didn't even bother to try and justify the spelling or explain where it came from.

One spanish coffee to go please. Gotta get back to w-u-r-k.

12-08-2007, 12:39 PM
I have a pot of homemade veggie soup simmering on the stove if anyone wants some.

Cold and windy here. Been raining and misting all morning but not freezing on the streets yet. The grass is starting to freeze though. We are under a freezing rain advisory tonight and winter storm watch until Tuesday. Bah Humbug!!!

David watch out, I think they said this mess is heading your way soon!!!

12-08-2007, 04:56 PM
I have a pot of homemade veggie soup simmering on the stove if anyone wants some.

Cold and windy here. Been raining and misting all morning but not freezing on the streets yet. The grass is starting to freeze though. We are under a freezing rain advisory tonight and winter storm watch until Tuesday. Bah Humbug!!!

David watch out, I think they said this mess is heading your way soon!!!
Moff, a big bowl of veggie soup will hit the spot about now! Yes, tomorrow we get the freezing rain coming from Kansas! Moff, me and my crew will definitely watch out!

12-08-2007, 05:06 PM
We are now under an ice storm warning! :eek:
The weather channel posted earlier that we would get about a tenth of an ince tonight but by Tuesday, a half inch to an inch or over. That much ice brings tree limbs and power lines down. :(

David, watch Mario. He's trying to put his spoon in your soup!!! :D

12-08-2007, 05:23 PM
mmmm that veggie soup smells good. :) I also have a big pot of chili
to share. I love warm meals on a cold drizzly day. We're supposed to get
an icy mess tonight through the morning hours.

12-11-2007, 10:24 AM
Pretty quiet in here isn't it??? That tip jar looks empty. Here Richard....

clink clink clink clink
A few more coins to help you through.

It's cold and the forecast is calling for more snow or mixed rain/snow later on this afternoon. Should make my drive home interesting.

Any chance I could get a spanish coffee to start??? Oh Mario, you look so cute with that tinsel hanging out of you diaper......:eek: :D

12-11-2007, 10:41 AM
I'm familiar with Green Tea but Spinach Coffee :confused: :eek: Oh, SPANISH COFFEE :o * nevermind * :p ;) Do cal-ee-for-nee-ah POlice take Canadian coins? Guess we'll find out. HI SLICK!!!!

12-12-2007, 12:51 PM
Is the bartender still in the hooscow? :eek:

I'd hate to see how long he'd be in for a serious crime, like running a stop sign!!! :eek: :eek:

Killearn Kitties
12-12-2007, 02:05 PM
Do you think we should organise a jailbreak??? Anybody got some dynamite?

12-12-2007, 02:13 PM
We'll bake a cake with youknowwhatinit and send to him - if he works hard on it, he should be out in a couple of weeks! :D

12-12-2007, 02:50 PM
He's probably embarrassed because the prison stripes make him look fat :rolleyes: