View Full Version : Now don't I feel stupid?

12-05-2007, 09:25 PM
I was scheduled to work the morning shift today. I had no idea and came to work at 12:30 for the evening shift. Ummmm.... how stupid can I be? To my defense, I NEVER EVER open the store on a Wednesday. Still, I had my schedule and highlighted the shifts I was working. DUH!

Thank goodness I work for a cool place and nobody cared, in fact we all had a good laugh at me :o

12-05-2007, 10:12 PM
Don't ya LOVE when that happens!!! I've done that many times. It's called AGE.

12-06-2007, 11:08 AM
Oh Kim, that sounds like something I would do, lately!! Last week I was scheduled for Physical Therapy and had it in my mind that it was on Thursday. Even had it on my calendar. Guess what? It was Tuesday, so I had missed my appointment! I called, got it rescheduled for Monday of this week, got to my appointment, and scheduled the next two weeks appointments then. Put them in my calendar and dumbell that I am, I went yesterday morning, bright and early for my 7:30 am appt only to find that my appointment was scheduled for today!!! :p So don't you feel one bit bad! You aren't the only one!!!!

12-06-2007, 11:22 AM
I am starting to become a walking advertisement for stickies! I need a sticky to remind me of everything lately.

I make reminder notes - and then I misplace the reminder note.................
getting older is just a barrel of monkeys!

Cinder & Smoke
12-06-2007, 12:12 PM
I need a sticky to remind me of everything lately.

I make reminder notes - and then I misplace the reminder note ...

Or ~~~ You don't READ the note and just tell yourself "I KNOW what it's reminding me of."
An hour after the *event* has happened - you "check" what that note you carried around
for two weeks SAYS ... "Oh KRAP! I was supposed to ________." :mad: :rolleyes:

I've regressed to posting THIRD-Level stickies ...
* 1st Alert on the puter tower; moves to the monitor at the two-week point.
* 2nd Level sticky goes up on the puter/den room door frame at 7 days out.
* 3rd Level Alert goes on the inside of the bathroom door jamb at 2 days out.

I was almost late for yesterday's 1:00 PM Doc appointment ...
At about 11:30 AM --- after the fourth reading of the WEDNESDAY reminder in the baffroom ...
"What DAY's today???? :eek: Oh KRAP --- that's TODAY!!" :rolleyes:

I need a Talking Calendar with hourly updates - that CAN'T be turned off!

12-06-2007, 01:43 PM
Gosh, I can relate! :rolleyes: I'm in the habit of making notes in my computer calendar, it'll pop up the day before (you can set it as you please). You can even have it pop up several times, and you can have a sound alert etc.

Then, when the reminder pops up, I go and take my Mayland calendar - where I've written it, open it and put it where I'd put my cereal in the morning! ;)

There are quite a few of these calendars you can download for free. Try one! :)

12-06-2007, 04:11 PM
Whew!!! I'm so glad I'm not the only one!