View Full Version : Spamming with pics and question about colds?

08-10-2002, 04:47 PM

Isn't he just precious? And I think new little Gigi is getting used to him also. I was miffed that I had to go to work this morning, because it looked like they were playing. Anyway, you can see Scout's lazy eye in the top pic...but other than that...doesn't he have gorgeous eyes? And what kitty doesn't look cute stretched out asleep? And of course, I was at Petsmart and saw the cat posts and impulsively decided that he needed another one. Thank goodness he likes to use it. He hasn't gone near my sofa with his claws in days. And the last pic...I was trying to get some work done on my laptop one night and what does Scout do?!! He crawls onto my lap, rolls over onto his back and just stares at me with the look on his face that says "You know I'm cute and irrisitable...don't you want to play with me and lavish attention on me instead of that computer!" So of course I stopped what I was doing.

For my question...can cats get colds? Scout has been sneezing a lot last night and this morning. I counted at least 6 sneezes last night all in the matter of a couple hours. He otherwise seems fine, no runny nose or eyes, eats fine, poops have been a little soft but I attributed that to changing his diet a little by giving him some of baby Gigi's wet kitten food. Do you think he has a cold? I've had a slight cold this past week. I don't think I could have given it to him because I thought I heard that the rhinovirus(sp?) which causes colds was species specific. Should I be doing anything for him or giving him something for it? Any thoughts?

08-10-2002, 05:23 PM
Scout is adorable and I think his lazy eye gives him character! How can Gigi not fall in love with him!
I'm almost sure you can't get a cold from a cat or give them one. I think a kitty cold is actually an Upper respritory infection. I would just watch him and if it continues, take him to the vet. When I first got my kids, they both had URI and DELIGHTED in coming up to me laying in bed and sneezing in my face. Nothing like kitty snot in the morning!

Calvin & Hobbes mom

08-10-2002, 05:33 PM
kitten 645 beat me to it, I was going to say its probably a URI too! Did you get him from a shelter or has he been around other cats likes strays before you got him? I know you just added Gigi to your household too, hopefully she won't get it too. Kittens do get sick more often than older cats who have been immunized, has he been to the vets yet for shots? I would call his vet anyway to check if you need to do anything to make him more comfortable at least.

08-10-2002, 05:36 PM
Yeah, if it gets worse bring him to the vet, but I think it will pass soon, but if it dosen't you know what to do!:D

You have an absolute beautiful baby! I adore him! He sure is handsome!
Good Luck!

Miss Meow
08-10-2002, 05:40 PM
He's such a beautiful baby - and I love your new scratching post too! Jasmine had two bouts of flu when she came home, even though she had her injections - her immune system was still developing, so it might be a URI like previously mentioned.

08-11-2002, 03:48 PM
Scout is so adorable. Like the others have posted already he may be developing an URI. He may also be allergic too. Sometimes my cats sneeze from allergies. I'd watch him and if he's still sneezing a lot I'd take him to the vet. If he has an URI then Gigi will probably get sick too. Good luck.

08-11-2002, 05:16 PM
Thanks everyone. I was thinking URI to. He seems to be doing better, sneezing much less...and his eyes and nose are still clear, nothing runny. He's had his first set of shots already, he goes back in another week for the next set. I'm still watching him closely and will take him to the vet if I notice him getting worse. Now I'm wondering if it was something I sprayed while I was cleaning...he's so bad, as much as I try to keep him out of the room I'm cleaning by putting up some kind of barrier etc..he still manages to get in to see what I'm doing. I've even tried to keep him in the bathroom while I wait for what I've cleaned to dry, but then me and my neighbors are treated to his persistant loud yowling. Little brat!

08-12-2002, 12:32 AM
Scout is so adorable!!!!! How old is he? Such a cute kitten! :D

08-12-2002, 06:47 AM
Pft, how can posting pics of such an adorable lil kitty ever be considered "spamming"? ;)

08-12-2002, 08:46 AM
Scout is such a cutie piehttp://www.plauder-smilies.de/tongue3.gifI hope that he gets better soon!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-12-2002, 01:29 PM
Scout is sooo adorable. He sure has made himself quite at home. :)

08-12-2002, 04:23 PM
He is such a cutie!!! I know it isn't fun, but kittens have the cutest sneezes! Basil has been sneezing a little bit too.

Any more pictures? His little face melts my heart!